The Path of Amerindians: Hunter Stone, Ryan Thurman, Ben Pack, Sean Olson

  • Dec 9, 1400


    Although Europeans were purported to be "benevolent" help to the Amerindians, they killed and destroyed them, moved them from their homelands, and treated them as lower beings. Therefore the Amerindian inner movements were amost all entirely brought upon by the Europeans that took advantage of them.
  • Aug 13, 1519

    Cortes Conquers the Aztecs

    Upon arriving in America, Cortes leads an army through the Yucatan Peninsula , where he captures the emperor and lays seige to the capitol, Tenochtitan. This warfare spreads European diseaes, which leads up to a smallpox epidemic, and, after much conquest, the rise of econmiendas. Although fraught with traditional reasons beside ones external, the path of internal migrations of Amerindians were caused by European interventions, government treaties, and the insatiable thirst for land by settlers.
  • Jamestown

    The founding of Jamestown lead to the discovery of tobacco and its profitable import taxes through the English crown and the enslavemnt of natives.
  • Puritan-Pequot War (1636)

    The Pequot tribe in New England declared war on the Puritans and killed settler John Oldham, staring the Puritan-Pequot War.
  • Purtian-Pequot War (1637 Massacre)

    Puritan militias raid Pequot villages, killing hundreds of Pequot men, women, and children, and completely extonguishing any chance the Pequots had of driving out the settlers.
  • Metacom's War

    Metacom, a Wampanoag chief, and his Narragansett and Nipmuck allies start a war aginst the Puritans in New England. The war almost eliminated the New England Natives, and effectively destroyed their existence as independent peoples.
  • French and Indian War

    George Washington, then soldier of the Britsih army, lead an army to Ohio to take on the French and their native allies to protect Britian's land claims. Tanaghrisson, a pro-British native half-king serving in Washington's army, rushed ahead of the group during an exchange of fire and killed a Frech soldier, thus ensuring that war would wage until 1756, when the conflict would spread overseas into the Great War for Empire. These wars effectively split Amerindians against each other.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    The British signed this Proclamation which prevented settlers from moving farther west.
  • Repeal of the Proclamation of 1763

    After the Revolution was won by the American colonists, the rendered the proclamation useless, seeing how the King's commands didn't have any authority anymore.
  • Treaty of Paris (1783)

    Great Britian relinquished its claims to lands south of the Great Lakes and east of the Mississippi River and made no effort to provide provisions or protection for their Native allies. This abandonment forced the Amerindians to cede millions of acres of land to the US goverment over time.
  • Ordinance of 1784

    Established the principle that territories could become states as their populations grew.
  • Land Ordinance of 1785

    Mandated the rectangular system of surveying and that half of townships must be sold in blocks only wealthy people and high-middle class citizens could afford.
  • Northwest Ordinance of 1787

    Prohibited slavery and earmarked funds for the support of public schools, specified how Congress would appoint state governors, and when a state's population was large enough to petition to join the Union. This ordinances and the ones before it helped push Amerindians out of their homelands and spark internal warfare between settlers and the natives.
  • The Treaty of Greenville

    Negotiators meet after the American victory at the Battle of Fallen Timbers due to continuing Indian resistance. In the treaty, the Western Confederacy ceded most of Ohio and agreed to accept American sovereignty, while the Americans acknowledged Indian ownership of the land.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Napoleon Bonaparte sells the expansive Louisiana Territory to the US for $15 million under the pressures of his vast military campaigns. The Purchase prompts President Jefferson to permit Lewis and Clark's exploration.
  • Lewis and Clark Begin Expedition

    President Jefferson permits the exploration of the Louisiana Territory to gain information of the Native Americans living there and about the possible enemies the might have been intruding. Jefferson also wanted to know what natural resources were available.
  • Lewis and Clark End Expedition

    Lewis and Clark end their exploration with detailed maps of the territory and its resources, and their expeiences with the Native Aemrican Trbies located in the territory. The report of the beautiful land and its resources alone prompted American to migrate west, despite the land being already inhabited by Native Americans.
  • Battle of Tippecanoe

    William Henry Harrison, governor of the Indian Territory, launches an attack on Prohpetstown after Tecumseh leaves to garner support for war against the US. Harrison's 1,000 troops razed the holy village after killing many Indian warriors.
  • Battle of Horseshoe Bend

    Andrew Jackson defeats British- and Spanish-supported Creek Indians in Tennesee during the War of 1812. On winning the battle, Jackson forced the Indians to cede 23 million acres of land.
  • Treaty of 1825

    US comissioners had secured a treaty from one faction of Creeks ceding its lands to Georgia for eventual sale to the state's citizens. When the Creek National Council claimed it was fraudulent, Presideent John Quincy Adams called for renegotiations. In response, Georgia governor George M. Troup persuaded Congress to extinguish the Creeks' land titles, forcing most Creeks to leave the state.
  • Removal Act of 1830

    This act was passed by congress durring the presidency of Andrew Jackson. It was passed so that the president had the power to nagotiate with indians for their removal to fedral territory in return for their homelands.
  • Worcester v. Georgia

    The Marshall Court decides that citizens of Geogia are allowed to travel and rest on Indian lands as they please as long as the Indians don't object, and that Georgia state law prohibiting such actions are unconstitutional.
  • Bad Axe Massacre

    President Andrew Jackson orders the US Army to expel the Indains from Illinois under the authority of the Indian Removal Act of 1830. The US Army pushes Chief Black Hawk and his tribes into Wisconsin Territory where 850 of 1000 Indian warriors die in combat. This leads to a prolonged period of treaties and the eventual migration of Black Hawk's people to the west of Mississippi.
  • Trail of Tears

    President Martin Van Buren orders General Winfield Scott to enforce the Treaty of New Echota, which leads to the harrowing journey to the Indian Territtory in Oklahoma. Along the way, 3,000 Indians die of starvation and exposure.
  • Beginning of the Western Indian Wars

    After the Civil war was over, American settlers looked west. Because of Amerindian hostilities, the U.S. Government declared war on the major indian tribes.
  • The Treaty of Cession

    The Alaskan Treaty of Cession gave way to tons of new land especialy for the Native Americans. They colonized it very quickly
  • Great Sioux War 1876-1877

    When the U.S. government declared war on the bothersome, but powerful Sioux
  • The First Organic Act

    The Organic Act of 1884 acknowledged the land rights of Alaska Natives but for future land given would be through congress so they would control it. The act also gave way to the opening of minning claims in alska and brought schools in to.
  • The Major Crimes Act

    This was basicaly an act that made it so that if a Native American commited one of the 7 major crimes then the U.S. would have jurisdiction over the Native who commited the crime
  • Dawes Act

    Allowed the United States president to survay American indian tribal lands and devide it into seconds for individual indians.
  • Conclusion

    The entire existence of American and Amerindian diplomacy has been fraught with poor decision and injustice. The movement and assimilation of Amerindians was very similar to the Armenian Genocide in the way the persecuted peoples were moved around and killed without mercy.