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Invention of the Submarine

  • Jan 1, 1452

    Submarine Invention

    Leonardo Da Vinci made sketches of the submarine and william Bourne, a british mathematician, drew plans for a submarine.
  • Jan 1, 1578

    The First Submarine

    William Bourne designed the first submarine. It was a wooden framework bound in waterproof leather.
  • The first practical Submarine was invented

    Cornelius Van Drebbel created the first practical submarine. It was a rowboat covered with greased leather.
  • Robert Fulton creates The Nautilus Submarine

    The Nautilus Submarine was cigar shaped. It was driven by a hand-cranked propeller when submerged and had a kite like sail for surface power.
  • The Submarine rised and was renamed the Hunley

    Subsequently the Submarine was raised and renamed the Hunley. It was a valuable weapon of war.
  • The H.L. Hunley

    The H.L. Hunley became the first submarine to successfully attack an enemy warship.
  • The Deep Sea Challenger

    The film maker, James Cameron, designs the Deep Sea Challenger. It reaches its deepest point.