How the Pigs became more like humans

  • the milk disappeared

    the milk disappeared
    On pages 25-26, there is extra milk and the animals don't know what to do with it. The pigs tell the animals to disregard it, but later the milk ends up gone. The pigs drank the milk and this shows they are starting to take over like Mr. Jones because they kept it all to themselves and didn't share it with the other animals.
  • the pigs became in charge

    the pigs became in charge
    On page 27 in the book, it says that the pigs did not actually work, but supervised the work of the other animals. This is similiar to Mr. Jones because he did no work, but forced the animals to work.
  • The animals are organized into groups by the pigs

    The animals are organized into groups by the pigs
    The pigs sort the animals into different groups based on the work they do. This shows that they are becoming more and more controlling.
  • The pigs make all decisions regarding the farm

    The pigs make all decisions regarding the farm
    It is decided that the pigs will decide all questions of farm policy since they are smarter than the other animals.
  • Snowball is expelled

    Snowball is expelled
    Napoleon chases Snowball off the farm because he wants to have complete control over the farm and its animals. He tells all the other animals that Snowball is a traitor and that he deserves to die.
  • Animal Farm will engage in trade with neighboring farms

    Animal Farm will engage in trade with neighboring farms
    Napoleon announces that Animal Farm will trade with the farms close to them, even though the pigs had said earlier that interacting with a human was against the principles of animalism. This shows that the pigs are becoming more like the humans because they are talking to them and acting like them more.
  • The pigs start sleeping in beds

    The pigs start sleeping in beds
    The pigs begin to sleep in the farmhouse beds. They tell the other animals that this is so they can rest their minds, which they need to run the farm. The 7 commandments say no animal shall sleep in a bed, but they change it so that sleeping without sheets is acceptable. The pigs are becoming more and more like the humans.
  • Napoleon forces the hens to give up their eggs

    Napoleon forces the hens to give up their eggs
    Napolen tells the hens that he needs their eggs to trade for other goods which are necessary. When the hens try to protest, he stops feeding them and threatens to kill anybody who does.
  • Napoleon executes some of the animals on the farm

    Napoleon executes some of the animals on the farm
    When some of the animals confess to being involved with Snowball, they are killed on the spot by dogs. Napoleon has become so powerful that he is able to kill people and still be respected by the other animals.
  • Beasts of England is banned

    Beasts of England is banned
    Napoleon bans the song Beasts of England, saying they don't need it anymore because it is a rebellion song, and the rebellion is over.
  • Napoleon has a poem about him put on the wall

    Napoleon has a poem about him put on the wall
    One of the animals writes a poem praising Napoleon and Napoleon orders it to be inscribed on the wall of the barn. Animal Farm has become a dictatorship with one leader who everyone worships.
  • The pigs start drinking alcohol

    The pigs start drinking alcohol
    Even though Napoleon has clearly stated that drinking alcohol is punishable by death, the pigs start drinking beer because they like the taste. They are acting like humans because drinking alcohol is a human trait, and they swore never to act like humans in any way.
  • Pigs can pass before other animals

    Pigs can pass before other animals
    A new rule is made that all animals must stand aside if they meet with a pig on the same path. This implies tht pigs are more important than everyone else.
  • The pigs are seen walking on their hind legs.

    The pigs are seen walking on their hind legs.
    The pigs are seen wlking on two legs. Th animals are horrified because the most important commandment was never to walk on two legs, because it resembled a human. The pigs have become almost no different than Mr. Jones.
  • The farm is renamed Manor Farm.

    The farm is renamed Manor Farm.
    Napoleon announces that the farm is no longer named Animal Farm. It is named Manor Farm because that is its correct and original name.
    The farm was suppposed to be a farm run by the animals, but Napoleon is running it all by himself.