Greatest invention in history

Inventions of the 90's

By BB3121
  • Revival of Electric Cars

    Revival of Electric Cars
    This was invented by a guy named Robert Anderson. This car makes it so gas is more efficent.
  • World Wide Web

    World Wide Web
    This is the day the world wide web was born. Many people use this every day. Today this is a big part of our world.
  • Digital Clock

    Digital Clock
    This is another rhing that many people use. This is something they use to leave messages when people are gone.
  • Smart Pill

    Smart Pill
    Jerome Schentag was the inventor of the smart pill. This is a pill that has electrons in it, it helps to get the drug to were it is suppose to be in your body system.
  • Penium Processor

    Penium Processor
    This is a chip that helps with your computer. The inventor was Vinod Dham.
  • Ultraviolet Water Purifier

    This helps with water-borne diseases. The inventor of this is Ashok Gadgil.
  • HIV Protease Inhibitors

    HIV Protease  Inhibitors
    The inventor of this is the Abbott Laboratories and Merck & Co. This os a teratment of HIV infections.
  • Java

    Java was invented by a guys name of James Gosling. Java is a lanuage and comunicating system.
  • Web TV

    Web TV
    The inventor of this invention is Diba Inc and Zenith Electronics. They say when this was invented technology was invented.
  • Fuel Cell

    Fuel Cell
    This invention was first invented in 1839. It was invented by The name of Sir William Robert.
  • Viagra

    This invention was invented by Peter Dunn and Albert Wood. This is a drug used as a heart medicine.
  • iMac

    The inventor of this is Steve Jobs. It is used for all sorts of stuff it is a computer.
  • Google

    This is the year google happened. The inventor of Google is by many experts and professors.
  • Tekno Bubbles

    Tekno Bubbles
    These are fluorescent bubbles.The invetors are Byron and Melody Swetland. These bubles come in Tekno gold and Ocean blue.
  • Bluetooth

    The inventor of this is Sir Nicolas other people call him Pig. The bluetooth is used to not holding a phone. You can just put it in your ear and talk on the phone while doing something else.