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Intense emotions

  • Shock

    At rachels and had a seziure rushed to emergency room by ambulance and diagnosed with AZM
  • worry

    Had an emergency angiogram after angiogram woke up and noticed that her right hand was not how it was before she went to sleep noticed she didnt have full use.
  • confusion

    Start trying to figure out what is wrong with the hand
  • confusion

    continue trying to figure out what is wrong with the hand
  • more confusinon

    still trying to figure out what is wrong with the hand
  • frustration

    really trying to figure out what is wrong with the hand and plan of action
  • answers

    decided that she needs to start PT (physical therapy) for the hand and get out of the hospital today
  • curiosity

    started PT
  • relief

    stoped PT
  • nervesness

    went in for second angiogram woke up and speech was not normal and hand went bad again. ted to the ICU (intensive care Unit)
  • excitment

    Got out of the intnsive care unit got admitted to the pediatric floor
  • sense of calmness

    disscused futrue plans on how they were going to get the rest of the vesles decided on radiation and was released from the hospital.
  • scared,anxcious

    had radiation
  • mixed emotions

    If by this date the radiation hasnt worked they will go in for brain suregery.