Industrial Revolution Time Line

  • First sate child labor law

    First sate child labor law
    The first actual child labor law was that any child under 15 working in a factory had to go to school atleast 3 months a year.This law was passed in Massachusetts. This happend the same year child labor started. It took 40 years for a age limit to work law was if you are under 14 years of age you were not allowed to work.
  • First Airplane flown

    First Airplane flown
    After four years of expiermenting on this day the first airplane was flown named the Kitty Hawk flown in North Carolina. This of course was done by Wilbur and Orville Wright (also know as the Wright brothers.) The right brothers imagination in flying began when they were kids when their dad brought them home a ruber band powered toy airplane.
  • Trange Shirt Waste Factory Fire

    Trange Shirt Waste Factory Fire
    There were many factories during this time but one of the most known ones was the Triangle Shirt Waste Factory. This building got burnt down on March 25, 1911. This fire started from someone throwing a cigaret bud on the ground in the factory. The fire killed 146 people, most of these people were weomen and children trying to earn money for their familys.
  • Women get the right to vote

    Women get the right to vote
    After years after years of waiting and protesting women got the right to vote when they passed the 19th amendment. Meaning women were finally considered citizens of America. There was the 15th amendment that happend 50 years earlier that only stated a citizen shall not be denied the right to vote under any account of race,color or previeous condition of servitude. This didnt just mean they were able to vote this meant they were able to get an education but this is just a small step for women.
  • Imigration Act of 1924

    Imigration Act of 1924
    The Immigration Act of 1924 created a permanent quota system (that of 1921 was only temporary), reducing the
    1921 annual quota from 358,000 to 164,000. In addition, the Act reduced the immigration limit from 3 percent to 2
    percent of each foreign-born group living in the United States in 1890.Finally, the act provided for a future reduction of the quota to 154,000. The newlaw cut the quota for northern and western European countries by 29 percent, but slashed that for southern and
  • Chinease Exclusion Act of 1982

    Chinease Exclusion Act of 1982
    The chinease Exclusion Act was the first signifigant law restricting imigration in the United States of America. In the spring of 1882, the Chinese Exclusion Act was passed by Congress and signed by President Chester A. Arthur. This act provided an absolute 10-year moratorium on Chinese labor immigration.