
Important phsycologists.

  • Sigmund Frued

    Sigmund Frued
    .Sigmund Freud Was born on may 6 1856. Freud had theories of psycho sexuality he contributed by influencing many other important psychologist ,he believed not all mental illnesses had to have a psychological cause.
    Also he helped us understand personality human development and abnormal psychology .
  • Alfred Binet

    Alfred Binet
    psychologist studied intelligence and created many tests to assess mental abilities.
  • James Mckeen Cattell

    James Mckeen Cattell
    thanks to James psychology became a legitimate science he was also the first professor to teach it.
  • .Alfred adler

    .Alfred adler
    . He was a great philosopher who helped influence many others. He had a theory that Human went for something named Striving for superiority which he believed was a motivating force behind human behavior,emotion and action.
  • Mary Whiton Calkins

    Mary Whiton Calkins
    a long pursuit for her studies mrs. Whiton studied psychology.She became the first woman president of the American Philosophical Association.
  • Gordong Allport

    Gordong Allport
    sychologist who categorized feelings into 3 different traits. Cardinal traits: trait which would influence the whole body
    Central traits:Traits which make up one's personality and the third trait which would be the Secondary traits these are traits which only show up under certain circumstances. These were some of the few ways in which he contributed ,his personality theories.
  • .Solomon Asch

    .Solomon Asch
    tudied peer pressure ,social pressure on conformity .
  • .Mary Ainsworth

    .Mary Ainsworth
    She was a psychologist .Ainsworth studied attachment and concluded that there were three main kinds of attachment :secure,anxious avoidant and anxious resistant.Her studies contributed with an understanding to child attachment.
  • Albert Bandura

    Albert Bandura
    ,Albert studied imitations of actions, behavior and ,cognitions. He impacted a part of the later to be the cognitive study,personality psychology ,psychotherapy .
  • Antonio Damasio

    Antonio Damasio
    chair of the University of Iowa's neurology department science *1986,increasingly interested in the role emotions,speaks about the effect that feelings and emotions have within us.