
  • Naturalization Act

    Allowed only white people to become American citzens.
  • Naturalization Act:

    Senate allowed African Americans descented to naturalized Americans to become American citzens. But rejected to extend admendment to a Chinese's descent. (No exact date)
  • 15 Passenger Bill

    Limited the number of Chinese passengers for ships, saying that they were aliens not to be trusted.(No exact date)
  • Period: to

    Black business

    African American's who migranted up North and West started businesses and became entrepreneurs.
  • First Largest Movement.

    About 454,000 African American southerners moved up North during War World I. (Date is unknown)
  • Period: to

    Great Migration

    Movement of about five million Southern African Americans moving up North and West. (Exact time is unknown)
  • Return of the KKK (Ku Klux Klan)

    The return of a racial group. (No Exact date)
  • Schools

    Education was given to African Americans.
  • Low Wages

    African Americans protested about only earning lower wages.
  • Repeal

    Allowed 105 Chiense to enter the US and have descents become American Citzens.