Important Dates between 1921-1939 Mitchell Peers

  • 1st Meeting for League of Nations

    1st Meeting for League of Nations
    The League of Nations was created after World War 1. The purpose of the Leage was to resolve disputes and prevent violence between countries worldwide. Woodrow Wilson, United States president, strongly supported the group and represented the League of Nations with his Fourteen Points. The United States did not attend the meeting between several countries. By not attending the meeting, tension was created between the United States and other European countries.
  • Washington Conference is held

    Washington Conference is held
    This was a conference held in Washington D.C. and waas the first disarmament conference in history. Nine nations attended becuase they had interests in the Pacific Ocean and East Asia. Russia was not invited to the conference. The meeting resulted in the Four-Power Treaty, Five-Power Treaty, and the Nine-Power Treaty. All the treaties preserved peace during the 1920s, but also created the rise of the Japanese Empire, leading into World War II.
  • The Beer Hall Putsch

    The Beer Hall Putsch
    The Beer Hall Putsch was a failed attenmpt to take over a southern state in Germany and overthrow the state government. Hitler was convicted of treason and got sentenced to five years in prison. He got out of prison after only a year behind bars. The trial turned Hitler into a national figure as he worked to reuild the Nazi Party and gain power. This led to Hitler's strive for power
  • Vladimir Lenin dies

    Vladimir Lenin dies
    Lenin was the founder of the Russian Communist Party, leader of the Bolshevik Revolution, and first head of the Soviet Union. Vladimir Lenin dies in 1924 and Joseph Stalin takes over. Stalin was one of the greatest leaders of the Soviet Union. He forced rapid industrialization and transformed the Soviet Union. He turned the Soviet Union into a military superpower. Lenin's death inproved the Soviet Union and gave them more power in Europe.
  • Japan invades Manchuria

    Japan invades Manchuria
    In Septmeber if 1931, there was an explosion on a railway near Mukden. The Japanese claimed the Chinese sabotaged the railway. Upset by this, Japan invaded Manchuria. China apealed to The League of Nations looking for help. The League told Japan to withdraw and leave Manchuria. Japan ignored the League and continued to invade Manchuria. This shows that the League of Nations couldn't stop Japan's aggression and caused issues with Japan disobeying the League.
  • Hitler becomes Chancellor

  • USA passes the Neutrality Act

  • German Armies occupy Rhineland

    German Armies occupy Rhineland
    Rhineland is a part of Germany that is next to France, Belgium, and Luxembourg. Rhineland was demilitarized because of the Treaty of Versailles, but was still controlled by Germany. France didn't want Germany to have any troops there so Germany wouldn't attack them. Geramn troops marched into Rhineland and quickly started building the Siegfried Line. This entir situation caused tension between Germany and France.
  • Germany announces Union with Austria

  • Pact of Steel is signed