1920s and Prohibition

  • 18th Amendment

    18th Amendment
    The 18th Amendment states that the manufacturing, sale, and transportation are illegal in America
  • Al Capone

    Al Capone
    Throughout the 1920s Al Capone ran a million dollar company. His company consisted of bootlegged liquor, prostitution, and gambling. His operation dominated the crimes during the time.
  • Kentucky Stills

    Kentucky Stills
    Frank Mather signs with the treasury department to clean parts of Kentucky and rid moonshiners. He did so by arresting them and dumping their whiskey into streams.
  • Rum Row

    Rum Row
    A line of ships loaded with liquor anchored near the United States
  • Beer Wars

    Beer Wars
    Al Capone is blamed for murdering prosecutor McSwiggin.
  • Eliot Ness

    Eliot Ness
    Eliot Ness was an American Prohibitionist Agent. He was apart of a law enforcement group called The Untouchables. Ness played a part in the take down of Al Capone and his industry.
  • Stock Market Crash

    Stock Market Crash
    A major stock market crash that occurred in late October.
  • Herbert Hoover

    Herbert Hoover
    Elected as the 31st President of the United States.
  • Depression Era Begins

    Depression Era Begins
    The worst economic failure in the history of the industrialized world begins.
  • Prohibition Repealed

    Prohibition Repealed
    When the 21st amendment was approved, prohibition and the 18th amendment were repealed.