
By Jose234
  • Morse, the telegraph

    Morse, the telegraph
    On January 6, 1833, Morse made ​​his first public demonstration of his telegraph. The telegraph is a device that uses electrical signals for transmission of coded text messages.
  • Alfred Nobel, the dynamite

    Alfred Nobel, the dynamite
    It was invented by Alfred Nobel in 1866 and patented in 1867.
  • Sholes, the typewriter

    Sholes, the typewriter
    The first typewriter with real commercial success was invented in 1868 by Christopher Sholes. The patent (U.S. 79,265) was sold for $ 12,000.
  • Zénobe Gramme, the dynamo

    Zénobe Gramme, the dynamo
    Zénobe Gramme reinvented Pacinotti's design in 1871 when designing the first commercial power plants, which operated in Paris in the 1870s.
  • Zeppelin, the blimp

    Zeppelin, the blimp
    It was created by Zeppelin, in 1885. He presented to the Colombian government in 1887 a system of balloons with metal casing
  • Marconi, the radio

    Marconi, the radio
    The radio was created by Guglielmo Marconi. He was born in Bologna in Italy, the 25th of April in 1874.
  • The Wright brothers, the plane

    The Wright brothers, the plane
    The Wright brothers were bicycle makers but now they are known as the inventors of aviation.They came to design and manufacture a controllable aircraft, which was able to plan on a short flight