Frollos evil throughout the movie

  • 1462

    Frollo chased the mother to Notre Dame, took the baby from her, and kicked her to the ground killing her when she hit her head on the steps.

    Frollo chased the mother to Notre Dame, took the baby from her, and kicked her to the ground killing her when she hit her head on the steps.
  • 1462

    Frollo pursued one of the gypsies believing she was hiding stolen goods, in reality she was holding her infant son.

    Frollo pursued one of the gypsies believing she was hiding stolen goods, in reality she was holding her infant son.
  • 1462

    Judge Claude Frollo ambushed a group of gypsies that snuck their way into Paris and had them arrested.

    Judge Claude Frollo ambushed a group of gypsies that snuck their way into Paris and had them arrested.
  • 1462

    Learning that the baby was deformed, Frollo tried to throw it down a nearby well, but was stopped by Notre Dame’s Archdeacon.

    Learning that the baby was deformed, Frollo tried to throw it down a nearby well, but was stopped by Notre Dame’s Archdeacon.
  • 1462

    Forced to care for the child after killing his mother, Frollo accepted the task to save his soul from damnation, while also believing the child may be useful to him one day, and had him live in Notre Dame naming him Quasimodo.

    Forced to care for the child after killing his mother, Frollo accepted the task to save his soul from damnation, while also believing the child may be useful to him one day, and had him live in Notre Dame naming him Quasimodo.
  • Jan 1, 1482

    20 years later, Frollo has emotionally abused Quasimodo making him believe he was a monster because of his deformity and that people will never accept because of it to keep him in the bell tower, claiming that Quasimodo’s mother abandoned him.

    20 years later, Frollo has emotionally abused Quasimodo making him believe he was a monster because of his deformity and that people will never accept because of it to keep him in the bell tower, claiming that Quasimodo’s mother abandoned him.
  • Jan 2, 1482

    Frollo informs his new captain of the guard, Phoebus about his desire to purge Paris of Gypsies, including learning where their hideout is, the Court of Miracles.

    Frollo informs his new captain of the guard, Phoebus about his desire to purge Paris of Gypsies, including learning where their hideout is, the Court of Miracles.
  • Jan 3, 1482

    Outraged at Quasimodo for attending the Festival of Fools, Frollo refused to help Quasimodo when the crowd was humiliating him, started by a couple of Frollo’s soldiers.

    Outraged at Quasimodo for attending the Festival of Fools, Frollo refused to help Quasimodo when the crowd was humiliating him, started by a couple of Frollo’s soldiers.
  • Jan 4, 1482

    Frollo is outraged at the gypsy Esmeralda for defying him by freeing Quasimodo when he forbid it and tries to arrest her.

    Frollo is outraged at the gypsy Esmeralda for defying him by freeing Quasimodo when he forbid it and tries to arrest her.
  • Jan 5, 1482

    Frollo tried to arrest Esmeralda when she snuck into Notre Dame even when Phoebus said she claimed sanctuary, but was stopped by the Archdeacon.

    Frollo tried to arrest Esmeralda when she snuck into Notre Dame even when Phoebus said she claimed sanctuary, but was stopped by the Archdeacon.
  • Jan 6, 1482

    Unable to arrest Esmeralda as long as she was in the cathedral, Frollo ordered his soldiers to surround it if she tries to escape.

    Unable to arrest Esmeralda as long as she was in the cathedral, Frollo ordered his soldiers to surround it if she tries to escape.
  • Jan 7, 1482

    Frollo developed a lustful obsession with Esmeralda and declared to either make her his lover or have her burned.

    Frollo developed a lustful obsession with Esmeralda and declared to either make her his lover or have her burned.
  • Jan 8, 1482

    After learning Esmeralda escaped Notre Dame, Frollo swore to find her even if he has to burn down all of Paris.

    After learning Esmeralda escaped Notre Dame, Frollo swore to find her even if he has to burn down all of Paris.
  • Jan 9, 1482

    The next day, Frollo began his search by harassing a group of Gypsies for the whereabouts of Esmeralda.

    The next day, Frollo began his search by harassing a group of Gypsies for the whereabouts of Esmeralda.
  • Jan 10, 1482

    Frollo put a Miller and his family under house arrest due to finding a gypsy talisman in their home, only to burn it down to kill them deeming them traitors.

    Frollo put a Miller and his family under house arrest due to finding a gypsy talisman in their home, only to burn it down to kill them deeming them traitors.
  • Jan 11, 1482

    Frollo tries to have Phoebus executed for disobeying his orders by saving the Miller and his family.

    Frollo tries to have Phoebus executed for disobeying his orders by saving the Miller and his family.
  • Jan 12, 1482

    Frollo tries to have Phoebus killed when he tries to flee.

    Frollo tries to have Phoebus killed when he tries to flee.
  • Jan 13, 1482

    Many buildings in the city are on fire due to Frollo’s search for Esmeralda.

    Many buildings in the city are on fire due to Frollo’s search for Esmeralda.
  • Jan 14, 1482

    After learning Quasimodo helped Esmeralda escaped, Frollo claims he knows where Esmeralda and the Court of Miracles is and will attack at dawn with a thousand men.

    After learning Quasimodo helped Esmeralda escaped, Frollo claims he knows where Esmeralda and the Court of Miracles is and will attack at dawn with a thousand men.
  • Jan 15, 1482

    Frollo reveals he tricked Quasimodo and Phoebus into leading him to the Court of Miracles and captured everyone.

    Frollo reveals he tricked Quasimodo and Phoebus into leading him to the Court of Miracles and captured everyone.
  • Jan 16, 1482

    Because Esmeralda rejected him, Frollo decided to have her burned at the stake.

    Because Esmeralda rejected him, Frollo decided to have her burned at the stake.
  • Jan 17, 1482

    After Quasimodo saved Esmeralda and brought her back to Notre Dame, Frollo laid siege to the cathedral having his soldiers break down the door.

    After Quasimodo saved Esmeralda and brought her back to Notre Dame, Frollo laid siege to the cathedral having his soldiers break down the door.
  • Jan 18, 1482

    After breaking into the cathedral, Frollo tosses the archdeacon aside who tried to stop him, symbolizing his rejection of any morals he had

    After breaking into the cathedral, Frollo tosses the archdeacon aside who tried to stop him, symbolizing his rejection of any morals he had
  • Jan 19, 1482

    Frollo chases after Quasimodo and Esmeralda in order to kill them.

    Frollo chases after Quasimodo and Esmeralda in order to kill them.
  • Jan 20, 1482

    Frollo’s insanity peaked as he tried one last time to kill them before falling to his death into the molten iron that was poured during the battle earlier.

    Frollo’s insanity peaked as he tried one last time to kill them before falling to his death into the molten iron that was poured during the battle earlier.