Independent Study

  • Start of Westward Expansion

    Start of Westward Expansion
    This was when the first travelers wanted to get to the frontier. This was when the idea of manifest destiny finally became true.
  • Invention of the Steamboat

    Invention of the Steamboat
    This was the debut of the Robert Fulton's steamboat. It could travel both ways of rivers and go at speeds of up to 5mph. This would revolutionize water travel and transportation of goods.
  • Start of Oregon Trail

    Start of Oregon Trail
    This was the first ear that the Oregon Trail was used. It was for emigrants to move to the frontier.
  • Start of Large Wave of Immigration

    This was when alot of people came to the US because of the promises that the country offered. Many Irish came to escape the potato famine.
  • Period: to

    Start of new wave of immigration

    This was when another great wave of immigration hit the United States. Many of the people that came were Irish and came the the US to escape the famine.
  • Start of Industrial Revolution

    Start of Industrial Revolution
    This was when the industrial revolution started in America. It paved the raod for future inventions.
  • Start of Temperance

    Start of Temperance
    This was when people started to control public drinking and drunkness. It tried to get complete absticence from alchohol and prhibiting it from the country.
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Uncle Tom's Cabin
    Harriette Breecher Stowe writes Uncle Tom's Cabin. It is about abolition. It was an important book in the 19th century.
  • First Labor Union Formed in US

    First Labor Union Formed in US
    This was the first of amny labor unions that would form as a result to labor reform. It was called the Mechanic's Union of Trade Associations in Philadelphia. It was formed in 1827.
  • Start of Abolition

    Start of Abolition
    This was when slave owners relalised that slavery was a sin and should be stopped. It was a by product of the second great awakening and they demanded emancipation.
  • Formation of American Temperance Union

    This Union joined the two previous temperance unions and formed a national one.
  • Abolishment of Imprisoning Debtors

    This was when the US stopped imprisoning the people who had dabt. Soon many states followed and did the same.
  • Start of Education Reform

    Start of Education Reform
    In 1837, Horace Mann started to reform the education system in Massachusetts. He started by creating grade levels, common standards and mandatory attendance.
  • African American School

    This was the oldest school for higher learning for African Americans. It was later changed to sercive all coloured people. It is in Cheyney Pennsilvania.
  • Irish Immigration

    Irish Immigration
    At this time, over ahlf of the immigrants were from Ireland alone. This was because of the massive potatoe famine.
  • Start of Prison Reform

    Start of Prison Reform
    When Dorothy Dix whent to go work at a prison as a sunday school teacher, she got to see all of the terrible things that were being done to the prisoners. This was when she decided that she would try to change the prison system, thus starting prison reform.
  • Publication of Fredrick Douglas' narrative

    This was when the book Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave is published in Boston. It was one of the greatest books of the 19th century.
  • Start of women's rights movement

    Start of women's rights movement
    This is when women started to fight for their rights and make changes to the country.
  • Harriet Tubman Escapes

    This is when Harriet Tubman escaped slavery through the Underground Railroad. SHe bacame a major conductor and a abolition activist later.
  • Chinese Immigraion

    Chinese Immigraion
    This was when over 25,000 chinese immigrants came to California because of the jobs and the prospect of gold.
  • FIrst Women's rights convention

    This was the first Women's Rights Convention. It took place in Worchester Mass. and over 1,000 people came. Yearly conventions were held every year afterwards.
  • International Trade Union Formed

    International Trade Union Formed
    This was the first "International" Trade Union. It was formed throughout the US and Canada.
  • End of Westward Expansion

    End of Westward Expansion
    This was when less and less people wanted to go to the west. Manifest Destiny had been accomplished and America went all the way to the west.
  • End of Large Wave of Immigration

    This was when the immigration to the US became a lot slower and less people came to the US. The Irish Potato famine was over so less came here.
  • End of Oregon Trail

    End of Oregon Trail
    This was the end of the Oregon Trail. It was replaced with railroads.