Inter-war years

  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    The treaty of Versailles officially ended WWI between Germany, Britain, France, Italy, and the United States, and was not in the Germans favor.
  • Warren G. Harding becomes president in the United States

    Warren G. Harding becomes president in the United States
    Warren G. Harding takes place during the "Roaring twenties"
  • Unemployment high, Britain

    Unemployment high, Britain
    Unemployment reaches it's post-war high in Great Britain, 2.5 million.
  • Stalin begins the 5 year plans

    Stalin begins the 5 year plans
    Stalin begins plans that inlude the collectivisation movement, and the movement to increase industry in Russia,
  • Russian Civil War ends

    Russian Civil War  ends
    There was a power struggle between the old governments and the new that resulted in civil war, which ended in the month of October.
  • David Loyd George resigns, Britain

    David Loyd George resigns, Britain
    David lloyd George resigned as prime minister for Britain, creating political turmoil.
  • Mussolini named Italian Premeir

    Mussolini named Italian Premeir
    Mussolini was named Italian premeir by the king of Italy to avoid violence between Communists and Facists.
  • Stalin comes into power

    Stalin comes into power
    When Lenin died, despite his wishes, Stalin succeeded him.
  • Dawes Plan takes effect

    Dawes Plan takes effect
    The Dawes Plan helped Germany make their post-WWI payments, and was proposed by the U.S.A
  • Italy is a 1 party state

    Italy is a 1 party state
    During the year of 1929, Italy became a one party state. This was Italy's coat of Arms starting in 1929.
  • Poincare Resigns (France)

    Poincare Resigns (France)
    Poincare resigns as prime minister of France, and political turmoil ensues.
  • Black Tuesday

    Black Tuesday
    On Black Tuedasy, Americas stock market hit an All Time Low, sendind the U.S.A into the Great Depression.
  • Hitler appointed Chancellor of Germany

    Hitler appointed Chancellor of Germany
    Hitler was the leader of the largest political party in Germany, so he was appointed Chancellor.
  • Years 1933-1934: The great purges of Russia

    Years 1933-1934: The great purges of Russia
    Stalin killed anyone and everyone who opposed him, including the kulaks.
  • "new deals" begin

    "new deals" begin
    President Rosevelt launched a series of plans called the "new deals" to get the United States going in the right direction out of the depression.
  • Hindenburg dies, Hitler becomes Der Fuhrer

    Hindenburg dies, Hitler becomes Der Fuhrer
    Hindenburg, the president of Germany dies. Hitler is then elected, and appoints himself dictator or Der Fuhrer.
  • Italy invades Ethiopia

    Italy invades Ethiopia
    During the month of October, Italy invaded Ethiopia.
  • Italian Victory

    Italian Victory
    Italy won the war Ethiopia in May. 1936 creating Italian East Africa.
  • Spanish Civil War

    Spanish Civil War
    The Spanish Civil war began, and the Nazis have their first shot at war as the third reich.
  • Rosevelt is re-elected

    Rosevelt is re-elected
    Rosevelt was was re-elected for the next in a series of what would be four terms.
  • Neville Chamberlain appointed

    Neville Chamberlain appointed
    Neville Chamberlain was appointed prime minister of Great Britain.