Indus River Valley

  • 500

    Indian Texts

    Indian Texts
    In India, people began to write sacred texts, called Vadas. The Vadas reflects Aryan belief in many deities, including Lakshmi.
  • Jan 1, 1027

    Zhou Overthrow

    Zhou Overthrow
    The Zhou overthrew the Shang, Richly adorned artworks relflect Zhou power and wealth.
  • Jan 1, 1500

    Aryan Attack

    Aryan Attack
    The Aryans cross into india from the north and overrun existing cities and towns.
  • Shang Dynasty

    Shang Dynasty
    The Shang dynasty, known for fine bronzeworks, gains control of Haung He.
  • Chinese Civ.

    Chinese Civ.
    Chinese civilization emerges along river valleys and the east coast of africa.
  • First Indian Civ.

    First Indian Civ.
    First indian civiliaztions arise from the Indus river valley.
  • Civilizations emerge

    Civilizations emerge
    River Valley civilizations begin to emerge.