Important Events between 1750-1918

  • Textile Industry

    Textile Industry
    World History:Factory SystemsThe Textile Industry started in the early 1718. This was an important event in history because, it started out having women and children making the clothes. But then later on, it started to advance and it then started powering off water. It changed the way people wore clothes and made them throughout the years, I think this event impacted history because, it advanced the way people where their clothes today.
  • French and Indian War begin

    French and Indian War begin
    French and Indian War
    The french and Indian war was an important event because, it was a war that determined either the british/french would win the land of the natives or would the natives keep their own land. The war started out the british wanting the french land in North America but soon spreaded toward the Native lands. I think this was an important event because, it showed who started taking over lands so early in the worlds history.
  • Treaty of Paris ends Seven Years War

    Treaty of Paris ends Seven Years War
    <ahref='' >Treaty of Paris</a> The Treaty of Paris ended the American Revoluntion War between Great Britian and North America and all of the allies for both countries. I think it was important because, it stopped all the war between the countries and created peace among others.
  • American Revolution Begins

    American Revolution Begins
    American Revolution The American Revolution was a very poliltcal important event because, this was when the 13 colonies decidied to break away from the British Empire and gain their indepence.
  • Declaration of Indepence

    Declaration of Indepence
    The Declaration of Indepence The Declaration of Indepence was an important event because, it created people to be equal and become a commuity among their differences. It led people to life their life in peace and freedom. I think this event impacted the world by mostly giving North America freedom, but also give an example for other countries to fight for their freedom.
  • French Revolution Begins

    French Revolution Begins
    French Revolution
    King Louis XIV, made the whole country do in downfall in econmic ways and led to sereval events such as the Regin of Terror. The absolute monachry goverment of all France and spread throughout Europe had fallen within 3 years; and Europe became falling in econmic and political ways.
  • The Delcaration of the Rights of Men

    The Delcaration of the Rights of Men
    The Declaration of Rights of Men The Declaration of the Rights of Men showed that all men were equal and should be able to vote among the government issues. I think it impacted the world because, it allowed people to come forth and vote who they think would be right for a president or an issue among the laws.
  • Cotton Gin

    Cotton Gin
    Cotton Gin
    Eli Whitney was the inventor of the Cotton Gin. This machine sepreated the cottonseed from the short-staple cotton fiber. Also, this machine could remove over 50 pounds of cotton per day, when only one worker could remove a pound a day. I think this machine impacted the world by using a new way to remove seeds faster and produce clothes faster than a human could.
  • Industrial Revolution

    Industrial Revolution
    Industrial Revoultion The industrial Revolution shows that the economic began to grow, new markets arrived, changes in the way goods were transported, and also improved the communcations and social structe of factorys. This impacted the world in many ways being it became a new opportunity to gain in new levels of money and commucations around the world.
  • Start to World War 1

    Start to World War 1
    Start of World War 1 World War 1 started because, the heir of Austria-Hungary Archduke Francis Ferdinand was killed, and Austria-Hungary declared war on Russia. Later, Germany declared war on France. Throughout the whole war many soliders died of posions and toxics. I think this war impacted the world because, so many soliders died from being in the war; that is showed people wars aren't good to have.