International Crisis

  • Assassination of Franz Ferdinand

    Assassination of Franz Ferdinand
    Was killed and started war.
  • The United States declares war on Germany

    The United States declares war on Germany
    On April 6, 1917, the United States Congress declared war upon the German Empire; on April 2, President Woodrow Wilson had asked a special joint session of Congress for this declaration.
  • The Second Battle of Ypres begins

    The Second Battle of Ypres begins
    It is during this battle that the Germans first use poison gas.
  • The Battle of Gallipoli begins

    The Battle of Gallipoli begins
    This battle was one of the first wars in the battle.
  • U.S. President Woodrow Wilson issues his Fourteen Points to peace

    U.S. President Woodrow Wilson issues his Fourteen Points to peace
    This fails to a point and helps us make peace eventually.
  • The Second Battle of the Marne begins

    The Second Battle of the Marne begins
    On this day in 1918, near the Marne River in the Champagne region of France, the Germans begin what would be their final offensive push of World War I.
  • The Treaty of Versailles

     The Treaty of Versailles
    officially ends WWI
  • Ho Chi Minh founds the Indochinese Communist Party

    Ho Chi Minh founds the Indochinese Communist Party
    This is the beginning of the ho chi minh trail.
  • Rome reported sending troops to Italian Somalia

    Rome reported sending troops to Italian Somalia
    This was the start of the somolia war.
  • The Spanish civil war

    The Spanish civil war
    In 1936, the tension between the left-wing Republicans and right-wing Nationalists broke out into a civil war in Spain when the Nationalists sparked off their rebellion on 17 Jul.
  • Second sino war

    Second sino war
    Japan violated China's sovereignty in 1932 by installing a puppet government in Manchuria, but that simply was not enough. Piece by piece, China was carved away by Japan until full-scale war broke out in 1937. Indochina, Burma, and India all joined this longest running theater of WW2.
  • The Atlantic War

    The Atlantic War
    Not unlike the Great War only a generation before, as soon as hostilities broke out in Europe the Atlantic was filled with German vessels. If they could sever Britain's supply lines, they might be able to starve the island nation into submission.
  • The Slovak Hungarian War

    The Slovak Hungarian War
    In mid-1938, the relations between Hungary and Czechoslovakia were tense. The Hungarians held an invasion force on the border, threatening to take the Ruthenia region of Czechoslovakia.
  • The european war

    The european war
    Germany's bullying diplomacy with Austria, Czechoslovakia, and Lithuania failed to quench her ambition. Soon, she would instigate a war that would cover the entire European continent
  • The political Arena

    The political Arena
    From Versailles Treaty to the Roosevelt-Churchill conferences, the history of international politics during this period was as intriguing as WW2 itself.
  • The desert War

    The desert War
    Opposite shore of Europe's vulnerable underbelly lay North Africa, where British forces battled their Italian counterparts to secure a base for a possibly cross-Mediterranean invasion.
  • The pacific War

    The pacific War
    With attacks on Malaya, Pearl Harbor, Philippines, Guam, and Wake, Japan drew United States and her allies into the Pacific War. Previously unknown locales such as Guadalcanal and Peleliu would become household names.
  • Madagascar Campaign

    Madagascar Campaign
    Strategically, Madagascar lay in an important position. It guarded the British convoy line around the southern tip of Africa, and the large island's long coastlines could serve as submarine bases for the Axis navies.
  • July Plot

    July Plot
    ww2dbaseAttempts on Adolf Hitler's life were made even prior to this assassination attempt that would later be dubbed the July Plot. For instance, Operation Flash on 13 Mar 1943 had Hans von Dohnanyi set up a time bomb on Hitler's plane as he flew over Minsk.
  • Typhoon Cobra

    Typhoon Cobra
    In 1274, Mongol conqueror Kublai Khan sent a great army of 40,000 in a vast fleet of 1,000 transports to Japan.
  • Ho Chi Minh Creates Provisional Government

    Ho Chi Minh Creates Provisional Government
    Following the surrender of Japan to Allied forces, Ho Chi Minh and his People's Congress create the National Liberation Committee of Vietnam to form a provisional government. Japan transfers all power to Ho's Vietminh.
  • Ho Declares Independence of Vietnam

    Ho Declares Independence of Vietnam
    This is the start to the war.
  • British Forces Land in Saigon, Return Authority to French

    British Forces Land in Saigon, Return Authority to French
    This is the first American to die there.
  • Korea is divided into two countries

    Korea is divided into two countries
    After World War II, Korea is divided into communist North Korea and anti-communist South Korea at a spot called the 38th parallel. Russia controls North Korea and the U.S. controls South Korea.
  • Indochina War Begins

    Indochina War Begins
    Following months of steadily deteriorating relations, the Democratic Republic of Vietnam launches its first consorted attack against the French.
  • Harry Truman promises to fight Communism

    Harry Truman promises to fight Communism
    President Harry Truman gives a speech and says that that the U.S. will help any country that is threatened by communism. The speech is called the Truman Doctrine.
  • South Korean President Syngman Rhee executes 100,000 people

    South Korean President Syngman Rhee executes 100,000 people
    Worried that South Koreans will join the communists, President Syngman Rhee starts the Summer of Terror and orders over 100,000 people killed.
  • The United States joins the Korean War

    The United States joins the Korean War
    President Harry Truman sends U.S. troops to Korea. The U.S. and other countries in the United Nations join the war because they want to stop communism from spreading to South Korea.
  • The United States is defeated at Osan

    The United States is defeated at Osan
    American troops fight North Korean troops in Osan. The Americans expected an easy victory, but are surprised to find out that they are no match for the North Korean army.
  • French and Vietminh Reach Accord

    French and Vietminh Reach Accord
    French and Vietminh Reach Accord: France recognizes Vietnam as a free state within the French Union. French troops replace Chinese in the North.
  • North Korea invades South Korea

    North Korea invades South Korea
    With permission from Russia, North Korea invades South Korea and continues on to the capital of Seoul. South Korea does not have a strong enough army to stop it.
  • British and Italian parts of Somalia become independent

     British and Italian parts of Somalia become independent
    merge and form the United Republic of Somalia; Aden Abdullah Osman Daar elected president.
  • Italian Somaliland renamed Somalia and granted internal autonomy

    Italian Somaliland renamed Somalia and granted internal autonomy
    The whole country was renamed.
  • Border dispute with Kenya

     Border dispute with Kenya
    Diplomatic relations with Britain broken until 1968.
  • Tet offensive

    Tet offensive
    This event escalated the war because it was an attack during a seize fire.
  • Mi Lie Massacre

    Mi Lie Massacre
    This was an even where they had killed a whole town of innocent people and children.
  • Vietnamization

    This was an even where they were handing off the torch so to speak from the US military to the South Vietnamese
  • Woodstock

    It was a concert held to help raise money for a recording studio going up in New York. But it did not raise any money and had just changed the would and everything we do today.
  • Kent State

    Kent State
    Kent State was a riot at a school where the cops had been called to take charge of things and they ended up killing 4 students.
  • 26th amendment Passed

    26th amendment Passed
    This event was passed to change the voting age from 21 to 18 because if you can die for your country you should be able to vote for who is in charge.
  • North Vietnam releases POW'S

    North Vietnam releases POW'S
    The captured Americans were let go and brought home.
  • Last US Soldiers leave Vietnam

    Last US Soldiers leave Vietnam
    This is when the last US soldiers left Vietnam
  • H.W Bush was elected

    H.W Bush was elected
    H.W Bush was elected and his approval rating are very high but after he was not reelected.
  • Tensions between Iraq and Kuwait rise

    Tensions between Iraq and Kuwait rise
    Saddam Hussein, the leader of Iraq, began accusing Kuwait of moving against Iraq by producing large amounts of oil. Hussein would eventually accuse Kuwait of stealing oil from Iraq.
  • The United Nations blocks Iraq

    The United Nations blocks Iraq
    After unsuccessfully demanding Iraq back down, the United Nations declared a trade embargo on Iraq. It was called Resolution 661.
  • Troops move toward Kuwait

    Troops move toward Kuwait
    Trying to strike back against Kuwait, Hussein deployed Iraqi troops to the Iraqi-Kuwaiti border. By August, he had ordered the troops to invade Kuwait, which officially started the Gulf War.
  • Persian War begins

    Persian War begins
    The Persian war begins and man are terrified that this will be another long drawn out war but it only takes a total of 42 days.
  • Operation Desert Shield

    Operation Desert Shield
    This was to prevent possible attacks on Saudi Arabia this leads to Desert Storm
  • Operation Desert Storm

    Operation Desert Storm
    Operation Desert Storm was caused because Iraq did not surrender so we went after them.
  • ww11 break up of yugolsalvia

    ww11 break up of yugolsalvia
    world war two broke up Yugoslavia in three different ethnics Serbs,Croats, Ethnic Albanians
  • Peace efforts Fail

    Peace efforts Fail
    Bosnia peace efforts fail, war breaks out between Muslims and Croats, that were before allied against Serbs.
  • Karadzic conquers Srebrenica

    Karadzic conquers Srebrenica
    Karadzic issues a new law to conquer Srebrenica.
  • Military takes hold

    Military takes hold
    The united states starts to bomb them until the give up.
  • Milosevic peace

    Milosevic peace
    They are ready to make peace and stop fighting because they cant anymore.
  • Iraq War

    Iraq War
    Iraq war begins after the ultimatum was made and they did not follow so the united nations invaded and won.
  • Treaty between us and Iraq

    Treaty between us and Iraq
    They had to recognize Kuwait and get rid of all its WMD's.
  • Milosevis is dead

    Milosevis is dead
    Milosevic is found dead in his cell.
  • Italian Somaliland becomes a UN trust territory under Italian control

    Italian Somaliland becomes a UN trust territory under Italian control
    This is the end and they have gotten their independence