
International Conflicts

  • Separation Of Texas

    It began when colonists in the Mexican province of Texas rebelled against the centralist Mexican government. Texians disagreed on whether the ultimate goal was independence or a return to the Mexican Constitution of 1824. While delegates at the Consultation debated the war's motives, Texians and a flood of volunteers from the United States defeated the small garrisons of Mexican soldiers by mid-December 1835.

    Antonio López de Santa Anna, Sam Houston, Vicente Filisola, Frank W. Johnson 1836.
  • Pastry War

    Military conflict between France and Mexico by an unpaid debt to a French Pastry chef, it took place in Mexico. Began with the Naval blockade of some Mexican ports and the capture of the fortress of San Juan de Ulúa in Veracruz by French forces sent by King Louis- Philippe. It ended several months later with a British- Brokered peace. It ended in 1839
  • War with the United States

    James K . Polk declared war to Mexico in 1845 to gain more Mexican territory as Mexico was in crisis.
    Main Characters - James K. Polk, Santa Anna and Bustamante
    Mexico was defeated in Churubusco in 1847.
  • French Intervention

    The second French Intervention in Mexico was an invention in the late 1861 by the second French Empire. In 1862 French Emperor Napoleon III established a French client State in Mexico and later install Maximilian of Habsburg, archduke of Austria as emperor of Mexico. Stiff Mexican resistance caused Napoleon III to order French withdrawal in 1867.
  • Second Empire with Maximilian

    Second Mexican Empire
    was the name of Mexico under a limited hereditary monarchy declared by the Assembly of Notables on July 10, 1863, during the Second French intervention in Mexico. It was created with the support of Napoleon III of France, who attempted to establish a monarchist ally in the Americas. A referendum confirmed the coronation of the Austrian Archduke Ferdinand Maximilian, of the House of Habsburg as Emperor Maximilian I of Mexico.
    It ended when he was executed in June 19, 1967