Intl spain bullfight

I want to be able to talk to my Grandma in spanish fluentley by the end of November.

  • start making flash cards for spanish

    start making flash cards for spanish
    Make flash cards based on freshmen year spanish. (about 50 min.)
  • begin studying flash cards 3 times a week

    begin studying flash cards 3 times a week
    Study for 10-20 minutes 3 times a week.
  • begin speaking spanish learned with mom

    begin speaking spanish learned with mom
    Talk only in spanish to her 4 times a week every week.
  • continue speaking in spanish

    continue speaking in spanish
    Speak with Mom and Dad 5 times a week only in spanish.
  • call grandma and talk in spanish with her regularly

    call grandma and talk in spanish with her regularly
    Call her once a week and talk only in spanish