International Crisis

  • World War 1 begans

    Germany declares war on Russia and France.
  • United Kingdom declares war

    The United Kingdom declares war on Germany, after Germany invades Belgium.
  • Remaining Neutral

    U.S. President Woodrow Wilson announces the U.S. will remain neutral.
  • War Zone

    Germany declares a "war zone" around Great Britain, essentially effecting a submarine blockade where even neutral merchant vessels were to be potential targets.
  • Becoming Leader (WW2 Europe)

    Becoming Leader (WW2 Europe)
    Adolf Hitler becomes leader of National Socialist Party.
  • World War 2

    World War 2
    a global war that lasted from 1939 to 1945, although related conflicts began earlier.
  • Marching to Belgium

    Marching to Belgium
    As Germany marches into Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands, Winston Churchill replaces a disgraced Neville Chamberlain, the man responsible for the appeasement of Hitler, as prime minister of Great Britain.
  • Capturing Paris (Europe)

    Capturing Paris (Europe)
    Germany captures Paris, and France surrenders to the Nazis.
  • Lend- Lease Act (Europe)

    Lend- Lease Act (Europe)
    President Franklin Roosevelt convinces a largely isolationist Congress to pass the Lend-Lease Act, allowing the U.S. to sell or lend war materials to "any country whose defense the President deems vital to the defense of the United States."
  • U.S. enters Europe (Europe)

    U.S. enters Europe (Europe)
    U.S. troops arrive in Europe. Through March, the number of troops shipped overseas averages about 50,000 per month
  • Joining Forces (Europe)

    Joining Forces (Europe)
    U.S. troops led by Generals Dwight Eisenhower and George S. Patton join forces with British troops under the command of Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery to defeat German Field Marshal Erwin Rommel in North Africa.
  • Surrendering (Europe)

    Surrendering (Europe)
    General Dwight Eisenhower accepts Germany's unconditional surrender at Reims, France. Germany likewise surrenders to Russia in Berlin.
  • Korea Divided

    Korea Divided
    Japanese surrender, and Soviets maintained military presence in the North with American troops in the South. A temporary border at the 38th parallel was established.
  • First Attack in Vietnam

    First Attack in Vietnam
    Indochina war begins, Democratic Republic of Vietnam launches the first attack towards the French.
  • Soviets & Americans withdraw military

    Soviets & Americans withdraw military
    A pro-Soviet government is left in charge of North Korea with a vastly superior army to U.S.-supported South
  • Elysee Agreement

    Elysee Agreement
    The French agreed to help aid in building the anti-communist army in Vietnam
  • Helping aid Vietnam

    Helping aid Vietnam
    The soviets and Chinese help aid Vietnam by offering weapons.
  • Invading South Korea

    Invading South Korea
    Whether North Koreans acted with Stalin's approval is still debated
  • U.S. troops invade at Inchon

    U.S. troops invade at Inchon
    In a surprise landing behind enemy lines, US forces push the North Korean army back north, of the 38th parallel
  • MacArthur

    MacArthur declares "There is no substitute for victory". In a message to House Republican leader Martin, MacArthur expresses his frustration with the limited war.
  • Armistice formally re-established

    Armistice formally re-established
    Formal peace treaty was never signed. Over 1,000,000 Koreans and 54,000 Americans killed in conflict plus the thousands who died as prisoners of war.
  • The Battle Of Dien Bien Phu

    The Battle Of Dien Bien Phu
    Lasted from March of 1954 to May of 1954. The French were defeated and were driven out of Vietnam.
  • Giving Independence

    Giving Independence
    After France falls at Dien Bien Phu, Laos is given independence from France. Outside countries are pressuring Laos to become communist or anti-communist.
  • JFK Assassination

    JFK Assassination
    President John F. Kennedy was assassinated as he rode in a motorcade through Dealey Plaza in downtown Dallas, Texas
  • Gulf of Tonkin

    Gulf of Tonkin
    Gulf of Tonkin incident, the US says North Vietnamese patrol boats fire on two US Navy destroyers. US Congress approves the authorization of military action in region.
  • Arriving in South Vietnam

    Arriving in South Vietnam
    200,000 American combat troops arrive in South Vietnam.
  • Tet Offense

    Tet Offense
    The Tet Offensive begins. More than 500 civilians die in the US massacre at My Lai. Thousands are killed by communist forces during their occupation of the city of Hue.
  • Ho Chi Minh

    Ho Chi Minh
    Ho Chi Minh dies, President Nixon begins to reduce US ground troops in Vietnam as domestic public opposition to the war grows.
  • 26th Amendment is passed

    26th Amendment is passed
    The long debate over lowering the voting age in America from 21 to 18 began during World War II
  • Operation Homecoming

    Operation Homecoming
    Stared on February 12th, 591 POW's got to come home that were prisoners in North Vietnam.
  • Cease fire

    Cease fire
    There was a cease fire agreement in Paris, all U.S. troops pull-out.
  • Taking Control

    Taking Control
    North Vietnamese troops invade South Vietnam and take control of the whole country after South Vietnamese President Duong Van Minh surrenders.
  • Gaining power

    Gaining power
    Serbian Slobodan Milosevic, used Nationalism and religious hatred to gain power. it ended up creating more tension between Serbs and Muslims in Kosovo.
  • Tention Rises

    Tention Rises
    Saddam Hussein, started accusing Kuwait of moving against Iraq by producing large amounts of oil.
  • Moving in

    Moving in
    Trying to strike back against Kuwait, Hussein deployed Iraqi troops to the Iraqi-Kuwaiti border. He had ordered the troops to invade Kuwait, which officially started the Gulf War.
  • Operation Desert Storm

    Operation Desert Storm
    The United States launched Operation Desert Storm, Apache helicopters and warplanes attacked Baghdad and other military targets in Iraq.
  • Iraq Attacks Israel

    Iraq Attacks Israel
    To get back at America, Iraq launched missiles on America's ally, Israel. The United States shot back.
  • Distruction of oil wells

    Distruction of oil wells
    Saddam Hussein blew up Kuwait's oil wells and dumped millions of gallons of oil in the Persian Gulf.
  • Last Chance

    Last Chance
    Iraq was given one last chance to surrender, George H.W. Bush wanted to stop further fights. Iraq refused leading in to a war that started Febuary 24th.
  • Declaring Independence

    Declaring Independence
    Slovenia and Croatia declare their independence from Yugoslavia- begins a Civil War. Slovenia wins against Milosevis
  • Bosnia

    Bosnia was created after World War ll break up of Yugoslavia. In April 1992, the government of the Yugoslav republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina declared its independence from Yugoslavia
  • Recognized Bosnia Independence

    Recognized Bosnia Independence
    Milosevic responds by attacking Sarajevo. Sarajevo snipers killed civilians including over 3500 children.
  • UN Resolution 751

    UN Resolution 751
    Authorizes humanitarian relief efforts. Establishes UN operations in Somalia. United States will airlift supplies in to pass congested areas and looters
  • Operations Restore Hope

    Operations Restore Hope
    38,000 troops from 23 countries and reps from 49 humanitarian groups. U.S. Marine and Navy Seals arrive in Mogadishu to help secure the area.
  • Getting Bold

    Getting Bold
    Aidid gets bold and starts to attack soldiers, 24 Pakistani soldiers killed and 44 wounded in attack
  • Somalia

    October 1993, dozens of U.S. troops killed or wounded in fighting in capital city of Mogadishu
  • A call for help

    A call for help
    Sarajevo attacked, 68 killed and 200 hundred wounded
  • Military effectiveness

    Military effectiveness
    Military effectiveness takes hold, massive NATO bombing forces. On November 1, 1995 Milosevic is ready to talk peace