Industrial Age: Positivism, Indigenismo, Social Darwinism, and Nativisim

  • Positivism

    Leaders of positivism included Juna Bautista Alberdi.It was influenced by the writings of Auguste Comte (1830s-1840s),a French philoshopher. People who supported positivism believed in promoting immigration and rejuvenating the Argentinean people. Positivism aimed to modernize Argentina's economy and it was supported by Latin American intellectuals.
  • Social Darwinism

    In the last three decades of the 1800s, Social Darwinism came into play as "scientific support" for the Manifest Destiny and imperialism. It was based on the studies of evolution done by Charles Darwin. Americans felt they were the "fittest" and therefore scientifically entitled to rule or eliminate the "unfit".
  • Nativism

    Nativism was a belief in America that national interests should be placed ahead of regional concerns or the interests of other countries. It was a middle class movement. Two types were civic and ethnic.
  • Indegismo

    Indegismo was a artistic, literary, and political movement. It was influenced by the writings of Bartolome de Las Casas and El Inca Garcilaso de la Vega. Argentineans abandoned European ways and sought a unique Argentinean identity. a goal of indegismo was to improve the lives of indigenous peoples.