
Sufragism in Europe

By Alexhk
  • "Vindication of women's rights"

    "Vindication of women's rights"
    This book was written by Mary Wollstonecraft. She was the first to call for women's suffrage, being supported by the Chartist movement. In the end, it was all rejected by Parliament and Queen Victoria.
  • Increase of single women

    In the UK, the absolute number of single women over 45 had increased among the middle classes. The "marriage race" was in decline for many women, not only as a life project, but also as an economic option.
  • Acceleration of the Feminist Movement

    Acceleration of the Feminist Movement
    The political, economic and social changes that came with the "Second Industrial Revolution" caused an acceleration of the feminist movement in the last third of the 19th century. The increased prominence and following of feminism was conditioned by clear social changes in the more developed countries.
  • The Women's Social and Political Union

    The Women's Social and Political Union
    It was founded by Emmeline Pankhurst in London. It held protests and hunger strikes. Protests were temporarily stopped because of World War I.
  • Voting rights between the wars

    Voting rights between the wars
    Many of the countries that gained the right to vote in the inter-war period went through long dictatorial periods in which women's suffrage, and men's suffrage for that matter, was either suppressed or completely adulterated. A good example of this is Spain.
  • Where did suffragism come from?

    Suffragism began in countries that adopted capitalist regimes, countries with a powerful middle class and with democratic ideals firmly established in their political institutions.
  • Why did suffragism appear?

    Suffragism appeared as a way of bringing together women from all social classes, despite their different ideologies and objectives, but all of them coincided in demanding the right to political participation, one of the requirements of which was the vote, in order to reform legislation and customs and, consequently, society.
  • Western protestant countries

    In western protestant countries there was a strong suffragette movement, and it was only thanks to their fight that reforms and the vote were obtained.
  • Western catholic countries

    In western catholic countries, the suffragist movement hardly took place, and it was only after much struggle by women or by the reformism of their rulers that these rights were won.
  • Suffragism in the Nordic countries

    Suffragism in the Nordic countries
    In the Nordic countries there was very little suffragism due to the prevailing progressive mentality and the social weight of women, which facilitated the legal equality of the sexes.