Hitler and the road to wwii

Hitler and the Road to the Second World War Timeline

By saladom
  • Chancellor

    German people elected Hitler as Chancellor of Germany for his proposals. This was possible due to public support, for his propositions. This event’s importance is that by Hitler's rise to power, it lead Germany to economic recovery,his need for revenge for the Treaty of Versailles and the unfair outcome of WWI.
  • Withdrawal of League

    Withdrawal of League
    Hitler decides to withdraw form the League of Nations since for him the League was associated with the unjust Treaty of Versailles. Hitler withdraws because the League - includes Briatin and France- who tried to impose terms, such as disarmament, on Germany, which Hitler didn’t want to follow. This act of defience would encourage others to act alike.
  • Anglo-German Naval Treaty

    Anglo-German Naval Treaty
    Briatin and Germany signed a naval agreement which allowed Germany to have some navy thought Britain will have a bigger one. Britain had done this without informing his Stresa Front partners - Italy, and France. This brought problems between the Stresa members, which consequently lead the Italians to sing the Rome-Berlin Axis
  • Italy invades Ethiopia

    Italy invades Ethiopia
    Italy fetl the need to gain some of Ethiopian territory. Once the invasion started, Ethiopia appealed to the League for help. In the end the League - composed of Britain, France and other countries- wasn't successful in coming up with a decisive conlusion to solve the conflict. This lead to some divisions between Briatin, France and Italy which Germany benefited from.
  • Conscription reintroduced

    Conscription reintroduced
    Explanation: Hitler encouraged their country to conscript again.Significance:
    This helped improve Germany’s development, and to revitalize it’s military as well as their national pride. Even though this was the case neither France nor Britain intervened.
  • Germany Remilitarises the Rhineland

    Germany Remilitarises the Rhineland
    Hiter decided to remilitarise the Rhineland at the time becasue the British and Frech were occupied with the Italo-Ethiopian War - which had completely ended the Stresa Front between Italy, France and Britain. This was Hitler's way of setting up right the Treaty of Versailles terms. Though in the end neither Britain and France got involved, what hitler commanded was a huge gamble .
  • Germany Annenxes Austria

    Germany Annenxes Austria
    After signing the Rome-Berlin Axis with Italy, Germany planned on taking advantage of the cituation to annex Austria. While this happened Britain hoped to negotiate with Germany upon the Treaty of Versailles terms thought he was expectin the worts. In the end Britain and France did not act.
  • Hitler and Chamberlain meet at Berchtesgaden

    Hitler and Chamberlain meet at Berchtesgaden
    Hitler had previously made threatening speeches to Chamberlain. Chamberlain, later flew to meet with him in Berchtesgaden were Hitler agreed to accept a deal, for whih he had maniplated Britain into satisfying German complaints.This lead Chamberlain to persuade France and Czechoslovakia to accept the settlement over the Sudeterland Germans.
  • Europe is Engaged in an Arms Race

    Europe is Engaged in an Arms Race
    All of Czechoslovakia is taken by the Germans. This was done due to Hitler's foreign policy aim which wasn't linked to the Treaty of Versailles - it allowed him to take over non German states.This casues Britain to get worried and Conscription is later introduced in April.
  • Germany Establishes Non-Agression Pact with Russia

    Germany Establishes Non-Agression Pact with Russia
    In order to obtain Russian support at the time with Polish invasion in mind, hitler apealed to Russia and signed a pact in which Poland would be partitioned between them. This pact offered Germany a change to have more forces attacking Poland as well as a chance not to worry about Russia at the east if a war was to break out. Later on in September 3, once the ultimatum Britain had sent to Germany expired, Britain and France declared war on Germany.