Interwar years

Interwar Years

  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    The Treaty of Versailles was one of the peace treaties following WWI, ending the war between Germany and the Allied Powers. This treaty called for much punishment for Germany, ultimately causing WWII.
  • Warren G. Harding During "Roaring 20s"

    Warren G. Harding During "Roaring 20s"
    The "Roaring 20's" was a term that described economic prosperity throughout the U.S. On March 4, 1921, Warren G. Harding gave his Presidential Inaguration speech.
  • British Unemployment Reaches 2.5 Million

    British Unemployment Reaches 2.5 Million
    With British unemployment reaching 2.5 million, a record high was reached during post WWI. This caused lots of hardship within the United Kingdom.
  • Mussolini is elected Premiere

    Mussolini is elected Premiere
    Benito Mussolini was elected Italian prime minister on March 7th, 1922. During his reignn, he gradually erodes economy, after establishing a dictorial authority in hopes of creating a totalitarian state.
  • Russian Civil War Ends

    Russian Civil War Ends
    The Russian Civil War is finally over, lasting from October 25, 1917 - October in 1922.
  • David Lloyd George Resigns

    David Lloyd George Resigns
    David Lloyd George was Britain's chief delegate to the Paris Peace Conference that drafted the Versailles Treaty. He resigned from prime minister of the United Kingdom after some sort of scandal in 1922.
  • Stalin Secreets Vladimir Lenin after His Death

    Stalin Secreets Vladimir Lenin after His Death
    After Lenin's death in 1924, Stalin is elected secretary of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. His campaign was desided after his opponent, Leon Trotsky, was "mysteriously" deceased.
  • Dawes Plan

    Dawes Plan
    The Dawes Plan was formulated to return stablitlity to Weimar Germany's economy. The politicians of other European countries didn't want the country to fall back into reck and ruin, so they tried to do what was possible to help provide for Germany.
  • Stalin Implements 5 Year Plan

    Stalin Implements 5 Year Plan
    In a radical attempt to bring the Soviet Union into the industrial age, Stalin began the brutality of the 5 Year Plan. This involved famines, random massacres, creating a massive Russian death toll. This plan did, however, accomplish many factors in industializing Russia within four years.
  • One Party State

    One Party State
    Italy becomes a one party state.
  • Poincare Resigns

    Poincare Resigns
    Poincare resigns resulting in political turmoil in France.
  • Black Tuesday

    Black Tuesday
    Stock market crash sends the United States, as well as many other countries around the world; especially Europe.
  • Period: to

    Stalin's Great Purges

    A large scale purging of Communists in Russia.
  • Hitler Appointed Chancellor

    Hitler Appointed Chancellor
    Adolf Hitler became Chancellor of Germany on February 10th, 1933.
  • Rooosevelt Begins His 1st Term

    Rooosevelt Begins His 1st Term
    Theodore Roosevelt is elected the 26th president of the United States, with the country still in the midst of the Great Depression.
  • Ecomimic Recovery Plans

    Ecomimic Recovery Plans
    Used to get the US headed in the right direction
  • Period: to

    Economic Recovery Plans

    Used to get the US headed in the right direction, by President Roosevelt.
  • Hitler becomes "Der Fuhrer"

    Hitler becomes "Der Fuhrer"
    After the death of Paul Hindenburg, Hitler makes himself the dictator of Germany
  • Italy is Victorious in Ethiopia

    Italy is Victorious in Ethiopia
    Italy defeats Ethiopia, and creates Italian East Africa.
  • Spanish Civil War

    Spanish Civil War
    Fighting of the Republicans and Nationalists breaks out into the Spanish Civil War.
  • Roosevelt Re-elected

    Roosevelt Re-elected
    Theodore Roosevelt is re-elected for President of the United States for his second term.
  • Neville Chamberalin Appointed Prime Minister

    Neville Chamberalin Appointed Prime Minister
    Arthur Neville Chamberalin is appointed to the position of prime minister of the United Kingdom.