
Industrializaton in Europe and Other Countries

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    Industrialization In England

    As England became more industrialized, its urban population jumped from 17% in 1801 to 72% in 1891. During this time, city governments became more powerful and gained ground, sanitation improved and death rates fell, population growth created new problems, parks, museums, effective regulation of food and housing facilities, and more efficient police forces added to more safety, stability, and cultural amenities, and crime rates also began to stabilize.
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    Industrialization in the United States

    The Civil War from 1861 to 1865 was when agricultural, shipping, and transportation improved the most rapidly in order to adequately supply troops. The growth of population in this time period was stimulated by new agricultural technology which allowed the population to rise. New railroads, vast resources, and new industries stimulated the economy and the U.S. became a world economic power and manufacturing giant. New sciences and inventions were also a result because of production emphasis.
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    Additional Industrialization in England

    In this time period, England's the number of England's corporations would double. As more and more people took on jobs as factory workers, new unions were established along with new political theories. These new theories were especially prevalent in eastern Europe were socialist and feminist movements spread.
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    Industrialization in Russia

    Along with Western countries, Russia also began to industrialize, focusing on the charcoal, iron, and steel industry, Kustars (handicrafts men) were replaced by factor workers and new railroads enabled better transportation for goods. However, as Russia became increasingly communist, it was harder and harder to maintain these factories which "exploited" their workers and industrialzation began to decline by 1927.
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    Industrialization in Latin America

    Before 1870, Europeans dominated much of the textile market in Mexico. After the 1870s, however, local firms won back what they had lost with as much as 78% of shares in the market by 1910. In Brazil, industrialization was largely due to increased trade facilitated by the Panama Canal and new railroads. New factories were established and cattle became a major export in Brazil. Industrialization led to new social structures, slavery was outlawed, and women gained more rights.
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    Industrialization in China

    Industrialization occured somewhat later in China due to its emphasis on tradition and agriculture. During 1960, 60% of its population was still employed in agriculture, but by 1990, this fell to only 30%. This change was caused by the increasing number of factories that were used to make previously hand-crafted goods such as porcelin and other goods. China started to further open its trade relations with the U.S. and other countries and became a major exporter of goods.