Interwar Years

  • WWI ends

    WWI ends
    Treaty of Versailles. Peace treaty ending World War I
  • Period: to

    Interwar years

  • WWI outcome on Germany

    WWI outcome on Germany
    war guilt clause, limit on military, war payment, lost Alsace-Lorraine & Prussia, demilitarized Rhineland, merchant ships limited, not allowed in the Leauge of Nations, not pacified.
  • WWI outcome for Russia

    WWI outcome for Russia
    Lack of Russian sucess, Russian Revolution, Lenin tried to help-got the economy up
  • WWI outcome for Britain

    WWI outcome for Britain
    expaned land, joined Leauge of Nations, women got more rights, economy crippled & was heavily reliant on loans from the US.
  • WWI outcome for France

    WWI outcome for France
    Believed Germany should pay the French leader & public thought alike
  • WWI outcome for Italy

    WWI outcome for Italy
    got nothing from war. Veterans physically and verbally abused if seen in uniform
  • WWI outcome for United States

    WWI outcome for United States
    became and economic and political super power.
    Womens rolls increased.
  • United States

    United States
    Warren G. Harding takes office during 20's economic boom.
  • Britian

    unemployment reaches 2.5 milloin
  • Russia

    Russian civil war ends
  • Britian

    David Lloyd George resigns
    -Political turmoil ensured
  • Britain

    David Lloyd George resigns
    -political turmoil ensured
  • Italy

    Mussolini named Premier.
    Gradually erodes democracy
  • Russia

    Vladimir Lenin dies, Stalin sacreeds him
  • Germany

    Dawes Plan
  • Economic Status for Germany

    Economic Status for Germany
    -Dawes Plan
    -Still in bad shape
  • Economic Status for Russia

    Economic Status for Russia
    -Set Syr Plan
    -got rid of kulaks
    -lowered agriculture production to raise industrialization
  • Econoomic Status for Britain

    Econoomic Status for Britain
    -Factories owned by government sold
    -no businesses remained in government
  • Economic Staus for France

    Economic Staus for France
    -value of currency fell 50%
    -forced to borrow money at high rate
    -Frace wanted Germany to pay all the money right then & they said no
    -Government fell apart
  • Economic Status for Italy

    Economic Status for Italy
    -Chambe of deputties was un paid
    -borrowed extensively
    -facists were anti communists
  • Economic Staus for United States

    Economic Staus for United States
    -economic boom in 1920's
    -US stock market crashed in 1929
  • Political Status for Germany

    Political Status for Germany
    1923-Nazi in munich, "Mein Kampf" written in jail by Hitler.
    1932-largest party in Reichstag.
    1933-Hitler appointed Chancellor by Hindenburg, narrowly won new election, ended Weimar Republic, Hitler become dictator (Der Fuhrer)
  • Political Status for Russia

    Political Status for Russia
    Stalin wants complete power, eliminates many members of the communist Party
  • Political Status for Britain

    Political Status for Britain
    Parliament broke apart, nation divided over disagreement on recovery plans
  • Political Status for France

    Political Status for France
    Prime Minister Raymond Poinicare, thrown into disaray
  • Political Status for Italy

    Political Status for Italy
    -Benito Mussoltui stars Fascist Party, may 1921, fascist elected into chamber, communists & fascists almost broke out into civil war between black & red, fearing violence king namedd Mussoltui Premier, Sympathetic to Hitler trying to restore Germany-Italies greatest allie
  • Political Status for United States

    Political Status for United States
    Rosevelt elected and helped economic ideas
  • Russia

    Stalin implements Syr plan
  • Italy

    Becomes a one Party State
  • France

    Poincare resigns- political turmoil
  • United States

    United States
    Black Tuesday
    Stock market crash sends US into Great Depression
  • Impact of Great Depression for Germany

    Impact of Great Depression for Germany
    -hit hard
    -currency collapses
    -banks close
    -lending stops
  • Impact of Great Depression for Russia

    Impact of Great Depression for Russia
    -positively affected
    -men got many jobs from industrialization
  • Impact of Great Depression for Britain

    Impact of Great Depression for Britain
    -currency collapsed
    -banks closed
    -industry depressed
  • Impact of Great Depression for France

    Impact of Great Depression for France
    -international trade slowed
    -wasnt reliant on US so not hit as hard
  • Impact of Great Depression for Italy

    Impact of Great Depression for Italy
    -banks & businesses failed
    -government took more control
    -didnt fully recover tell after WWII
  • Impact of Great Depression for United States

    Impact of Great Depression for United States
    -banks closed
    -low confidence
    - manufacturing dropped
  • Russia

    1933-1934, Stalin starts Great Depression
  • United States

    United States
    'New Deals' get US going in right economic direction
  • Germany

    Hitler appointed Chancellor
  • United States

    United States
    Rosevelt begins 1st term.
  • Germany

    Hindenburg dies, Hitler becomes dictator
  • Italy

    Invades Ethiopia
  • Italy

    Wins war with Ethiopia.
    Creates Italian East Africa
  • Germany

    Spanish civil war begins
  • United States

    United States
    Rosevelt Re-elected
  • Britain

    Neville Chamberalin appointed Prime Minister.