houlacast AA

By ecms
  • when the holocaust started

    Adolf Hitler appointed Chancler of Germany by president Von Hindenburg.
  • boycotts start

    Boycotted of jewish shops and businesses started.
  • Gestapo is established

    The Gestapo is established by Herman Goering, minister of Prussia.
  • Jewish immigrants were now allowed to have germen citizenship

    : Law excluding East European Jewish immigrants of German citizenship
  • Hitler declares armed forces must now swear allegiance to him.

    Hitler proclaims himself Führer and Reichskanzler (Leader and Reich Chancellor). Armed forces must now swear allegiance to him
  • annemarie got stopped by the german soilders

    annemarie got stopped on the street by the german soilders when the girls were running
  • The boats blew up

    The boats blew up on Kristis birthday
  • The Jews had there jewish new year

    they haad jewish new year
  • Mama broke her ankel

    Mama broke her ankel but still got the Rosen's one the boat so the Jews can be safe.
  • Peter died

    Peter died at the end of the story