Industrial Revolution Timeline

  • Bessemer Process

    Bessemer Process
    The first process for the mass production of steel. It began in 1847 where a Pittsburgh business man began conducting experiments on pig iron and air blasts. In 1856 Sir Henry Bessemer began conducting the same experiments. He developed and patented the experiments and was able to conduct it into a great success. Although it is called the Bessemer processs it arived from other scientist doing the same expieriments.
  • Sholes Typewriter

    Sholes Typewriter
    With the help of mechanic, Carlos Glidden, and a friend, Samuel W. Soule. It began with a patent on a letter numbering machine, They were then motivated to expand on this product. After this he devoted his whole life to making a machine that could print letters. He completed it on June 23rd, 1868.
  • Transcontinental Railroad Completed

    Transcontinental Railroad Completed
    On this day the transcontinental railroad was completed. The railroad. This marked the first time in U.S history the transcontinental travel was available.
  • John D. Rockefellar

    John D. Rockefellar
    Rockefellar was the founder of the Standard Oil Company. In this time he was one of the wealthiest men on earth. Ever since 1863 he has been in the oil business but, not until 1870 did he establish Standard Oil.
  • Credit Mobilier Scandal

    Credit Mobilier Scandal
    The scadal took place 1872 and 1873. It ruined the careers of many politicians. It was when a group of stockholders of Union Pacific Railroad created a company called the Credit Mobilier Scandal. Although the goal was just to create a very long railroad, the congressmen who took shares ending up losing their career.
  • Alexander Graham Bell's Telephone

    Alexander Graham Bell's Telephone
    Alexander Graham Bell is the known inventor of the telephone. It all started when he was asked to develop a telegraph company that could compete with Western Union. Hubbard was interesting in making a harmonic telegraph but, Bell was more interesting in transporting voice. They made a deal, Bell would spend most of his time on the harmonic telegraph and in his free time he could work on his telephone. On March 10th, 1876 Bell transmitted the first speech but refined it later in that year
  • Munn V.Illinois

    Munn V.Illinois
    The case was when the U.S Supreme Court held the governments power to regulate private industries.
  • Thomas Edisons: Lightbulb

    Thomas Edisons: Lightbulb
    On this date Thomas Edison created the lightbulb. Thomas Edisons goal was to create a safer source of light to replace the gas light. He began experimenting in 1878. He experimented with many metal filaments. He made this breakthrough in 1979 the filament used was made from a pieee of carbonized thread. This burned for 13.5 hours. A year later discovered another source for filament, bamboo.
  • Haymarket Riot

    Haymarket Riot
    The riot was a violent massacre between police officers and labour protesters. It became a symbol of the international sruggle for workers rights. Since, May 1st has became international workers day.
  • Interstate Commerce Act

    Interstate Commerce Act
    In 1887 Congress passes the act. This was the industry subject to federal regulation. They had to form a group made the railroads conduct constrained due to high demand for it. The act set guidelines should and should not due.
  • Edwin Drakes Oil discovery

    Edwin Drakes Oil discovery
    Edwin Drake was a man who gave our world a new source of powerr in the form of oil. After drilling all summer 6 days a week Drake hit his first patch of oil on August 28th, 1859. This sprouted the Pennsylvania Oil Rush.
  • Sherman Antitrust Act

    Sherman Antitrust Act
    The act was named after the Ohio Senator John Sherman. The act limited trust in terms of trade and economic powers. The act wasnt effective until early 1900's
  • Mother jones

    Mother jones
    Mother Jones was child labour worker, she fought against it. She traveled across the country protesting labour for workers. She used her famous slogan "join the union, boys".She specifically fought for the rights of miners and other workers
  • Homestead Strike

    Homestead Strike
    The Homestead Strike was a violent dispute between the workers of Carnegie Steel Company and the company.The strike was against the companys managment, and the strike breakers. There was a gun battle that ended many lives
  • Eugene Debs

    Eugene Debs
    Eugene Debs was a labour worker. In 1893 Debs became president of the new American Railroad Company. Debs also took railway workers of different crafts and United them in the first industrial union
  • Pullman Strike

    Pullman Strike
    The Pullman Strike was a boycott railroad strike that disrupted railroad traffic in the summer of 1894 in the midwest of the United States. The strike was in response to the economical reverses that came with the depression in 1893. The Pullman Palace Car Company, A company that made railroad cars, cut the low wages of workers by 25%. The workers then decided to strike causing a disruption in the railroad world
  • WIlbur and Orville Wrights Aircraft

    WIlbur and Orville Wrights Aircraft
    The brothers were aviation pioneers and inventors. in 1903 they made the first power sustained, and controlled aircraft and two years later made the first practical airplane.
  • Henry Ford

    Henry Ford
    Henry Ford was a engineer working for Edison Illuminating Company. While he worked there he made his first gasoline powered car (carriage). In 1903 he made his own company the well know, Ford Motor Company. The company began one of the world leaders in the revolutionary automobiles.
  • Locner V. New York

    Locner V. New York
    The case was when the U.S Supreme Court set a law on New York which required 10 hours of labour a day in the baking trade. This caused a uproar. Bakerys were often a cellars so the conditions were very bad, Dirty and grimy.
  • J.P Morgan

    J.P Morgan
    Morgan was a banker and the owner of Morgan Investment banking. He had much love for the country of England, He bought over 3,000,000,000 worth of military equipment from the United States. Morgan and other banking companies tried to stop the decline of stock prices during the stock market crash of 1929.