Science folder

invintors (must see!)

By s40949
  • samuel morse is born

    samuel morse is born
    he was born on april 27 1791
  • samuel morse invinted the morse code

    samuel morse invinted the morse code
    he invited the morse code
  • alexander graham bell is born

    alexander graham bell is born
    he is born on march the 3rd of 1847
  • henry fords birthday

    henry fords birthday
    he was born 1863
  • samuel morse's death date

    samuel morse's death date
    he died 25 days before his 81rst birthday
  • robert goddard was born

    robert goddard was born
    an invintor is born
  • henry ford invints the assembly line

    henry ford invints the assembly line
    henry ford invints the assmbly line the cause of the his industry starts booming
  • alexander graham bell dies

    alexander graham bell dies
    hisinvintions changed the world forever and helped with long distance calling we will always remember you
  • robert goddard invints modern rocketry

    robert goddard invints modern  rocketry
    his mini rocket launch was a succses
  • robert goddard dies

    robert goddard dies
    the famous invintor dies