HVegvary A Storm Cloud Gathers

  • Mussolini comes to power

    Mussolini comes to power
    Mussolini believed in gaining power for his country, he would stop at nothing to get that for himself, which caused him to pair up with Germany during WWII.
  • U.S Stock Market Crash

    U.S Stock Market Crash
    With the stock market crashing, it caused a fuss when WWII started because that gave people jobs to help our troops and our allies.
  • Japan Seizes Manchuria

    Japan Seizes Manchuria
    Japan invaded Manchuria with an army of men, taking hold of it. It became it's puppet state that lasted till the end of WWII.
  • FDR is elected president

    FDR is elected president
    With FDR being president during the war time period, it gave people some sort of hope that the war was going to be over. He never stopped helping the people.
  • Hitler is named Chancellor of Germany

    Hitler is named Chancellor of Germany
    With Hitler being Chancellor, it started the change of Germany. Leaving politics behind and just going for power and more land, caused the war to start.
  • Hitler Defies the Treaty of Versailles

    Hitler Defies the Treaty of Versailles
    This was a turning point for the start of WWII. When Hitler defied the Treaty, he tried to take control of places that were neutral, sparking other countries to come to the aid of them.
  • U.S Neutrality Act

    U.S Neutrality Act
    Neutrality for the U.S was important to our country. No one in U.S wanted to be brought into this war, and FDR knew that. He decided for the people that it would be better to support other troops, than to send ours out there.
  • Italy invades Ethopia

    Italy invades Ethopia
    Mussolini wanted more land and power. Mussolini said taking over the country would be "cheap, easy, safe, and slow."
  • France Militarizes The Rhineland

    France Militarizes The Rhineland
    France did not want to cause any more war problems, they wanted to stay out of it because of the overwhelming force of Germany.
  • Civil War erupts in Spain

    Civil War erupts in Spain
    When the Civil War started, German Nazi's and Italian troops went to the aid of Fransisco Franco and his troops. This sparked a alliance with Spain during the WWII.
  • Japan Invades China

    Japan Invades China
    Japan and China began fighting again roughly around 1937. China had little economic help from Germany. It set WWII into faster pace of happening, with Germany starting to break into helping other countries.
  • Anschluss

    Hitler promised that this was his last pull for expansion; so when Austria asked for aid, other countries did nothing, not wanting to start a war.
  • Munich Conference

    Munich Conference
    The Munich Conference was a good thing for certain countries. The Czech wasn't invited to the conference, but most of the high countries were. It talked about keeping peace,and for a while slowed down the advances into WWII.
  • Kristallnacht

    It is also called "The Night of Broken Glass" because when the Nazi troops infiltrated and tore about the city area, it left broken glass lying in the streets.
  • Nazi-Soviet Pact

    Nazi-Soviet Pact
    The Nazi-Soviet Pact caused the two biggest countries would not attack each other during the course of this work. However if Poland was attacked by Germany, than Russia would have to come to aid,and that's exactly what happened.
  • Germany Invades Poland

    Germany Invades Poland
    Germany invading Poland caused the Soviets to have to go into the war. Germany violated the Nazi-Soviet Pact that they had made not even a month ago.
  • The Phony War

    The Phony War
    War was declared on both sides towards each other, and as they got all their weapons ready, not a single strike had been made. It is known as the Phony War because everyone was ready, but not a single attack was made. Everyone was waiting for something to happen, that never did.
  • Winston Churchill Elected Prime Minister of England

    Winston Churchill Elected Prime Minister of England
    When Churchill was elected, he had a plan to keep peace in the wartime till he really and fully needed to be brought into the war. He and FDR spoke through letters for a long time, than finally met face to face secretly to discuss the war aims that they had made.
  • France Surrenders

    France Surrenders
    Italy declared war on France, shortly after they took the capital of France. This was a major loss to France, so they surrendered to the troops.
  • The Miracle at Dunkirk

    The Miracle at Dunkirk
    Dunkirk was a fight between British, France opposing German troops. Germany kept trying to advance and advance, finally giving up at the end near Dunkirk. This was a first major victory for the British, and France.
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    It was called the "Air Battle for England". German troops bombed Britain daily and nightly. It was extremely dangerous for Britain to continue on the war, with the losses of their homes.
  • Japan Seizes French Indochina

    Japan Seizes French Indochina
    Japan created a tight blockade with China after seizing French Indochina. This is important to WWII because it shows how Japan is slowly getting stronger and stronger.
  • Lend-Lease Act

    Lend-Lease Act
    The Lend-Lease Act was what FDR proposed to do to help support the troops, but not officially being in the war.
  • Atlantic Charter

    Atlantic Charter
    The Atlantic Charter was the war aims that Churchill and FDR secretly met with to discuss. No one knew that they had done this.
  • Attack on Pearl Harbor

    Attack on Pearl Harbor
    The attack on Pearl Harbor offically brought U.S troops into the war. They knew that they were bloodthirsty and wanted revenge on the Japanese groups.