History Timeline

  • 1707 BCE

    Mt Fuji (Shogunate Japan)

    Mt Fuji (Shogunate Japan)
    This event actually started two months before the eruption when Honshu was struck by a M8.4 earth quake. Then on December 16, 1707 , Mt Fuji erupted for the first time. This is important because this gave Honshu a a taste of what Mt Fuji could do and they could take the precaution that the needed to.
  • 1348 BCE

    Daughter of King Edward III Died (Black Death)

    Daughter of King Edward III Died (Black Death)
    Joan Plantagenet died on the 2nd of September, 1348. She was arranged to be married, but on her way to the wedding one by one members of the entourage started becoming sick, when the leader of the retinue became sick, Joan fled to a nearby village. There she also became sick and eventually died. This event is so important because it put the king and his nation in grief.
  • 1333 BCE

    Start of the Black Death (Black Death)

    Start of the Black Death (Black Death)
    In the year 1333 a disease started in china. This was not any disease though. It would soon kill over 50 million people over the 14th century. China was, and still is, one of the biggest trading nations in the world. This led to the black plague spreading over western Asia and Europe. I think this is the mot important event because millions of people died, therefore making it the greatest global devastation of a lifetime.
  • 1215 BCE

    Magna Carta (Middle ages)

    Magna Carta (Middle ages)
    The magna carta is one of the most famous documents in the world. It was originally issued by King John of England in 1215 as a solution to the political crisis he faced. This event is an important piece of history because it solved political problems all around the globe.
  • 1086 BCE

    Domesday book (Middle Ages)

    Domesday book (Middle Ages)
    The Domesday book was commissioned by William the Conqueror, in 1086. These were created so that kings could see what land was owned and who was owning them. The information that was gathered was recorded by hand in two over sized books. Over the time span of a year the book was completed, but William the Conqueror did not survive long enough see it finished. This event is important beacause it would soon become a way of living.
  • 749 BCE

    Koken became Empress of Japan (Shogunate Japan)

    Koken became Empress of Japan (Shogunate Japan)
    In the year 749 Shomu’s daughter, Koken, became empress of Japan. This is such an important piece of history because Koken was the last empress of Japan.