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Immune Response

  • Next Allergen

    When an allergen enters the body for a second time, the antybody has prepared itself. The immune sysem immediatly goes into response and fights the foreign substance.
  • Cell Work

    This "invasion" of food causes the immune system to create B-cells. T-cells go and tag the food to be destroyed and expelled from the body.
  • Antybody ID

    Antibodies are released and sent to attack forein invaders. The immune system has over reacted to a substance in the food. The antybody ID's the invader and readies itself for the next time it is injested.
  • Alergen Entry

    The allergy is eaten and taken into the body. The food is harmless to the body, but the immune system views it as an invader.
  • Histamine Release

    The body now releases large amounts of histamine. This triggers the immune system.
  • Reaction

    After the histamine is relased, the body begins a fight. The immune system is working to destroy the invader. This causes a reaction to take place.
  • Types of Reactions

    Reactions can vary from mild to severe. Swelling of the mouth, inflamation, decreased breathing, itching/ rashes, stomach cramps, vommiting, and even anaphylaxis shock may take place.