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industrial revolution the great britain

  • ads

    enclosure ads begin in britain
  • population increase

    population increase
    the population increased by 50%!
  • population and machinery

    population and machinery
    population boom and machinery was invented
  • convicts

    convicts were getting sent to america but it was stopped
  • N.S.W

    it was decided that N.S.W was a good place to send convicts
  • captain arthur phillop

    captain arthur phillop
    captain arthur decided to proposed first fleet to N.S.W
  • fleets

    two more fleets arrived
  • free settlers

    free settlers
    the first free settlers arrived
  • governor lachlan macquarie

    governor lachlan macquarie
    governor lachlan macquarie arrived in N.S.W and started building houses and etc
  • colonies

    australia was divided into 6 colonies