ICT for Autism

  • Colby - The rationale for computer-based treatment of language difficulties in nonspeaking autistic children

    I computer sono strumenti didattici di successo per i bambini affetti da ASD [https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/BF01538283]
  • Panyan - Computer Technology for Autistic Students

  • Hedbring - Computers and autistic learners: An evolving technology

  • Levine - Software for the atypical and severely handicapped student

  • Romanczyk et al. - Perspectives on research in autism: current trends and future directions

    Romanczyk, Ekdahl, and Lockshin reported that they often have observed that even those children with autism that have explicitly expressed their preference for the computer tend to actually perform better with the teacher.
  • Chen and Bernard-Opitz - Comparison of personal and computer-assisted instruction for children with autism

    Confronto tra ICT Vs Metodi tradizionali;
    Le persone con autismo sono altamente motivate dai task offerti da un computer
  • Green - Computer-based simulations in the education and assessment of autistic children

    I computer determinano un ambiente controllato con un numero minimo di distrazioni; L'uso dei computer è attrattivo per i bambini con ASD
  • Heimann et al. - Increasing Reading and Communication Skills in Children with Autism Through an Interactive Multimedia Computer Program

    ICT-Programma ALPHA per insegnare READING AND COMMUNICATION SKILLS.Programma interattivo che facilita l'apprendimento del linguaggio attraverso feedback multicanale (voce, animazione, video, etc.);112 lezioni, obiettivo: sviluppare le capacità di lettura e scrittura di vocaboli di base e l'abilità di utilizzare queste parole in semplici frasi; Partecipanti:11 con ASD; Valutazione:Flashcard ABC e UMESOL, imitazione di frasi, consapevolezza fonologica, registrazione delle sessioni.
  • Jordan - Communicating with a computer: the use and abuse of computers in developing

    Computer + ASD : incrementano la focused attention; aumento della capacità di attenzione complessiva; miglioramento nel setting behaviour; miglioramento delle capacità motorie "fini"; aumento della capacità di generalizzazione dell'apprendimento; diminuzione dell'agitazione; diminuzione dei self-stimulatori behaviours; diminuzione delle perseverative responses.
  • Strickland - Brief Report: Two Case Studies Using Virtual Reality as a Learning Tool for Autistic Children

    1° STUDIO IVR + ASD (Life Skills)
    VR-HMD x insegnare a bambini autistici ad attraversare la strada in maniera sicura. Studio di accettabilità e studio delle reazioni dei partecipanti (sono in grado di rispondere in maniera significativa agli stimoli generati da una tecnologia di tipo immersive?). approccio TEACCH per favorire l'accettazione.
    generalizzazione dell'apprendimento: il n., il colore e la velocità delle auto è variabile, tre strade diverse.
  • Swettenham - Can children with autism be taught to understand false belief using computers?

    I computer potrebbero essere particolarmente attraenti per le persone affette da ASD poiché forniscono un ambiente coerente e prevedibile tale che il ritmo di lavoro può essere adattato alle esigenze individuali di ognuno. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8682895]
  • Higgins and Boone - Creating Individualized Computer-Assisted Instruction for Students with Autism Using Multimedia Authoring Software

    Definisce una linea guida da seguire nella progettazione di un SW specifico per l'insegnamento per le persone affette da ASD. [http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/108835769601100202]
  • Cromby et al. - The potentials of virtual environments in the education and training of people with learning disabilities.

    REVIEW The principal aim of the paper is to collate and review the existing disparate literature on the use of virtual environments (VEs) in this field, but some previously unpublished material appears both in the discussion of theoretical foundations for the use of VEs, and in the discussion of ethical issues.[https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9004109]
  • Murray - Autism and Information Technology: Therapy with Computers

    Le IT sono un contesto efficace, comodo, di sostegno ed emozionalmente coinvolgente per l'educazione e l'apprendimento per gli individui affetti da ASD. Le relazioni nel VE vengono incorporate grazie alla presenza di parenti e/o insegnanti vicino l'utente durante l'esperienza. [https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/e/9780203606131/chapters/10.4324%2F9780203606131-11]
  • Max and Burke - Virtual reality for autism communication and education, with lessons for medical training simulators

    Studio circa la Generalizzazione dell'apprendimento (skills nella vita reale)da parte di bambini con ASD mediante tecnologie VR. I risultati sono molto promettenti. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10184722]
  • Yamamoto e Miya - cquisition and Transfer of Sentence Construction in Autistic Students: Analysis by Computer-Based Teaching

    Studio circa l'efficacia dell'utilizzo dei computer nell'insegnamento di language skills. [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0891422299000177]
  • Parsons et al. - Development of social skills amongst adults with Asperger’s Syndrome using virtual environments: the ‘AS Interactive’ project

    Progetto interattivo AS : user centered design e collaborative design che mira allo sviluppo e alla valutazione dell'uso di ambienti virtuali per supportare e migliorare le social skills in adulti con AS. valutazione del potenziale delle CVE. [http://playpen.icomtek.csir.co.za/~acdc/assistive%20devices/Artabilitation2008/archive/2000/papers/2000_22.pdf]
  • Moore et al. - Computer-Aided Learning for People with Autism – a Framework for Research and Development

    This paper therefore proposes a framework for further research and development in the field of computer-aided learning for students with autism.[https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/13558000050138452]
  • Moore and Calvert - Vocabulary Acquisition for Children with Autism: Teacher or Computer Instruction

    Metodi tradizionali VS ICT. studio dell'impatto di un intervento PC-based sull'acquisizione del lessico da parte di bambini con ASD. Digitalizzazione del trattamento tradizionale). Pre e post test per delineare i risultati dello studio. sessioni videoregistrate per valutazione il livello di concentrazione e attenzione. motivazione dei soggetti valutata chiedendo se volevano continuare ad usare il SW.[https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1023/A:1005535602064.pdf]
  • Silver and Oakes - Evaluation of a new computer intervention to teach people with autism or Asperger syndrome to recognize and predict emotions in others

    progettazione e valutazione di un intervento PC-based utilizzato per insegnare alle persone con ASD a riconoscere e prevedere meglio le risposte emotive negli altri. Pre e Post test utilizzando fotografie di espressioni facciali, cartoni animati che descrivono situazioni emozionali e storie non letterali.[https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11708589]
  • Bernard-Opitz et al. - Enhancing Social Problem Solving in Children with Autism and Normal Children Through Computer-Assisted Instruction

    Rivisitazione del SW in chiave autismo di "I Can Solve It". insegnamento a bambini con ASD di skills sociali. Il metro di valutazione dei risultati è determinato dal numero di "novel ideas" prodotte e confrontate con il # di NI prodotte da un gruppo di controllo formato da bambini con sviluppo tipico.[https://link.springer.com/article/10.1023/A:1010660502130]
  • Parsons and Mitchell - The potential of virtual reality in social skills training for people with autistic spectrum disorders

  • Bolte et al. - The development and evaluation of a computer-based program to test and to teach the recognition of facial affect

    Studio in cui si riportano i risulta lo sviluppo e la valutazione di un programma ICT per l'insegnamento e il testing delle abilità di identificazione delle emozioni facciali di base. Digitalizzazione di oltre 1000 fotografie di occhi e facce, ognuna con una propria emozione. l'associazione foto-emozione è stata testata da un gruppo di persone con sviluppo tipico. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12585821]
  • Bosseler and Massaro - Development and Evaluation of a Computer-Animated Tutor for Vocabulary and Language Learning in Children with Autism

    tutor computer-animated chiamato BALDI per insegnare il lessico e la grammatica a bambini con ASD. lo studio ha dimostrato come tutti i bambini sono stati in grado di apprendere nuove parole all'interno del SW e sono stati in grado di trasferire quanto appreso nel mondo reale. Pre e post test e analisi in follow up dopo 30 giorni. framework teorico di elaborazione multimodale. [http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=]
  • Hetzroni and Tannous - Effects of a Computer-Based Intervention Program on the Communicative Functions of Children with Autism

    Programma SW realizzato dagli autori dello studio in collaborazione con un programmatore per la riabilitazione nelle attività quotidiane di soggetti con ASD "I CAN WORD IT TOO" . sessioni videoregistrate e vengono filmati i soggetti anche in fase post-intervento per valutare i risultati. [https://link.springer.com/article/10.1023/B:JADD.0000022602.40506.bf]
  • Lanyi and Tilinger- Multimedia and Virtual Reality in the Rehabilitation of Autistic Children

    This paper presents the developed programs and the results of their usability test. [https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-540-27817-7_4]
  • Parsons et al. - The Use and Understanding of Virtual Environments by Adolescents with Autistic Spectrum Disorders

    studio circa le risposte verbali e comportamentali di adolescenti con ASD all'interno di un DVE.ogni task coinvolge comunicazione, interazione e navigazione all'interno del VE.sessioni videoregistrata e al termine di ogni sessione ogni partecipante ha risposto ad alcune domande.ogni task è stato cronom. e al compl. viene assegnato un punteggio. val. del grado di comprensione degli oggetti presenti presenti all'interno del VE.[https://link.springer.com/article/10.1023/B:JADD.0000037421.98517.8d]
  • Cheng et al. - Collaborative Virtual Environment Technology for People with Autism

    il CVE è stato implementato con un desktop ed un mouse per la navigazione. ob.: esplorare l'abilità di riconoscere le emozioni appropriate a seconda del contesto o il contesto appropriato per ogni emozione. 30/34 sono stati in grado di concludere l'esperienza in maniera positiva e sono stati in grado di utilizzare correttamente l'avatar e di capire e riconoscere le emozioni appropriate.[https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/707b/b3f4da6ed4c9d47c0bd201917709bb47ff3b.pdf]
  • Gal et al. - Enhancing Social Communication Through Storytelling Among High-Functioning Children with Autism

    progettazione in un'interfaccia touchable multiutente con bottoni colorati per incentivare le attività di storytelling. [https://www.researchgate.net/publication/220744027_Enhancing_Social_Communication_Through_Story-Telling_Among_High-Functioning_Children_with_Autism]
  • Parsons et al. - Do adolescents with autistic spectrum disorders adhere to social conventions in virtual environments?

    VE. studiare le risposte verbali e comportamentali a differenti convenzioni sociali all'interno di un bar, di un giardino e di una strada. confronto con gruppo di persone con sviluppo tipico. task cronometrati. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15618265]
  • Parsons et al. - Virtual environments for social skills training: comments from two adolescents with autistic spectrum disorder

    Questo studio adotta un approccio case-study qualitativo per riportare osservazioni e commenti di due ragazzi adolescenti con ASD, raccolti durante una serie di sessioni utilizzando un ambiente virtuale di caffetteria e autobus.
  • Whalen et al. - Behavioral Improvements Associated with Computer-Assisted Instruction for Children with Developmental Disabilities

    Programma Teachtown (programma Computer Assisted Instruction che utilizza ABA per insegnare una varietà di skills a bambini con disabilità dello sviluppo) progettato seguendo le best practices delineate dall'ABA presentata all'interno del framework. il programma si adatta alle prestazioni del bambino. Pre e Post testing.[http://psycnet.apa.org/record/2014-51874-003]
  • Golan and Baron-Cohen - Systemizing empathy: Teaching adults with Asperger syndrome or high-functioning autism to recognize complex emotions using interactive multimedia

    Studio circa l'efficienza di MindReading, una guida interattiva sistematica alle emozioni, nell'insegnamento del riconoscimento delle emozioni complesse a partire da espressioni facciali e voci.[https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16600069]
  • Mitchell et al. - Using Virtual Environments for Teaching Social Understanding to 6 Adolescents with Autistic Spectrum Disorders

    lo studio ha l'obiettivo di valutare le potenzialità dei VE proposti per insegnare la comprensione e le skills sociali. Sono previsti 3 set di video ambientati in un bar e in autobus reali e vengono intervallati da task da realizzare all'interno del VE. tutti i partecipanti hanno lo stesso set di tasks da eseguire ma li devono completare in uno dei due ordini prestabiliti. le sessioni sono state videoregistrate. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16900403]
  • Self et al. - A Virtual Approach to Teaching Safety Skills to Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder

    VR vs modello di trattamento integrato/visivo nell'insegnamento di safety skills a bambini con ASDin un contesto scolastico pubblico. Risultati determinati confrontando i risultati dei gruppo di controllo con quelli che hanno utilizzato il SW. apprendimento più rapido e lieve generalizzazione dell'apprendimento. [http://vsmproject.pbworks.com/f/Virtual_approach_teaching_safety_autism.pdf]
  • Cobb - Virtual Environments Supporting Learning and Communication in Special Needs Education

    Sviluppo e valutazione (REVIEW) di applicazioni di VR intese a sostenere la formazione di individui con esigenze di apprendimento e comunicazione per renderli più indipendenti. Valutazioni circa l'usabilità, divertimento, dimostrazione dell'acquisizione delle skills e e generalizzazione delle skills nel mondo reale. [http://geniiz.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/12/2012/01/2.pdf]
  • LaCava et al. - Using Assistive Technology to Teach Emotion Recognition to Students With Asperger Syndrome

    The present pilot study explored the use of assistive technology to teach emotion recognition (ER) to eight children with ASC. SW utilizzato: MindReading. Pre e Post testing.
  • Speer et al. - Face processing in children with autism

    Recenti studi di tracciamento oculare dell'elaborazione del viso hanno prodotto resoconti diversi su come e se i bambini con autismo
    differiscono dai loro pari con sviluppo tipico. stimoli dinamici vs stimoli statici. [http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=]
  • Vera et al. - Computer graphics applications in the education process of people with learning difficulties

    Questo documento descrive l'uso delle applicazioni grafiche in tempo reale come strumenti educativi, specificamente orientati a lavorare con persone che hanno determinate difficoltà di apprendimento. [https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1290298]
  • Goodwin - Enhancing and Accelerating the Pace of Autism Research and Treatment

    Le tecnologie innovative (audio and video recorders; electronic sensing technology; computer architecture, hardware, and software; virtual reality; and robotics.) introdotte nella ricerca sui trattamenti dei disturbi dello spettro autistico sono in grado di fornire dei trattamenti terapeutici validi ed efficaci. [http://autism.justinecassell.com/autism08/wiki/images/a/aa/GoodwinAutismTech.pdf]
  • Schmidt and Schmidt - Three-dimensional virtual learning environments for mediating social skills acquisition among individuals with autism spectrum disorders

    Ambienti virtuali 3D che vengono utilizzati come strumento di apprendimento di social skills da parte di soggetti affetti da ASD [https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1463725]
  • Josman et al. - Effectiveness of virtual reality for teaching street-crossing skills to children and adolescents with autism

    Obiettivo dello studio: esaminare se i bambini affetti da ASD son in grado di acquisire le abilità/competenze necessarie per attraversare la strada in maniera sicura sfruttando un DVE e se sono in grado di trasferire tali competenze nel mondo reale. Pre e Post testing. [https://www.researchgate.net/publication/236658997_Effectiveness_of_Virtual_Reality_for_Teaching_Street-Crossing_Skills_to_Children_and_Adolescents_with_Autism]
  • Herrera et al. - Development of symbolic play through the use of virtual reality tools in children with autistic spectrum disorders

    La VR offre il vantaggio, nell'insegnamento del gioco simbolico e nella comprensione dell'immaginazione, di essere in grado di mostrare queste trasformazioni immaginarie in modo esplicito. analisi di due casi di studio. VR non immersiva. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18308764]
  • Marnik and Szela - Multimedia Program for Teaching Autistic Children

    Il programma multimediale è progettato per la riabilitazione di bambini autistici. L'obiettivo principale del programma è di mostrare il tipico comportamento umano nelle situazioni quotidiane e di far familiarizzare i bambini autistici con le emozioni espresse dalle espressioni facciali. VR non immersiva [https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-540-68168-7_57]
  • Passerino and Santarosa - Autism and digital learning environments: Processes of interaction and mediation

    a VE can support human-to-human communication by bringing people together and allowing them to communicate via the internet [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0360131507000607]
  • Putnam and Chong - Software and Technologies Designed for People with Autism: What do users want?

    This paper reports on results from an anonymous on-line survey intended as a first step to elucidate information about software and technology use. [https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1414475]
  • Wallace et al. - An investigation of basic facial expression recognition in autism spectrum disorders

    This study was designed to test three competing hypotheses (impaired configural processing; impaired Theory of Mind; atypical amygdala functioning) to explain the basic facial expression recognition profile of adults with autism spectrum disorders (ASD).[https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/02699930701782153]
  • Beaumont and Soffronot - A multi-component social skills intervention for children with Asperger syndrome: The Junior Detective Training Program

    SG "Junior Detective Training Program" per insegnare social ed emotional skills a bambini affetti da ASD. Storyline a tema detective ambientato nel futuro. il trattamento include le sessioni di gioco individuali, sessioni di gruppo e sessioni di training con i genitori e con gli insegnanti (scaffolding).[https://www.researchgate.net/publication/5345821_A_multi-component_social_skills_intervention_for_children_with_Asperger_syndrome_The_Junior_Detective_Training_Program]
  • Luneski et al. - Affective Computer-Aided Learning for Autistic Children

    CAL system.obiettivo principale:migliorare e/o mediare il processo educativo insegnante-bambino.prevede varie forme di interazione, adeguate al livello di disabilità della persona autistica. sono presenti vari moduli che variano per complessità e tipo di interazione.approccio progettuale utilizzato: user centered design.il sistema si adatta alle necessità dell'utente, è di facile utilizzo e ha un'interfaccia semplice[https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/26ea/cab4b439d88716985d7c77c40e5f6abebb4d.pdf]
  • Mineo et al. - Engagement with Electronic Screen Media Among Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders

    Studio del coinvolgimento/impegno potenziale di quattro tipi di electronic screen media (video animato, video di sé, video di un familiare impegnato in un gioco IVR, immersione di sé stesso in un gioco IVR). sono state analizzate la durata dello sguardo e la vocalizzazione per misurare il grado di coinvolgimento. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18626761]
  • Parsons et al. - Virtual reality in paediatric rehabilitation: A review

    REVIEW: la VR può essere uno strumento di apprendimento efficace. dall'analisi degli studi condotti dal team è emerso come i bambini interagiscono bene con i VE e seguono generalmente le istruzioni che gli vengono date. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19842822]
  • Ehrlich and Miller - A Virtual environment for teaching social skills: AViSSS.

    Ehrlich et al. developed a 3D virtual world called Animated Visual Supports for Social Skills (AViSSS) at the University of Kansas in 2008. This system enabled people with Asperger syndrome to work on social skills using different environments and situations shown on the platform. Participants had to choose how to behave or select objects. [https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/5167482/]
  • Hernandez et al. - Exploration of core features of a human face by healthy and autistic adults analyzed by visual scanning

    Lo scopo di questo studio era di quantificare il comportamento oculare in 11 adulti con autismo e 23 soggetti sani (15-35 anni) mentre esplorava facce e volti neutri esprimendo un'emozione usando un metodo di tracciamento oculare. È stata anche studiata la strategia utilizzata per esplorare i volti.[https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19027761]
  • Tanaka et al. - Using computerized games to teach face recognition skills to children with autism spectrum disorder: The Let’s Face It! program

    face recognition skills. gioco per pc "Let's Face It"[https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20646129]
  • Golan et al. - Enhancing emotion recognition in children with autism spectrum conditions: an intervention using animated vehicles with real emotional faces

    DVD con un SW educativo per insegnare le emozioni chiamato TRANSPORTERS creato dall'Autism Research Center. Ci sono 8 personaggi (veicoli) con facce umane che rappresentano delle emozioni. la natura meccanica dei personaggi attira l'attenzione dei bambini con ASD. rappresenta un contesto in cui l'apprendimento risulta essere facilitato. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19763807]
  • Boisvert et al. - Telepractice in the assessment and treatment of individuals with autism spectrum disorders: A systematic review

    REVIEW - lista di studi analizzati e sintetizzati dal punto di vista dei partecipanti allo studio, tecnologie utilizzate servizi inviati in via telematica, metodologie di ricerca e risultati.[https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20887200]
  • Schwarz et al. - Responses to Nonverbal Behaviour of Dynamic Virtual Characters in High-Functioning Autism

    Studio che analizza i sentimenti di coinvolgimento evocati dal comportamento non verbale di personaggi virtuali dinamici in 20 adulti con autismo ad alto funzionamento (HFA).
    i soggetti con autismo hanno meno "contatto" e "urgenza" per stabilire un contatto tra condizioni e meno "interesse" rispetto ai controlli in una condizione con espressioni facciali significative. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19653087]
  • Millen et al. - The Development of Educational Collaborative Virtual Environments for Children with Autism

  • Cheng and Ye - Exploring the social competence of students with autism spectrum conditions in a collaborative virtual learning environment – The pilot study

    ambiente simulato creato per promuovere le competenze sociali per le persone affette da ASD. tecnologia 3D per presentare lo scenario (classe di una scuola e scena all'aria aperta). è prevista una storyline. comunicazione sia verbale che non. l'insegnante comanda un avatar all'interno dello scenario (ruolo di facilitatore/mentore)[https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0360131509002966]
  • Whalen et al. - Efficacy of TeachTown: Basics Computer-Assisted Intervention for the Intensive Comprehensive Autism Program in Los Angeles Unified School District

    Studio circa i risultati determinati dal SW TeachTown (Whalen et al. 2006) [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20484002]
  • Wallace et al. - Sense of presence and atypical social judgments in immersive virtual environments

    IVR Research --> Social Skills (opinion about a social situation)
    Blue Room (IVR system a cube)
    Can IVE accurately simulate ecologically valid social situations?
    3 diversi scenari sociali.
  • Milne et al. - Development of a virtual agent based social tutor for children with autism spectrum disorders

    Social and emotional skills
    Exposure of subjects to social situations in virtual environments. Children gained information about conversation and bullying skills.
  • Hopkins et al. - Avatar Assistant: Improving Social Skills in Students with an ASD Through a Computer-Based Intervention

    Studi che esamina i risultati indotti da FaceSay, un programma educativo computer-based per le social and emotional skills. valutazione circa la generalizzazione dell'apprendimento nel mondo reale. FaceSay: colorato, 3 differenti giochi con avatars realistici, progettati per insegnare specifiche abilità sociali ai bambini con ASD. scopo: promuovere la consapevolezza dei movimenti e delle caratteristiche delle facce (in part. zona degli occhi)[https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21287255]
  • Wang and Reid - Virtual reality in pediatric neurorehabilitation: attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, autism and cerebral palsy

    REVIEW circa la VR - i costi dei HMD li rendono non accessibili a tutti. cybersickness dovuta dalle tecnologie HMD adottate negli studi relativi alle VR [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21088430]
  • Bellani et al. - Virtual reality in autism: state of the art

    REVIEW dello stato dell'arte delle modalità di trattamento per ASD che adottano VR [https://www.cambridge.org/core/services/aop-cambridge-core/content/view/S2045796011000448]
  • Ramdoss et al. - Use of Computer-Based Interventions to Teach Communication Skills to Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Systematic Review

    REVIEW. Studio che fornisce un'analisi sistematica degli studi che prevedono l'uso di interventi PC-based per insegnare communicative skills a bambini con ASD. [https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10864-010-9112-7]
  • Wainer and Ingersol - The use of innovative computer technology for teaching social communication to individuals with autism spectrum disorders

    REVIEW degli studi che hanno utilizzato o utilizzano tecnologie innovative come programmi SW interattivi o VR per effettuare interventi focalizzati sullo sviluppo di competenze sociali e comunicative negli individui affetti da ASD. [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S175094671000125X]
  • Alcorn at al. - Social Communication between virtual characters and children with autism

    Social communication skills
    Teach children to follow a virtual character's gaze and gesture cues. Children were able to successfully complete the task. Perception of the VR character as an intentional being.
  • Reed et al. - Applications of technology to teach social skills to children with autism

    REVIEW della letteratura esistente al fine di determinare il numero di studi empirici condotti con le ICT per insegnare le social skills, le caratteristiche di ogni studio e analizzare i risultati che hanno determinato. [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1750946711000286]
  • Parsons and Cobb - State-of-the-art of virtual reality technologies for children on the autism spectrum

    REVIEW degli studi condotti circa le VR negli ultimi 10 anni che asseriscono le potenzialità delle VR negli interventi per il trattamento dei disturbi dello spettro autistico. [https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/08856257.2011.593831]
  • Lahiri et al. - Design of a Gaze-Sensitive Virtual Social Interactive System for Children With Autism

    Studio circa il sistema VIGART, il quale è in grado di fornire feedback personalizzati in base ai modelli di sguardo dinamico di un bambino durante l'interazione basata su VR[https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21609889]
  • Abirached et al. - Improving communication skills of children with ASDs through interaction with virtual characters

    This article presents the LIFEisGAME project, a serious game that will help children with ASDs to recognize and express emotions through facial expressions.[https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/6165464/]
  • Shane et al. - Applying Technology to Visually Support Language and Communication in Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders

    This paper offers an organizational framework for describing traditional and emerging augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) technology, and highlights how tools within this framework can support a visual approach to everyday communication and improve language instruction. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21691867]
  • Grynszpan et al. - Self-Monitoring of Gaze in High Functioning Autism

    Utilizzando un sistema di eye-tracking e un display gaze-contingent lens, il presente studio esplora l'auto-monitoraggio del movimento oculare in due condizioni: esplorazione visiva libera ed esplorazione guidata attraverso l'offuscamento del campo visivo eccetto l'area focale della visione. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22102292]
  • Schmidth et al. - Developing Methods for Understanding Social Behavior in a 3D Virtual Learning Environment

    Studio e implementazione di un metodo per raccogliere, codificare e comprendere le interazioni sociali reciproche in un ambiente virtuale 3D chiamato iSocial, sviluppato per giovani con ASD per migliorare le loro competenze sociali. è un VE multi-utente (CVE). 4 lezioni che si svolgono in una lighthouse virtuale. durante la sessione sono presenti un facilitatore e degli avatars con il ruolo di guide online[https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0747563211002196]
  • Ramdoss et al. - Computer-based interventions to improve social and emotional skills in individuals with autism spectrum disorders: A systematic review

    REVIEW sistematica degli interventi computer-based utilizzati per migliorare le social and emotional skills negli individui con ASD. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22494084]
  • Noor et al. - Serious Game for Autism Children: Review of Literature

    REVIEW dei SG esistenti utilizzati nel trattamento dei ASD [https://waset.org/publications/7149/serious-game-for-autism-children-review-of-literature]
  • Jarrold et al. - Social attention in a virtual public speaking task in higher functioning children with autism.

    Nello studio viene utilizzata una classe virtuale per studiare l'attenzione sociale e la pratica nel parlare in pubblico, ogni sessione comprende vari tasks da eseguire.[https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23696132]
  • Alves et al. - LIFEisGAME Prototype: A Serious Game about Emotions for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders

    Prototipo di LIFEisGAME per l'ipad. Valutazione circa la motivazione a giocare e l'usabilità del gioco. Valutazione circa le abilità di riconoscimento delle emozioni da parte dei partecipanti e la loro abilità nell'utilizzare la tecnologia. [http://www.psychnology.org/File/PNJ11(3)/PSYCHNOLOGY_JOURNAL_11_3_QUEIROS.pdf]
  • Ploog et al. - Use of Computer-Assisted Technologies (CAT) to Enhance Social, Communicative, and Language Development in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders

    This paper reviews the use of computer-assisted technology (CAT), excluding strictly internet-based approaches, to enhance social, communicative, and language development in individuals with ASD by dividing the vast literature into four main areas: language, emotion recognition, theory of mind, and social skills. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22706582]
  • Rajendran - Virtual environments and autism: a developmental psychopathological approach

  • Lorenzo et al. - Inclusion of immersive virtual learning environments and visual control system to support the learning of students with Asperger syndrome

    IVR (LShape IVRsystem)--> Improve Social Skills and executive functions
    Can IVE support the acquisition of knowledge, improve social skills and the performance of school tasks of students with Asperger syndrome? Can the learning implemented in the IVEs be transferred to the real school environment? Improvement of executive functions and social skills. Some skills GENERALIZATION of LEARNING in REAL-LIFE Scenarios.
  • Cai et al. - Design and development of virtual Dolphinarium for children with autism

    IVR research --> Nonverbally communication skills
    Immersive Room + Kinect + Tracking system
    How ASD students can learn nonverbally communication through gesturing using a virtual Dolphinarium?
  • Wang and Reid - Using the virtual reality-cognitive rehabilitation approach to improve contextual processing in children with autism

    Train contextual processing of objects Improvement in contextual processing of objects and cognitive flexibility
  • Modugumudi et al. - Efficacy of collaborative virtual environment intervention programs in emotion expression of children with autism

    Recognition and expression of emotions Significant improvement in children with CVE intervention program
  • Bekele et al. - Understanding how adolescents with autism respond to facial expressions in virtual reality environments

    Evaluate usability, behavioral and physiological difference. Differences in the way adolescents with ASD process and recognize emotional faces compared to their TD peers.
  • Kandalaft et al. - Virtual Reality Social Cognition Training for Young Adults with High-Functioning Autism

    VE utilizzato : Second Life . isola sulla quale si trovano vari ambienti come un ufficio, una sala da biliardo, un fast food, un negozio di elettronica, una scuola etc. gli avatars degli utenti sono stati modellati a loro immagine. navigazione all'interno del VE tramite tastiera. task sociali guidati da un facilitatore presente nel VE. analisi di follow up dopo 6 mesi. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22570145]
  • Fornasari et al. - Navigation and exploration of an urban virtual environment by children with autism spectrum disorder compared to children with typical development

    Ambiente urbano dove viene confrontato il comportamento di un sogg. con ASD con uno con lo sviluppo tipico. due task: esplorazione libera, esecuzione task. nel secondo task non ci sono differenze, nel primo i sogg. con ASD perdono meno tempo ad esplorare l'ambiente, evidenziando significative differenze comportamentali tra i due gruppi di utenti . [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S175094671300069X]
  • Christinaki et al. - A gesture-controlled Serious Game for teaching emotion recognition skills to preschoolers with autism

  • Fengfeng Ke and Tami Im - Virtual-Reality-based social interaction training for children with high-functioning autism

    Improve social interaction (social skills).
    improvement in performance in social tasks after VR interventions. VE con diverse situazioni sociali e tasks. 1°linguaggio del corpo e le espressioni facciali degli avatar, 2° comunicare con loro in una mensa,3° interagire con loro a una festa di compleanno. osservazione degli utenti e questionari
  • Bernardini et al. - Designing an intelligent virtual agent for social communication in autism

    Acquire social communication skills in ASD The game seems to improve few aspects of social skills. --> Vedi Bernardini et al. 2014 : ECHOES
  • Stitchter et al. - iSocial: Delivering the Social Competence Intervention for Adolescents (SCI-A) in a 3D Virtual Learning Environment for Youth with High Functioning Autism

    iSocial: programma di educazione a distanza, 3D virtual learning environment che comprende 31 lezioni (social skills + executive functioning skills) enhance social competence in ASD Improvement in social responsiveness and executive functioning skills [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23812663]
  • Aresti-Bartolome and Garcia-Zapirain - Technologies as Support Tools for Persons with Autistic Spectrum Disorder: A Systematic Review

    REVIEW delle tecnologie adottate nei trattamenti dei disturbi dello spettro autistico ICT-based e degli scope di ogni trattamento (virtual reality applications, telehealth systems, social robots and dedicated applications, all of which are classified by the areas they center on: communication, social learning and imitation skills and other ASD-associated conditions)[https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25093654]
  • Forgeot d'Arc et al. - Atypical Social Judgment and Sensitivity to Perceptual Cues in Autism Spectrum Disorders

    Social judgment was atypical in the ASD group on photographic stimuli, but, contrarily to the prediction based on the degraded sensitivity hypothesis, analyses on synthetic stimuli found a similar performance and a similar effect of the amount of perceptual cues in both groups. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25149177]
  • Wass and Porayska-Pomsta - The uses of cognitive training technologies in the treatment of autism spectrum disorders

    REVIEW technology to provide cognitive training in individuals with ASD. three different cognitive domains: (a) emotion and face recognition, (b) language and literacy, and (c) social skills. The interventions reviewed allow for interaction through different modes, including point-and-click and eye-gaze contingent software, and are delivered through diverse implementations, including virtual reality and robotics.[https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24129912]
  • Bernardini et al. - ECHOES: An intelligent serious game for fostering social communication in children with autism

    The design and implementation of the interactive learning activities, which take place in a two-dimensional sensory garden, and the autonomous virtual agent, which acts as a credible social partner to children with autism. Both the activities and the agent are based on principles of best autism practice and input from users. [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0020025513007548]
  • Georgescu et al. - The use of virtual characters to assess and train non-verbal communication in high-functioning autism

    The use of virtual characters (VCs) helps to overcome such challenges by enabling an ecologically valid experience of social presence, and by providing an experimental platform that can be systematically and fully controlled. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25360098]
  • Grynszpan et al. - Innovative technology-based interventions for autism spectrum disorders: A meta-analysis

    REVIEW reports the results of a meta-analysis of technology-based intervention studies for children with autism spectrum disorders. systematic review of research that used a pre-post design to assess innovative technology interventions, including computer programs, virtual reality, and robotics. The selected studies provided interventions via a desktop computer, interactive DVD, shared active surface, and virtual reality. None employed robotics[https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24092843]
  • Smith et al. - Virtual Reality Job Interview Training in Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder

    The feasibility and efficacy of virtual reality job interview training (VR-JIT) was assessed in a single-blinded randomized controlled trial. Virtual Reality Job Interview Training (VR-JIT) is a computerized virtual reality training simulation that can be used as computer software or via the internet. VR-JIT was developed by (BLINDED Company) (Blinded Company Website) in consultation with expert panels convened with academic and vocational experts. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24803366]
  • Zakari et al. - A Review of Serious Games for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)

  • Beach and Wendt - Social interaction development through immersive virtual environments

    IVR research --> Social Skills
    HMD technology + devices to interact with the environment
    Different Scenarios IVE
    Can students with ASD transfer and maintain skills learned in a virtual scenario to a real-life scenario? Can students with ASD alter their social interaction skills by practicing them in a virtual immersive environment?
  • Finkelstein et al. - Evaluation of the exertion and motivation factors of a virtual reality exercise game for children with autism

    Improve physical activity and motivation (Life Skills) Children showed vigorous play activity and motivation to repeat the game.
  • Escobedo et al. - Using Augmented Reality to help children with autism to stay focused

    Train selective attention
    Elicitation of positive emotions The application seems to increase attention and improve the elicitation of positive emotions
  • Ehrlich and Munger 2014 - Utilizing Head Mounted Displays as a Learning Tool for Children with Autism

    Unfortunately the research is nonexistent when it comes to studying this next generation of HMDs, therefore the purpose of this research is to answer two questions: to what extent do those with ASD accept and follow instructions using the HMD and to what extent do these individuals feel presence, induced by the device, while using the HMD when compared to neurotypicals[https://www.researchgate.net/publication/269111159_Utilizing_Head_Mounted_Displays_as_a_Learning_Tool_for_Children_with_Autism]
  • Maskey et al. - Reducing Specific Phobia/Fear in Young People with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) through a Virtual Reality Environment Intervention

    Reduction of specific phobia or fear.
    Sviluppo e valutazione di un unico trattamento che combina CBT con VRE (realizzata mediante tecnologia CAVE). Nel VE i partecipanti vengono guidati da uno psicologo tramite tecniche cognitive e comportamentali e il grado di esposizione alla fobia viene aumentato gradualmente. analisi di follow up dopo 1 anno. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) techniques combined with VRE were effective in the treatment of phobia/fear in children with ASD
  • Serret et al. - Facing the challenge of teaching emotions to individuals with low- and high-functioning autism using a new Serious game: a pilot study

    Serious Game per il insegnare il riconoscimento facciale delle emozioni chiamato JeStiMule. sia per LFA che per HFA. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25018866]
  • Boucenna et al. - Interactive technologies for autistic children: A review

    REVIEW focuses on two aims: (1) to provide an overview of the recent ICT applications used in the treatment of autism and (2) to focus on the early development of imitation and joint attention in the context of children with autism as well as robotics. [https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12559-014-9276-x]
  • Simoes et al. - Neurohab: a platform for virtual training of daily living skills in autism spectrum disorder

    Platform for training daily activities in controlled environments, which allow caregivers and therapists to follow the patients’ performances and improvements along the time. This platform contains several serious games, which target specific adaptive and executive dysfunctions. Games can be added to the platform and become automatically available for the users. [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2212017314003880]
  • Matsentidou and Poullis - Immersive visualization in a VR cave environment for the training and the enhancement of social skills for children with autism

    IVR research --> Social and Life skills
    Cave Environment with 3D glasses and Xbox controllers for interaction
    Can Virtual Reality Technology and in particular the aforementioned application, be effectively involved in enhancing the social skills and behaviors of children? Can the immersive visualization application be considered as a new and innovative method of interventions? Different tasks to complete in the scenario "Lost in the City"
  • Bekele et al. - Assessing the utility of virtual environment for enhancing facial affect recognition in adolescence with autism

    Performance in facial affect recognition
    Gaze patterns Similar accuracy at facial recognition. ASD children endorsed lower confidence, and substantial variations in gaze patterns
  • Bartoli and Lassi - Experimental study of results obtained from the interaction with softwares motion-based touchless created for habilitation- rehabilitation in users with diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorders

    Questo studio ha un duplice obiettivo: spiegare una modalità terapeutica innovativa per trattamenti di qualità utilizzando SW dedicati e personalizzabili, con supervisione, e presentare l'esperienza clinica condotta sui soggetti esaminati. la ricerca conferma il potenziale beneficio che l'uso di tale software dedicato fornisce, mostrando le variabili di apprendimento di miglioramento nei bambini e negli adulti con ASD.[https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2351978915005673]
  • Gentry et al. - Reducing the Need for Personal Supports Among Workers with Autism Using an iPod Touch as an Assistive Technology: Delayed Randomized Control Trial

    Personal digital assistants (PDAs) are versatile task organizers that hold promise as assistive technologies for people with cognitive-behavioral challenges. This delayed randomized controlled trial compared two groups of adult workers with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) to determine whether the use of an Apple iPod Touch PDA as a vocational support improves work performance and reduces personal support needs on the job.[https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25212414]
  • Bernardes - A serious game with virtual reality for travel training with Autism Spectrum Disorder

    Creation of a serious game that prepares individuals with ASD to use buses as a mean of transportation. Virtual reality (VR) support was added, increasing the feeling of presence and the realism of the experience, thus increasing its potential as a learning tool. The game is currently being developed using the Unity game engine and uses the Oculus Rift as virtual reality headset.[https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/icp.jsp?arnumber=7358609]
  • Carvalho et al. - Tobias in the Zoo – A Serious Game for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders

  • Dunn et al. - Vocational exploration in an extracurricular technology program for youth with autism

    Explore engagement and learning in a technology-based extracurricular program (called iSTAR) for youth with autism. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26519134]
  • Hasan et al. - A Practical Implementation of Wireless Power Transfer Systems for Socially Interactive Robots

    Socially Interactive Robots (SIR) have many applications in rehabilitation, including psychological development of children with autism, children with complex neurodevelopmental motor impairments, adults with dementia, etc. The animal-shaped or toy-shaped SIR should help engaging such individuals in physical and communication interaction, while any human presence during such sessions is typically counterproductive. [https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7310356/]
  • Lahiri et al. - A Physiologically Informed Virtual Reality Based Social Communication System for Individuals with Autism

    Specifically, such a system is capable of objectively identifying and quantifying one's anxiety level from real-time biomarkers, along with performance metrics. Virtual Reality (VR) to design a proof-of-concept application that exposes participants to social tasks of varying challenges. Results of a preliminary usability study indicate the potential of our VR-based Anxiety-Sensitive system to foster improved task performance.[https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7577873/]
  • Tzanavari et al. - Effectiveness of and immersive virtual environments (CAVE) for teaching pedestrian crossing to children with PDD-NOS

    IVR research --> Life skills
    VR Cave system with 4 projections screens IVR system (4 IR camera) + xbox controller
    Which are the reactions of ASD students in an immersive virtual environment? How can we measure its learning effectiveness with respect to safe pedestrian crossing? GENERALIZATION OF LEARNING 4 trails for each participant
  • Cheng et al.- Using a 3D immersive virtual environment system to enhance social understanding and social skills for children with autism spectrum disorders.

    IVR research --> Social skills
    HMD + joystick
    Investigation of the effectiveness of a 3D social understanding system with HMD to improve social understanding and skills in 3 children with ASD. Improvement in the utilization of reciprocal interactions. 2 different social scenarios
  • Bai et al. - Using augmented reality to elicit pretend play for children with autism

    Representation of pretense and promote pretend play. Positive effects of elicited pretend play in children with ASD
  • Parsons - Leaning to work together : Designing a multi-user virtual reality game for social collaboration and perspective-taking for children with autism

    Collaboration and reciprocity in behavior and communication. ASD children showed efforts in collaboration and reciprocity of communication.
  • Kim et al. - A Virtual Joy-Stick Study of emotional responses and social motivation in children with autism spectrum disorders

    Examining approach and tendencies in the recognition of emotions the experimental group displayed significantly less approach behavior to positive expressions to happiness than the control group.
  • Ke and Lee - Virtual Reality based collaborative design by children with high-functioning autism: design-based flexibility, identity and norm construction

    Social Skills Development Practice and develop flexibility, identity, and norm constructions
  • Chen et al. - Augmented reality-based self-facial modeling to promote the emotional expression and social skills of adolescents with autism spectrum disorders

    Identify the 6 core emotions Significant differences for all participants
  • Whyte et al. -

    Elementi principali di design dei SG e analisi della loro presenza negli interventi PC-based utilizzati nel trattamento dei ASD. mancanza di apprendimento generalizzato dovuto dal limitato utilizzo di elementi di design dei SG che sono noti per le loro qualità circa la generalizzazione dell'apprendimento. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25488121]
  • Cassidy et al. - Processing of Spontaneous Emotional Responses in Adolescents and Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Effect of Stimulus Type

    7 con ASD and 17 ST: 21 video e immagini di persone che ricevono un regalo (chocolate, a handmade novelty or Monopoly money),poi hanno dedotto dall'espressione facciale cosa hanno ricevuto (misurazioni dello sguardo). 7 con ASD sono stati significativamente meno accurati nella distinzione (stimoli dinamici VS stimoli statici)[https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25735657]
  • Shamsuddin et al. - Telerehabilitation Service with a Robot for Autism Intervention

    a telerehabilitation system is developed to help therapists to concentrate fully on the intervention and not in robot programming. Robot scenarios are created based on consultation with clinicians and therapists and are available in the system via a website, with user-friendly graphical user interface (GUI). [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1877050915038077]
  • Bozgeiyikli - Virtual Reality Serious Games for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Design Considerations

    Study which explored effects of virtual reality properties on user experience of high functioning individuals with ASD with four different serious game experiments.[http://scholarcommons.usf.edu/etd/6471/]
  • Kamazuraman et al. - Developing user interface design application for children with autism

    Partecipative design per realizzare la UI di una tecnologia assistiva touchscreen per soggetti affetti da ASD chiamata TaLNA (basic numeracy and calculation to support teaching and learning.)[https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1877042816000471]
  • Parsons - Authenticity in Virtual Reality for assessment and intervention in autism: A conceptual review

    REVIEW degli studi condotti per il trattamento dei ASD che utilizzano VR, IVR e CVE. [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1747938X16300318]
  • Fletcher-Watson et al. - Designing for young children with autism spectrum disorder: A case study of an iPad app

    This report describes the development of an iPad app designed for very young children with autism. We describe methods for user-centred design with relevant stakeholders, expert evaluation and pilot testing of demo versions of the app, and their consequences for the finished game.[https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2212868916300320]
  • Miller and Bugnariu - Level of Immersion in Virtual Environments Impacts the Ability to Assess and Teach Social Skills in Autism Spectrum Disorder

    Immersive VEs provide opportunities for individuals with ASD to learn and practice skills in a controlled replicable setting. However, not all VEs are delivered using the same technology, and the level of immersion differs across settings. the influence of this technical manipulation on the efficacy of VEs as a tool for assessing and teaching social skills. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26919157]
  • Horace et al. - Virtual Reality enable training for social adaptation in inclusive education setting for school-aged children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD)

    Social and Behavioral Skills
    Four-Side Cave-like immersive VR environment with head tracking for perspective.
    Can ASD students understand internal emotions, express their thoughts, and feeling in different situations using IVR? Can IVR be used by ASD students to develop empathy and generalize the knowledge into real situations?
  • Ip et al. - Virtual reality enabled training for social adaptation in inclusive education setting for school-aged children with autism spectrum disorders

    Enhance Emotional and social adaptation skills
  • Bekele et al. - Multimodal adaptive social interaction in virtual environment (MASI-VR) for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)

    Emotion recognition in a social context A system useful in training core deficit areas for eventual better social functioning
  • Newbutt et al. - Brief Report: A Pilot Study of the Use of a Virtual Reality Headset in Autism Populations

    IVR research --> Social skills
    This study explored willingness, acceptance, sense of presence and immersion of ASD participants all'interno di un ambiente di tipo IVR realizzato utilizzando l'oculus rift HMD + xbox controller. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27272115]
  • Didehbani et al. - Virtual Reality Social Cognition Training for children with high functioning autism

    Social skills
    The VR-SCT provides an interactive and stimulating approach for children with ASD; The VR-SCT can improve social cognitive skills in children with ASD.; Training improved emotion recognition, social attribution, and executive function;The training is a safe and socially non-threatening platform.
    Improvement in emotion recognition, social attribution, and executive function
  • Lorenzo et al. - Design and application of an immersive virtual reality system to enhance emotional skills for children with autism spectrum disorders

    Emotional skills
    Semi-Cave IVRS
    Is there a significant difference between IVRS and Desktop VR for the development of emotional competences in student with ASD? Is there a significant difference between IVRS and Desktop VR with respect to the transfer of the acquired knowledge into a school environment? VR to improve the emotional skills of ASD students; IVR system to create social situations where the students can practice their emotional response.
    IVR > DesktopVR + Generalization of learning
  • Wade et al. - A Gaze-Contingent Adaptive Virtual Reality Driving Environment for Intervention in individuals with autism spectrum disorders

    Develop Life Skills (Driving) The system may be beneficial in teaching driving skills.
    Significant differences in all participants
  • Chen et al. - Augmented Reality-based video-modeling storybook of nonverbal facial cues for children with autism spectrum disorder to improve their perceptions and judgements of facial expressions and emotions

    Identity the 6 core emotions All scores rose significantly during the intervention and remained significantly high.
  • Lamash et al. - Using a virtual supermarket to promote independent functioning among adolescents with autism spectrum disorder

    life skills
    improve the implementation of a shopping task significant improvement of the experimental group compared to the control group in several indices
  • Barajas et al. - A Serious Game for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder as a Tool for Play Therapy

    SG per bambini con ASD composto da una UI Tangibile (physical Lego-like building blocks augmented with electronic modules) e da una UI Grafica. SG visto come un Tool per la terapia del gioco che ha lo scopo di migliorare le social and cognitive skills We investigate the effects of using our SG in a play therapy exercise, by running an empirical study that compares conventional clinical non-computer block-games with the proposed SG.[https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7939266/]
  • Carvalho - Serious games for learning : a model and a reference architecture for efficient game development

    A conceptual model, called Activity Theory-based Model for Serious Games (ATMSG), is presented. The model aims to support a systematic and detailed representation of educational SGs, depicting the ways that game elements are connected to each other throughout the game, and how these elements contribute to the achievement of the game’s desired pedagogical goals.[https://pure.tue.nl/ws/files/53721834/20170201_Brandao_Carvalho.pdf]
  • Cox et al. - Can Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder Use Virtual Reality Driving Simulation Training to Evaluate and Improve Driving Performance? An Exploratory Study

    tecnologia CAVE con volante come modalità di input [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28540452]
  • Halabi et al. - Immersive Virtual Reality in Improving Communication Skills in Children with Autism

    An interactive scenario-based system that uses role-play and turn-taking technique was implemented to evaluate and verify the effectiveness of immersive environment on the social performance of an autistic child. Studio non valido in quanto non è stato testato su soggetti affetti da ASD ma bensì su soggetti con lo sviluppo tipico di età inferiore rispetto il target autistico. [http://online-journals.org/index.php/i-jim/article/view/6555]
  • Kuriakose and Lahiri - Design of a Physiology-Sensitive VR-Based Social Communication Platform for Children With Autism

    Virtual Reality (VR) to design a proof-of-concept application that exposes participants to social tasks of varying challenges. Results of a preliminary usability study indicate the potential of our VR-based Anxiety-Sensitive system to foster improved task performance, thereby serving as a potent complementary tool in the hands of therapist. [https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7577873/]
  • Yang et al. - Brain responses to biological motion predict treatment outcome in young adults with autism receiving Virtual Reality Social Cognition Training: Preliminary findings

    To facilitate precision medicine in ASD, we utilized a well-validated biological motion neuroimaging task to identify pretreatment biomarkers that can accurately forecast the response to an evidence-based behavioral treatment, Virtual Reality-Social Cognition Training (VR-SCT). In a preliminary sample of 17 young adults with high-functioning ASD, we identified neural predictors of change in emotion recognition after VR-SCT. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28384509]
  • Adjorlu et al. - Daily Living skills training in virtual reality to help children with autism spectrum disorders in a real shopping scenario

    Life Skills
    Development of daily living skills (shopping skills) significant improvements
  • Garzotto et al. - Wearable Immersive Virtual Reality for Children with Disability: a Case Study

    Study which explores the potential of Wearable Immersive Virtual Reality (WIVR) as learning tool for children with disability, particularly Neurodevelopmental Disorder (NDDs). Wearable Immersive Virtual Reality (WIVR) enables users to experience 3D virtual spaces using Head Mounted Displays (HMDs) and establish a feeling of presence in the simulated environment (Google CardBoard). [https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=3084312]
  • Taryadi and Kurniawan - The improvement of autism spectrum disorder on children communication ability with PECS methos Multimedia Augmented Reality-Based

    improve communication ability/skills improvement of communication ability
  • Manju et al. - A Rehabilitation therapy for Autism Spectrum Disorder using virtual reality

    Enhance Social skills, emotions, and attentions
  • Ip et al. - Enhance emotional and social adaptation skills for children with autism spectrum disorders

    Enhance emotional and social adaptation skills improvement in children's emotion expression and regulation and social-emotional reciprocity
  • Mesa-Gresa et al. - Effectiveness of Virtual Reality for Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder: An Evidence-Based Systematic Review

    Diagnosis of the participants; sample size of the groups, experimental group and control group (if any); age range and sex of the participants (in each group); aim of the study (enhance emotional skills, improve communication ability, etc.); main technology used for both hardware and software ; methodology (sessions/weeks, duration of the sessions, etc.); evaluation (when the evaluation was done and tests/scores used); and results (improvements and significance).
  • Khowaja and Salim - Serious Game for Children with Autism to learn vocabulary: An experimental evaluation

    introduction of the SGDF design framework adopted into the design of the SG gioco desktop 5 ASD children
    usability evaluation of the UI (expert based)
    effectiveness of the SG: number of correct responses
    a pre-post evaluation of the SG prototype
    2 week-session
  • Lorenzo et al. - The Application of Immersive Virtual Reality for Students with ASD: A Review between 1990 - 2017

    Review IVR - ASD applications between 1990 - 2017 (12 papers)
    Majority of Studies --> Social Skills Variables of the research: participants' features, research questions, instrument, type of activities, results, and limitations. The motivations of using IVR for ASD treatment. [https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10639-018-9766-7]