Human Relations timeline

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    Robert Owen

    Came up with the idea that treating workers better would increase productivity at work, encourage workers to not drink and be clean.
  • Philosophy of Manufacturers

    In 1835, Andrew Ure published a book called The Philosophy of Manufacturers. In this book Andrew suggested that companies give workers medical help, hot tea, good ventilation in work places, and sick leave.
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    Henry Fayol

    Fayol has been regarded by many as the father of the modern operational management theory. Fayol has five rules of management which include, planning, organizing, command, coordination, and control. Also Fayol's work as a philosopher of being an authority he contributed most widely to the theory and practice of organizational management in the 1900’s. He focused on the control of his workers to make sure his business productivity was going and believed that they need to be ready for any kind of
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    Frederick Taylor

    Has been called “industrial engineer” in the early 20th century. He has often been criticized as person who cared about his goods instead of his workers. Frederick has shown a huge part in human relations with his skills of organization.
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    Frederick W. Taylor

    Fredrick W. Taylor - Scientific Management. Under this system factories are run using scientific methods rather than the usual “rule of thumb”. This method of work was meant to optimize work efficiency. It took hard tasks, and simplified them in a way that even unskilled, untrained workers could get the job done.
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    Frederick Taylor

    The Classical School of Management was developed from the idea to find “one best way” to perform and manage tasks. This form of management gave standard operating procedures to govern all organizational activities to provide certainty and facilitate
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    Max Weber - Bureaucratic Organizations Approach

    Weber came up with the idea of bureaucratic organizations approach. In Weber’s time most European companies were run more like extended families, and employees were loyal to individuals rather than the company as a whole. His idea was to make company work places impersonal and rational. This system gave people to specific duties and responsibilities that were assigned on the basis of ability and talent. All who had to report to one supervisor.
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    Mary Parker Follett

    Mary Parker was a part of the upper class people. She was an influential speaker. She spoke saying that workers should be allowed to be involved in decisions that affect them, she said that people closest to what happens could make best decisions. She also knew that the work place is dynamic and always changed.
  • Knights of Labor

    Founded in 1869, the knights of labor were a group started to denounce bad working conditions, and unfair treatment of workers in workplaces.
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    Elton Mayo

    Elton Mayo was social psychologist from Harvard. From 1927-1932 he studied the Hawthorne Experiment that would be a big part of human relations. He found out that people at jobs would perform better when someone is watching them that gives them a little more motivation. Also he found that relationships at work came naturally called informal organization. Studies also show that the workers were motivated by fear. Mayo brought a new sense of care to workers instead of mangement looking at people w
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    W. Edwards Deming

    He is best known for his system of thought called the System of Profound Knowledge, consisting of four components.
    1. An appreciation of a system
    2. Understanding of Variation
    3. Psychology
    4. A theory of knowledge.
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    Carl Rogers

    An Influential American psychologist, and one of the founders of the Humanistic approach. He was widely considered to be one of the founding fathers of psychotherapy research.
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    Douglas Mcgregor

    Management professor at MIT Sloan School of Management. Identified an approach of creating an environment within which employees are motivated via authoriative, direction, and control or integration, and self-control, which he called “Theory X and Theory Y”.
  • Scientific Management

    It’s main objective is improving economic efficiency, especially labor productivity. It applied science to the engineering of process
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    Eric Berne

    A Canadian born Psychiatrist, best known as the creator of Transactional Analysis. Did medical work for the United States Army Medical Corps. Where he reached rank Major.
  • Group Dynamics

    A system of behaviors and psychological processes occurring within a special group, or between special groups. The study of group dynamics can be useful in understanding decision-making behavior.
  • Frank and Lilian Gilbreth

    Frank and Lilian were a married couple who were industrial engineers, and scientific managers. Frank Gilbreth was known for his study of bricklayers, he noticed that in bricklaying workers did 18 basic motions. Gilbreth created labor-saving devices, and by changing their daily routines, he helped change those 18 motions into 5. Lilian taught the importance of standard work days, relaxed and regular lunch breaks, and periodic rest periods. Her life’s work helped influence Congress to pass child l
  • Wagner Act

    “National Labor Reactions Act of 1935”. Guarantees basic rights of private sector employees to organize into trade unions. The act does not apply to workers under the Railway Labor Act, agricultural employees, domestic employees
  • Hawthorne studies, Hawthorne Effect

    The Hawthorne effect refers to a phenomenon when workers improve or adapt to an aspect of their behavior in response to the fact of change in their environment,[The studies of this were from 1924-1932 at Western Electric company in Chicago Illinois. They try to find out if illumination at work increases work with the workers.
  • Transactional Analysis

    An integrative approach to the theory of psychology and psychotherapy. It is described as integrative because it has elements of psychoanalytic, humanist, and cognitive
  • Theory X and Theory Y

    They are theories of human motivation that were developed by Douglas McGregor in the 1960’s. Theory X believes that threat at work will make workers motivated. Also make them believe that everything ends in blaming someone. With Y they believe that if the workers have the right conditions will help the productivity of the works. Also they will seek out responsibly and one would take ownership of one's mistake.
  • Conflict Management

    The process of limiting the negative aspects of conflict, while increasing the positive aspects of conflict. The aim of conflict management is to enhance learning, and group outcomes.
  • Total Quality Management (TQM)

    This type of management became a huge thing in the late 1980’s through the 1990’s. This consists of organization-wide efforts to install and make final climate in which an organization continuously improves its ability to deliver to great products and services to customers.
  • Results Only Work Enviorment - ROWE

    A human resource management strategy. Where employees are paid for results of their work rather than the amount of hours spent. ROWE gives managers the tools to define goals that can be clearly met.k