History Timeline

  • Treaty of Versailles was signed

    Caused by First World War and the fact that only Germany coud be sanctioned, as other participant countries on German's side had been taken, dissolved, or where in a process of separation.
    -Germany had to pay reparations (became bankrupt)
    -Led to the establishment of a totalitarian regime in Germany
  • Death of Carranza

    Carranza's assassination ordered by Obregon
    This signified the absolute end of the revolution, and furthered US support for Obregon
  • Obregón becomes president

    Obregon is the only hero from the Mexican revolution alive thus he had no opposition in rising to power. The Bucareli Treaty primarily allowed the recognition of Obregon as Mexico's president.
  • Inaugurated SEP

    Obregón iniciated a literacy movement and founded the SEP for educational reforms.
    It was a movement to end the iliteracy in the people.
  • Joseph Stalin in power

    Joseph Stalin rises to power and becomes one of the BIG THREE.
    Promotes the Stalinist Socialism and gains total control over Russia, producing some sort of an early cold war agaisnt communism where everyone started watching their backs before WWII
  • Mussolini becomes the dictator of Italy

    Mussolini is the first to create a Totalitarian regime in Italy and in that period.
    Joins Hitler in World War II.
  • U.S. recognition of Obregón (Bucareli Treaty)

    Through the Bucareli Treaty, Obregón obtains recognition from the US president.
  • Plutarco Elias Calles becomes president

    Promotes anti-catholic laws and takes control of Mexico's presidents after him during the Maximato. The Cristero war begins during his presidency.
  • Hitler rebuilds military and violates the Treaty of Versailles

    Hitler directly violates treaty building an army bigger than 100,000 men.
    The parania from the Europeans countries increase.
  • Hitler writes “Mein Kampf”

    A book where he describes his ideologies and future plans for Germany
  • Foundation of Bank of Mexico

    Bank of Mexico establish during Calles's presidency.
    Calles's finance secretary Alberto J. Pani managed to achieve debt relief of a part of Mexico's foreign debt,
  • Separation of state and church

    (Calles promulgates Anti-catholic laws)
    The church lose power.
  • Maximato

    Plutarco Elias Calles is the leader of this period controling presidents after him during the years 1928 - 1934. During this period he was not president himself, but it was widely known that he was pullling the strings.
  • Elected president: Emilio Portes Gil

  • Establishment of the PNR

    First major political party in Mexico.
  • Start of Great Depression (Stock Market Crash)

    Start of the Great Depression primarily in USA and then the world.
  • Elected President: Pascual Ortiz Rubio

  • Abelardo L. Rodriguez substitutes Ortiz Rubio as president

    Ortiz Rubio renounced the position as president and Abelardo substitutes him as president.
  • Hitler is appointed Führer

    Hitler rises from Chancellor to highest rank in Germany.
    Nazi party takes control of Germany. Causing the downward spiral of european tensions that would cause WWII
  • Lazaro Cárdenas is elected president of México

    Promotes Nationalization of petroleum and agrarian reforms.
  • Hindenburg Disaster

    German Zeppelin explodes in mid air due to an internal eplosion within the hydrogen chambers. German society upsets of the failure of an important German icon.
  • Establishment of CFE

    As a cause of foreign countries having all the energy market in Mexico, the federal government brought the CFE to respond t othose companies. As a result rural and marginated areas were slowly breought electricity.
  • Nationalization of Crude oil

    Because of the inerntional tensions between european countries and the need to apeace that situation, Cardenas took the chance of suddenly nationalizing crude oil, therefore US was too occupied with other things to care.
  • Francisco Franco take power in Spain

    Francisco Franco takes power through terror during the Spanish civil war "White Terror".
  • Germany invades Poland (Start of WWII)

    Germany`s expansionism had gone too far and the U.K. reached its limit. As soon as Germany took Poland, U.K. and France would declare war to Germany the next day, thus starting WWII.
  • Great Britain, France and Australia declare war on Germany

    These three countries declared war on Germany which spread the war world wide after seeing the disadvantages of Germany advansing any further non-stop.
  • Manuel Ávila Camacho becomes president

    He promoted election reform, creating new requirements that made it impossible for communists to run.
  • Initiation of National Union program

  • Operation Barbarossa begins

  • Mexico Starts selling oil in great quantities to the allies and the Americans

    Making a permanent production relationship with the US, also signing a non aggression pact with them, causing the Germans to start sinking mexican petrol ships.
  • Mexico declares war on germany

    due to german u-boat attacks on oil ships.
  • Most workers give up their protesting rights

    to “solve social and world problems efficiently”, with the help of syndicates, most workers give up their protesting rights, and accept government control, in order to help grow with the protectionist model.
  • IMSS founded

    Ávila protected the working class, creating the Mexican Social Security Institute or IMSS in 1943. He worked to reduce illiteracy. He continued land reform and declared a rent freeze to benefit low-income citizens.
  • Battle of Stalingrad (Turning point of war)

  • Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    One of the most important violations to human rights and a war-crime, the use of the atom bomb started the cold war and made it clear for the world that the UN were necessary, that the League of Nations had failed, and that human rights had to be declared and respected globally
  • Establishment of UN

  • Miguel Aleman Valdez becomes president

    His administration was characterized by Mexico's rapid industrialization, but also for a high level of personal enrichment for himself and his associates
  • Mexicanity Doctrine

    A new doctrine and political campaign pushed by the president, Miguel Alemán Valdéz, urged mexicans to consume mexican made products, this started the “made in mexico” tradition.
  • Cold War started with the Truman Doctrine

  • Apartheid

    Was a system of racial segregation in South Africa enforced through legislation by the National Party (NP) governments, the ruling party from 1948 to 1994.
  • Declaration of Human Rights

  • China becomes Communist

  • Korean War North vs South consequence of cold war

  • Adolfo Ruiz Cortines becomes president

    His most important actions were to start importing food to avoid a prize raise, the creation of the “canasta básica”, or rather, price control on a basic set of products, prohibition of monopolies, and a new agriculture program. Also, during his government, he de-valuated the peso to a 12.50 parity on the dollar to keep protectionism.
  • Joseph Stalin dies

  • Malenkov rises to power

  • First ready-to-use Hydrogen bomb

  • Suez Crisis

    Effect of the cold war and was a conflict in Egypt for the European invasion on the Suez canal.
  • Sputnik launched beginning the Space Race

    It was the first articial Earth satellite launched by the USSR and was a cause of the Space Race.
  • Laika was the first dog to orbit the earth

    It was the one of the first animals to go to space and was trained by the USSR, unfortanetly it died on the way back to Earth. was a consequence of the Space Race
  • Castro leads revolutionary movement

    Castro leads the July 26 movement which was a movement to overthrow Batista, which later formed another dictatorship.
  • Bay of Pigs invasion

    Invasion by the americans to bring down Castro's government in Cuba which was a cause of Castro's communist movement, it moved people to act against the american will with Batista.
  • Berlin Wall Built

    Consequence of cold war. It was the division of Germany by the Allies to prevent German escape to other sectors.
  • Period: to

    Cuban Missile Crisis

    It was an effect of the Cold War, deployment of nuclear missiles in Cuba almost led to complete Armageddon
  • JFK assassinated

    Consequence for Lyndon B. Johnson to take the power and a cause for desperation in the country.
  • Gustavo Diaz Ordaz becomes president

    President which signed the Tratado de Tlatelolco and fomented agraraian development, as well as oppresing freedom of speech This is one of the highest points of the PRIato.
  • Tlateloco Massacre

    It was a consequence for Diaz Ordaz's oppresion of freedom of speech and it was where students where shot to death in a peaceful manifestation in Tlatelolco. It grew out of control and the news spread through the world.
  • Olympics in Mexico

    It was a consequence for the economic development in mexico and a cause as well for the Tlatelolco Massacre
  • Luis Echeverria becomes president

    As a result from the elections, Echeverria supposedly wins and becomes president. During his time in presidency, the peso was devaluated, and the external debt grew.
  • Vietnam War Ends

    After constant and rising numbers of national protests, U.S.A. finally decides to retire from the Vietnam War. U.S. had lost its first war to communism and Vietnam ends absorbing Laos, and South Vietnam.
  • Foundation of SELA

  • Jose Lopez Portillo becomes president

  • Mexico resumes diplomatic relations with Spain.

    (Date not specified)
    Happened after the fall of the Francoist regime
  • Soviet war in Afghanistan