
  • Abraham Darby

    founded the Bristol Iron Company in 1709 he also produced marketable iron in a coke-fired furnace
  • James Hargreaves

    invented the spinning jenny and recieved patent in 1770
  • Richard Arkwright

    best known for imporvement of the carding cotton machine
  • Henry Cort

    obtained patent for grooved roller that made making iron bars much faster.
  • Edmund Cartwright

    invented the powerloom, a machine to spin cotton powered by water
  • Nicolas LeBlanc

    discovered how to make soda ash out of plain salt
  • Eli Whitney

    created the cotton gin, it made mass manufactoring much easier
  • Alessandro Volta

    invented the electric battery he got the idea from a friend who was using frog muscle and two metals to conduct electricity but he wanted to use just metal
  • Robert Fulton

    from lancaster PA, brought steamboats from the expermintal stage to commercial success, he also designed subamrine and steam warships.
  • George Stephenson

    made the first locomotive for hauling coal
  • Cyrus Fields

    created the Atlantic Telegraph Company and laid the first telegraph cabel across the Atlantic Ocean
  • John Roebuck

    introduced the leaden condensing chambers in the manufacturing of sulfuric acid