Ian and Grants Timeline (Ian Is First)

  • Period: Sep 18, 1200 to


  • Jun 15, 1215

    Magna Carta

    Magna Carta
    King John and his subjects signed this document. it was signed in Running Mead England. This document forced the king to meet the demands of the citizens. One of the many important rules in the Magna Carta was no free man shall be arrested or imprisoned or disseised [dispossessed] or outlawed or exiled or in any way victimised. The charter showed the king didnt have absolute power. the citizens could be tried.
  • Mayflower Compact

    Mayflower Compact
    The purpose of this document is that it prevented dissent amongst puritians and non-sepratist Pilgrims, who had landed at plymouth a few days before.
  • Petition of rights

    the rights given were non-parliment taxing, billing of soilders, imprisoment without cause, and restricted use of matial law. king Charles I signed it.
  • Englsih Bill of RIghts

    Englsih Bill of RIghts
    It was signed by the kind and queen William and Mary of Orange. Certian inalienable and political rights were given. religious liberty was limited for protestants. protesti=ant became the the main religion of england. it prevented protestants from rasing arms. free speech was given in parliment roots of the 1st 2nd 4th 5th and 6th amendment.
  • Albany Plan of Union

    Benjamin Franklin suggested this plan. the plan never happend though. the political cartoon associated with this is the cut up snake that says "Join or die". Benjamin Franklin created this cartoon.
  • The French and Indian War

    The French and Indian War
    The main contributers in this were the British (George Washington, William Pitt) and the French with their native allies. Important battles were The battle of Jumonville which was the first battle,The battle of Fort Frontenac which got britian the Ohio River Valley, The Battle of Quebec which gave British St. Lawrence River, and The Battle of Montreal which made French lay down arms. Britian won. the French and British became enemies then.
  • King George III Takes Power

    DUe to the high cost of the French and Indian war, the british were in debt. King george decided to fix this debt by taxing the colonies
  • Stamp Act

    The Items taxed during this were legal doe. magazines, newspapers.the colonial leaders met with great resistance. it was a violation of rights. taxation without representation.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    Boston Massacre 3 min. videoduring this 5 people were killed. the Townshend act and Stamp act provoked this.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    Boston tea party info websitethe political group named the Sons of Liberty organized this event. They were John Hancock, and Samuel Adams. the British responded by creating the intolerable acts which closed boston ports and pretty much destroyed their government.
  • Intolerable Acts

    The Boston Tea Party caused the british to pass these acts. the provisions were that it stripped MA of their self-Gavernment.
  • The First Continentsl Congress

    The major Personalities were Peyton Randolph who was the Presided of the Preceedings, Henry Middleton who took over as president of the congress for the last few days, and then Charles Thompson who was elected Secretary of the Continentsl Congress. they wanted to stop the intolerable acts and petition King George III. They said they would meet again if it wasnt acomplished. this took place in Carpenters Hall Philidelphia PA
  • Lexington and Concord

    Lexington and Concord
    the result of these conflicts was the start of the American Revolution. the major generals involved were Francis smith and Hugh Percy both British generals. Paul Revere was sent to warn John Hancock and Samuel Adams of the approaching british
  • Second Continentsl Congress

    it was held in Philidelphia PA. the ideas from this were a movement towards independence. they later adopted the decliration of Independence and started raising arms against the British. the colnial leaders were Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, Henry Middleton, John Hancock, Charles Thompson, Peyton Randolph.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    the 13 colonies broke away from Britian when signing this!!!!!
  • Articles of Confederation

    John Hanson was the first president
  • The Treaty of Paris

    The Treaty of Paris
    treaty of paris website John Jay, John Adams, Ben Franklin were there at the signing. the Mississippi to the west and floridia to Canada is the territory we got. the British recognixed the Decleration of Independence.
  • The Start of the Constitutional Convention

    12 delegates from NJ.NY,PA,DE,and VA called for a constitutional convention.The orifional purpose of the Convention was to amend and fix the Articles of Confederation, but ended up with a new governement.