Interwar years

Interwar Years

  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    This treaty ended World War I; requiring Germany to pay huge war reparations and established the League of Nations.
  • Warren G. Harding becomes president

    Warren G. Harding becomes president
    Warren G. Harding becomes president of the United Sates during the "roaring twenties", a time of economic success. He promised a strong economy and absence of foreign influence.
  • Unemployment reaches high in Britain

    Unemployment reaches high in Britain
    Britain's unemployment reached its highest, 2.5 million, in July of 1921. Still struggling to recover from the Great War, jobs were difficult to find.
  • David Lloyd George resigns

    David Lloyd George resigns
    British prime minister David Lloyd George resigned 1922. After serving as prime minister during WWI, this caused political turmoil.
  • Russian Civil War ends

    Russian Civil War ends
    After a long period of revolution and tension in Russia, the civil war comes to an end. Russia is left in the hands of Vladimir Lenin.
  • Mussolini named Italian Premier

    Mussolini named Italian Premier
    Benito Mussolini served as dictator of Italy. His alliance with Hitler later brought Italy into World War II.
  • Vladimir Lenin dies

    Vladimir Lenin dies
    Russian revolutionary Vladimir Lenin dies 1924 and Stalin takes power. He rose to power following the Russian Revolution only to die of a stroke.
  • Dawes Plan

    Dawes Plan
    This was a financial plan created by the U.S. to help Germany with their economy and reduce their reparation payments from World War I.
  • First Five-Year Plan implemented

    First Five-Year Plan implemented
    Joseph Stalin devised the Five Year Plans to industrialize the Soviet Union quickly. The first in the series was implemented in 1928.
  • Italy is a one party state

    Italy is a one party state
    Italy, under the control of Mussolini, became a fascist state. There was only one government party, it was like totalitaianism.
  • Poincare resigns

    Poincare resigns
    French prime minister Raymond Poincare resigned from his duties causing political turmoil. Commited to political and social stability, he was a conservative leader.
  • Black Teusday

    Black Teusday
    Black Tuesday, the day the stock market crashed, would send the United States into the Great Depression. All countries depending on the U.S. were also affected by this infamous day.
  • Great Purges begin

    Great Purges begin
    Stalin held trials to eliminate those who opposed him or he felt threatened by. Thousands were executed in this series of trials known as the Great Purges.
  • Hitler appointed chancellor

    Hitler appointed chancellor
    Despite losing the presidential election, Hitler is granted some power from president Hindenburg, much to his regret, and appointed him chancellor. He later uses this position to accumulate more power after Hindenburg's death.
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt becomes president of the U.S.

    Franklin D. Roosevelt becomes president of the U.S.
    Franklin Delano Roosevelt was elected president after being a central figure in world events during the 1920's. He lead the United States through an economic depression as well as the second world war.
  • Roosevelt's "New Deals" implemented

    Roosevelt's "New Deals" implemented
    The New Deals were a series of economic programs enacted by Roosevelt to get the U.S. going in the right economic direction after the Great Depression. They lasted until 1936.
  • Hindenburg dies

    Hindenburg dies
    German president Paul von Hindenburg dies and Hitler self appoints himself, or becomes "Der Fuhrer", or leader.
  • Italy invades Ethiopia

    Italy invades Ethiopia
    Italy, under Mussolini, invaded Ethiopia with the idea of making it their colony. This violated the League of Nations because both countries were a part of it yet they were fighting each other.
  • Italy wins war

    Italy wins war
    Italy wins the war against Ethiopia, the Second Italo-Ethiopian War. Ethiopia became a part of the Italian East Africa colony newly created by Italy.
  • Spanish Civil War begins

    Spanish Civil War begins
    Provoked by a fierce political conflict a civil war broke out in Spain. The Nazis sided wth the Nationalist Fascist group to fight the Republicans, who were defeated.
  • Roosevelt re-elected for president

    Roosevelt re-elected for president
    After his highly popular New Deals, Roosevelt returns to run for a second term in office and wins by a landslide victory. He won every state except for two: Maine and Vermont.
  • Neville Chamberlain appionted prime minister

    Neville Chamberlain appionted prime minister
    Neville Chamberlain, prime minister of Great Britan, is best known for his appeasement foreign policy. Although, after further agression from Hitler, he was forced to join the war.