Interwar Years: Category: History

  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    The treaty of versaills is signed seriously crippling Germany.
  • New pres.

    New pres.
    Warren G. Harding becomes president
  • unemployment reachs 2.5 million

    unemployment reachs 2.5 million
    The great depression begins to affecy Britain.
  • David Loyd George resings

    David Loyd George resings
    David Loyyd george resigns
  • mussoline

    mussoline named premiere, degrades democracy.
  • Lenin dies Stalin takes power

    Lenin dies Stalin takes power
    Lenin dies and Stalin struggles for power against Leon trotsky.
  • Dawes plan

    Dawes plan helped to refinance Germany.
  • New prime minister

    New prime minister
    Neville Chamberline becomes prime minister.
  • 5 year plan

    5 year plan
    Stalin implements the first 5 year plan.
  • Italy becomes one party

    Italy= one party
  • Poincare resigns

    Poincare resigns
    Poincare resigns.
  • Black tuesday

    Black tuesday
    Great depression begins
  • Hitler appointed chancellor

    Hitler appointed chancellor
    Hitler is appointed chancellor tightening his grip on Germany
  • Roosevelt

    Roosevelt begins first term.
  • 1933-1934 great purges

    1933-1934 great purges
    stalin has a series of murders known as the great puges.
  • Hindenburg dies

    Hindenburg dies
    Hindenburg dies leaving an opening for hitler to take power.
  • Italy invades ethiopia

    Italy invades ethiopia
    Ittaly decides to invade Ethiopia
  • Italy wins war

    Italy wins war
    Italy defeats Ethiopia in war.
  • Spanish civil war

    Spanish civil war
    The spanish civil war begins.
  • "new deals"

    "new deals"
    "New Deals" to help economy.
  • civil war ends

    civil war ends
    Russian civil war ends.