International agreements commitments for action

  • First World Climate Conference

    First World Climate Conference
    Climate change officially recognized as a serious problem.
  • First IPCC report

    First IPCC report
    The report confirmed that climate change was a reality and was supported by scientific data
  • Global Economic Crisis

    Global Economic Crisis
    Negotiations on the reduction on carbon emissions as national economies fall, this reduces GHG emissions.
  • The Environment Convection

    The Environment Convection
    A convection held by the UN and the WWF to talk and take action to reduce carbon emissions
  • Forest convention

    Forest convention
    The WWF has made a deal with nations to control defrostation, and encourage affortation
  • Finding a new renewable sources of energy

    Finding a new renewable sources of energy
    Scientists from the Argonne National Laboratory have started to research and create a new renewable source of energy