Human-Environment Interaction Timeline

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    Rise of the Mesopotamia Civilization

    Rise of the Mesopotamia Civilization
    In 3500 BCE, Mesopotamia was the first civilization recorded. Mesopotamia is located in the areas between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, in present day Iraq. This is an important time in our history because it was the start of our great civilizations.
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    New Technology: Iron

    Iron use begins in 1500 BCE. The use of Iron leads to population growth, expansion of agriculture, growth of cities, and expansion of civilization. It was so important to out history becasue it led to the start of urbanization.
  • Period: 300 to Feb 20, 1100

    Bantu Migrations

    MigrationsFrom the year 3000 B.C.E to 1100 A.D, there were a series of migrations of the Bantu Peoples from present day Congo to other areas of Africa, such as: Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania. This is an important event in history becasue the Bantu expansion led to the start of agriculture in many places of Africa.
  • Feb 20, 1000

    Neolithic Revolution

    Neolithic Revolution
    In 10,000 BCE, the hunter and gatherers started to cultivate crops and domesticate certain animals. This was a very important time in history because it established perminant settlements and started cultural advancements.
  • Period: Feb 20, 1300 to

    The Little Ice Age (LIA)

    The LIA was a period in history where eurpoe and North America were subject to specially cold winters. The Baltic Sea froze over as well as most of the rivers in Europe. These cold conditions reduced the growing season by many weeks and resulted in crop failure, and population decline. This age was important in our history becasue it results in natural selection and made our humans stronger and learn to tought it out through harsh conditions.
  • Period: Feb 20, 1450 to

    Columbian Exchange

    The exchnage of goods, technology, diseases, culture, etc. between Europe, Africa and the New World.
  • Feb 20, 1492

    Start of the Forced Migrations of African Men

    Start of the Forced Migrations of African Men
    When Columbus discovered the Americas, it provided new homes for many europenas, thus more jobs to have to control. They forced Africans to migrate with them to the Americas to work for them as slaves. This is an important time in our history because if we didnt have the forced migrations, there wouldnt have been the great amount of advancements in culture, African and European.
  • Feb 20, 1492

    Triangle Trade

    Starts in 1492. It is a pattern of trade that connected Europe, Africa, and the Americas. The Americas and Eurpoe benefitted from slave trade. This benefitted the world because it allowed for cultural expansion.
  • Period: Feb 20, 1492 to Feb 20, 1498

    Age of Exploration

    Eurpoean golbal exploration was very important to our history. It was the time that Portugeuse first discovered the archipelagos and Africa. During this age, Spain discovered the Americas in 1492. This is important to our history because it helped us discovered the whole world and helped us advance.
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    Demographics in the USA Grow Exponentially

    <a href='<iframe src="//" width="854" height="480" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe>' >American Population</a>The population in the US grows from 350 to 62,979,766 in 280 years. This has made a huge impact on our globe due to recourses being used, green house gases being relased, deforestaton and many other human-environment interactions. This is an important timespan in history becasue the populations of humans have the biggest impact on the globe.