Inventions of The Renaissance

  • Jan 1, 1230


    Next, we have gunpowder that was invented somewhere around 850. It was used in the 1230’s to launch fireworks and weapons by the Chinese. The Chinese also used gunpowder to fire guns and other useful weapons. It was used in the Battle of Crecy in 1346.It changed the way people fought and hunted. People couldn’t protect themselves from fire guns and other weapons. No one knows who invented gunpowder.
  • Jan 1, 1300


    The first invention I researched was clocks. The first mechanical clock was invented in the early 1300’s because they had the sun dial to tell time. It would tell you the time everyday of every minute and second. It would go to 24 hours a day or 60 minutes every hour. A scientist from Italy, named Galileo, discovered the pendulum in 1581. As the days went by the pendulum improved.
  • Jan 1, 1352


    The second invention was eyeglasses or spectacles. Historians don’t know who invented the eyeglasses.The first picture of eyeglasses was painted by Tommaso da Modena. In his painting of Hugh of Provence in 1352. Paintings show that eyeglasses came from Italy. They were invented to make letters bigger so that people could see better.
  • Jan 1, 1410

    Oil Paint

    Oil Paint
    Oil paint was invented in Europe in 1410 by a man named Jan van Eyck. He invented oil paints because they lasted longer than tempera paints when painted on shields that were used in tournaments and in decorations.
  • Jan 1, 1436

    Printing Press

    Printing Press
    A printing press was in invented in 1436 by a man named Johannes Gutenburg. He combined the inventions of ink, paper, and moveable type to create the printing press. The printing press was invented so that people didn’t have to handwrite books anymore. The bible was the first book that was mass printed.
  • Jan 1, 1496


    Wallpaper first came about in China as early as 200 B.C. In 1496, when the first paper mill started operating, wallpaper was made for the wealthy. In 1418, the oldest known block print was created. In 1481, Jean Bourdichon painted 50 rolls of wallpaper with angels for Louis XI in France.
  • Jan 1, 1509


    Lenses (microscope and telescope) are up next. It was a microscope was developed in the Netherlands between 1590 and 1608 and was most likely invented by Hans Lippershey. Three eyeglass makers were gave credit for the invention. They were invented to see things extremely small or far away.
  • Jan 1, 1578


    A submarine was the first underwater warship was developed by Leonardo da Vinci. He sketched the submarine to be used in military warfare. William Borne began drawing plans for a submarine in 1578, although it was never built until 1620 by Cornelius van Drebbel.
  • Flushing Toilet

    Flushing Toilet
    The next invention that was created was called a flushing toilet in 1596. Queen Elizabeth’s godson, Sir John Harrington, invented the flushing toilet, mainly to not have to use the bathroom in a bucket. His friends gave him a hard time about it and he did not make another one. Two hundred years later the toilet was reinvented.
  • Matches

    Matches are next and dangerous. Robert Boyle invented matches in 1680. You would get a hard surface and run the match on it to create fire.