
  • adof Hitler

    adof Hitler
    BIRTH DATE: c. April 20, 1889 DEATH DATE:April 30, 1945
  • Jewish boycott

    Jewish boycott
    Germans to boycott Jewish-owned businesses
    Hitler became dictator in Germany
    Hitler order people to boycott Jewish shop
    Jews were prohibited from serving as patent lawyers
    limted Jewish kid to go to school
  • enabling act

    enabling act
    Hitler did not think the bill was passed
    Nazi were not as popular as Hitler was
    Gained majority of the seat with the help of German nation people party
    the party banned after it was blamed for the Reichstag fire
  • Berlin Book Burning

    Berlin Book Burning
    carrie out public context
    Nazi regime on May 10, 1933
    1000’s of titles were burned on a large pyre.
    Joseph Goebbels gave a speech to the students
    25,000 book were burned during the htat day
  • aryan law

    aryan law
    25 point party program
    Hitler's dictatorship, 1933 until the outbreak of war in 1939
    the first major law was agasint Jewish people
    Nazi leader make good on their pledge
    no corner of Germany was untouched
  • Nuremberg Laws

    Nuremberg Laws
    Reichsburgergesetz was designed to deprive Jews of their German citizenship
    This law also prohibited the employment of German maids under the age of forty-five in Jewish households
    the Nuremberg law make it more difficult for Jew to go into the public
  • Jewish name change

    Jewish name change
    the Nazi change Jewish people names to name that Hitler wanted them.
    the Nazi want them to do many thing for the Nazi like change their to other people name so that Hitler and the Nazi would know their nams
  • night of broken glass

    night of broken glass
    In two days, over 250 synagogues were burned, over 7,000 Jewish businesses were trashed and looted.
    Jewish people were killed, and Jewish cemeteries, hospitals, schools, and homes were looted
  • Jewish Star Requirement

    Jewish Star Requirement
    the Nazi made the jewish people wear a yellow star of david on their shirt so the Nazi and Hitler made wear the star
    if you had the Jewish star of david you were not aloud in some place if you were Jewish