
How Does a President Get Elected?

  • Democratic Republic

    Democratic Republic
    Democracy... is a charming form of government, full of variety and disorder; and dispensing a sort of equality to equals and unequals alike.
    We have a democratic republic because it gives the people an opportunity to help make decisions without chaos and indecisiveness. We don’t have just a democracy because like Plato said, Democracy results in disorder. "Democracy Quotes." Brainy Quotes. 8 Feb. 2012. Web.
  • No President?

    No President?
    The Founding Fathers at first resisted the idea of having a president because they had just escaped Great Britain where they were under the rule of a hated monarch. They did not want to return to their old conditions were all the power was in the hands of a single person. Instead of a president, the government consisted of one branch, congress, whose powers were limited by the Articles of Confederation.
  • George Washington and the Constitutional Convention

    George Washington and the Constitutional Convention
    According to the Constitution, “Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector.” The Constitutional Convention invented the Electoral College. This group that created the new system of government for
  • Bush v Gore

    Bush v Gore
    On December 8, 2000 The Florida Supreme Court ordered that every county in Florida must recount "under-votes" because there were enough contested ballots to place the outcome of the election in doubt. Bush and Cheney filed a request for review and the Supreme Court accepted. The Florida Supreme Court was accused of taking unconstitutional action by recounting ballots. The decision was concluded with five votes for Bush and four votes for Gore.
  • The Mccain-Feingold Act

    The Mccain-Feingold Act
    The Mccain-Feingold Act, also known as the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act, is the US federal law that regulates the financing of political campaigns. The bill focused on the soft money in campaign financing, electioneering communication, increased and indexed contribution limits, prohibited contributions, inaugural committees, coordinated and independent expenditures, the millionaire’s amendment, fraudulent solicitations, disclaimers, prohibited and permitted uses of campaign funds, and civil pe
  • Details About the Electoral College

    Details About the Electoral College
    A president does not get elected by the people; the president gets elected by the electoral college. Voters in each state vote for electors who would cast their votes for candidates. The electors vote for the candidate that receives the most votes from the people in that state. The number of electors is determined by the number of representative plus the number senators of a particular state. However, Washington D.C. gets 3 electors. To be inaugurated, a president must get at least 270 votes.