important dates in Modern Japan

  • 1915-17 elections

    1915-The doshikai won the 1915 election by imitating the Seiyukai's political tactics and holding power for two years. 1917- the Seiyukai regained power in 1917 by offering support and promising the rural areas improvements
  • Rice riots

    1918- following the Rice riots, Takeshi Hara became Prime minister and was known as the first "commoner" to hold the position.
  • Workers rights

    1920- The Seiyukai governments rejection of workers and unions rights and an unsuccessful push for universal voting rights causes mass confusion and destabilisation on the topic of conventional politics
  • Seiyukai voted out

    social Dissatisfaction lead to the Seiyukai party being voted out and the Kenseikai being voted into power
  • Universal male suffrage

    Under the Kato-Kenseikai government in 1925 there is an introduction of the "Universal male suffrage
  • Military funding cut

    The Kenseikai government cut the Military funding by 42%
  • Minseito party

    1929- the Minseito party took power from the Kenseikai party