History timeline 2011/2012

  • Virginia and Kentucky Resolution written

    Virginia and Kentucky Resolution written
    http://www.constitution.org/lrev/kentvirg_watkins.htmWritten by James Maddison and Thomas jefferson in secret. They discussed the unsconstitutional acts of congress. Also talked about how each state can void a act by the government to be unconstitutional (the Kentucky resolutions). And also in the Virginia resolutions it is said that the states ahve a right to go against unconstitutional acts as well.
  • Hartford Convention meets during war of 1812

    Hartford Convention meets during war of 1812
    http://civilwar.bluegrass.net/secessioncrisis/hartfordconvention.htmlThe Hartford convention was a group of New england federalists that met to discuss states rights and proposed constitutional amendments. The convention took place during the war of 1812, The war of 1812 was considered to be very unfavorable to the people at this time. Delegates from the group came up with proposed amendments to go against president James maddison and his beliefs and later force him to resign.
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    http://civilwar.bluegrass.net/secessioncrisis/200303.htmlThe Missouri compromise of 1820 was a division of states and territories. As a result of the compromise, there was supposed to be a division of power between slave states and non-slave states. In the end there were 11 slave states and 11 free states, and some unorganized territories.
  • Tariff of abominations passed

    Tariff of abominations passed
    http://www.pbs.org/kcet/andrewjackson/glossary/Passed by president John quincy Adams, the tariff of abominations protected the American industries from European competetors. It protected taxes and raised the valued price of imported goods. Southerners did not approve of this and gave the tariff of abominations its name.
  • South Carolina tries to nullify

    South Carolina tries to nullify
    http://www.ushistory.org/us/24c.aspSouth Carolina while under the presidency of Andrew Jackson decided to nullify or get rid of the tariff or abominations because they were heavily affected by its impact. This was seen as a profound crisis during this time and declared the abominations to be unconstitutional.
  • Abolition of Slavery Act

    Abolition of Slavery Act
    http://http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/Lslavery33.htmThis was an act passed over seas during 1833. This act as the name implies was the act that would rid Europe of slavery. Considered to have a big impact during this time on everyone but especially younger children. Also talked about the people being paid for the loss of their property and or posessions.
  • Texas declares independence from Mexico

    Texas declares independence from Mexico
    http://www.lsjunction.com/docs/tdoi.htmAlmost overnight, Texas declares their indpendence from Mexico. The United States now had Texas as one of their own free and independent republics.
  • James Polk is elected

    James Polk is elected
    http://www.pbs.org/weta/thewest/people/i_r/polk.htmWhen James Polk started running for election he was not very known and not an expected person to win for presidency. Polk was the 11th president for the united states, He was called a "dark horse" candidate because he was not expected to beat his opponent, Henry Clay.
  • Mexican war

    Mexican war
    http://www.pbs.org/kera/usmexicanwar/The mexican war was between the United states and Mexico. This war was lead by presdient James k. Polk and started when texas was annexed and the territory of Texas was controversial because mexico considered it to be their own land. This war caused many problems for eveyone.
  • Wilmot Proviso

    Wilmot Proviso
    http://www.ushistory.org/us/30a.aspWilmont introduced a legislation against slavery in lands won by Americansfrom the Mexican American war. The legislation could not gain enough votes by the senate and was not passed. A interesting point to Privos's legislation is the fact that he was not opposed to slavery yet he came up with this legislation.
  • California enters the union

    California enters the union
    http://www.parks.ca.gov/?page_id=23856On september 9th 1850, California enters a union and becomes a free state. After signing a treaty during the Mexiacn war the United states was given California. California was admitted as a non-slave free state during 1850. The land was very popular and many people eventually moved there.
  • Fugitive Slave laws enacted

    Fugitive Slave laws enacted
    http://www.masshist.org/longroad/01slavery/fsl.htmThese were laws passed by congress in the 1850's. Essentially these laws stated that if a run away slave or fugitive was on the loose it was a marshalls job to turn that slave in or they will be fined. Also it is said that anyone that is suspected of being a slave or harboring a slave/fugitive shall also be arrested.
  • Publication of Uncle Tom's cabin

    Publication of Uncle Tom's cabin
    http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/aia/part4/4p2958.htmlUncle Tom's cabin was a slave narrative that was published in March of 1852. Was a significant part to the abolutionists fight against slavery. Novel expressed the struggles and hardships that slavery brought about. Similar to the narrative of the life of fredrick douglas, uncle toms cabin expressed similar values and meanings towards slavery.
  • Formation of the republican party

    Formation of the republican party
    http://www.u-s-history.com/pages/h141.htmlThe republican party was formed in 1854 as a result of the Kansas-Nebraska act. Large public meetings were often held and in many places as well. The goal of the republican party, was to counter act the effects of the Kansas-Nebraska act. Party was strongly influenced in its early years towards the idea of liberal capitalism. No southerners made up the republican party. Many parts made up this new republican party.
  • Kansas-Nebraska act passed

    Kansas-Nebraska act passed
    http://www.ourdocuments.gov/doc.php?flash=true&doc=28The Kansas-Nebraska act went against the Missouri compromise and brought pro- slavery and non-slavery settelers flocking to Kansas. Each side hoped for different outcomes for the laws and the newly free state. The conflict turned violent and there was a split between the North and South. These brought about many problems for the states.
  • "Border ruffians" attack lawrence

    "Border ruffians" attack lawrence
    http://www.ushistory.org/us/31c.aspLawrence the center of Kansas's anti-slavery hub during 1856. They were abolutionists hoping to rid the states of slavery. many others disagreed with this and soon more than 800 troops were marching to lawrence to attack those who were there.
  • Charles Sumner attacked

    Charles Sumner attacked
    http://www.ushistory.org/us/31e.aspCharles Sumner was attacked by Preston Brooks after a diasgreement during 1856. During this time sumner was the acting governor of Massachusetts during the attack of Lawrence. Preston Brooks claimed to take offence to the messages that Sumner was sending about slavery and rights, so on May 22nd, Sumner was beaten many times over the head with a cane by Brooks.
  • Pottawatomie Creek

    Pottawatomie Creek
    http://xroads.virginia.edu/~hyper/hns/kansas/jbrown.htmlOn May 24th 1856, the attacks of Pottawatomie Creek ocurred. John Brown and his company of free state men murdered five men along the Pottawatomie creek. Most all of the victims were in connection to the pro slavery laws. The attack came three days after the border ruffians and their attack on Lawrence.
  • Dred Scott decision announced

    Dred Scott decision announced
    http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/aia/part4/4p2932.htmlDred Scott was the first man to go on trial to sue for his freedom. This is considered to be one of the most fascinating cases of this time as many people were moved by the descision for wanting freedom. Dred Scott was outvoted and did not win the case, however it will forever be known as a one of a kind event, that is the Dred Scott case.
  • Lecompton Constitution passed

    Lecompton Constitution passed
    http://www.territorialkansasonline.org/~imlskto/cgi-bin/index.php?SCREEN=show_document&document_id=103081&SCREEN_FROM=keyword&selected_keyword=Lecompton%20Constitution&startsearchat=5The Lecompton constitution was a constitution that was created in an effort to try and control Kansas and all of the problems that they were having. Was written by those who were pro-slavery and wanted there to be slavery allowed in Kansas. In the final vote, residents of the Kansas Territory decided against the Lecompton Constitution.
  • Lincoln-Douglas debates

    Lincoln-Douglas debates
    http://www.illinoiscivilwar.org/debates.htmlThe Lincoln-Douglas debates were involving Abraham Lincoln as well as Stephen Douglas. The topic for their debates was over slavery, and was the most discussed and argued over subject that the men shared. Other people became interested in these debates as slavery was a important and involved topic during this time. Many other people found the debates interesting and coverage of the debates were held in the media or in this case newspapers so everyone could hear about what was going on.
  • Raid at Harper's Ferry

    Raid at Harper's Ferry
    http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/aia/part4/4p2940.htmlJohn Brown was the man who held the Raid at Harpers Ferry. This was more a less an anti-slavery raid, however in the end it did not work out as planned and John Brown was scentenced to death following the unsucessful raid.
  • Democrats Split in 1860

    Democrats Split in 1860
    http://www.u-s-history.com/pages/h92.htmlDuring 1860, and while the elections for president were going on there was a divide through the states as to who supported which presidential canidate. Slavery was also a part to the division of the parties, in the end there was the division of the North and South. The North became the Northern democrats who were opposed to slavery, and the south became the Southern democrats who were in favor of slavery.
  • Formation of the Constitutional Union Party

    Formation of the Constitutional Union Party
    http://www.tulane.edu/~latner/Background/BackgroundElection.htmlThe formation of the constitutional party was the formation of a fourth political party, composed of conservative members. This party was created prior to the election for president and added additional chaos to this time. The member s of this group wanted to find an end to slavery.
  • Election of 1860

    Election of 1860
    http://www.tulane.edu/~latner/Background/BackgroundElection.htmlAfter the unsuccessful actions during the Raid at Harpers ferry, there was an elecetion for a new and more successfull leader. So the election of 1860 was held to determine who the next president would be. The republican Abraham Lincoln won and would lead American into the civil war.
  • South Carolina Secedes

    South Carolina Secedes
    http://civilwar.bluegrass.net/secessioncrisis/601220.htmlIn 1860 many Northern politicians vieweed the threat to be a bluff when it came to slavery and its compromise. Time after time the South had forced political compromises by threatening to dissolve the union. In Charleston on December 20, that convention passed unanimously the first ordinance of secession.
  • Abraham Lincoln inaugurated

    Abraham Lincoln inaugurated
    http://http://showcase.netins.net/web/creative/lincoln/education/inaugural1.htmOn March 4th 1861, Abraham Lincoln was sworn into office as the new president of the United States. The inauguration was seen as a very important day as well as very important event, because it led to the later secession of the lower South of the US. Lincoln won the election in the electoral college.
  • Attack on Fort Sumter

    Attack on Fort Sumter
    http://www.us-civilwar.com/sumter.htmOn March 5th 1861, the day after Abraham Lincolns inaguration, he recieved a message from the commander of the US troops because an attack was launched on Fort Sumner in Charlestown Harbor. Attempts by the Confederate government to settle its differences with the Union were spurned by Lincoln, and the Confederacy felt it could no longer tolerate the presense of a foreign force in its territory.
  • Robert E. Lee surrenders commision

    Robert E. Lee surrenders commision
    http://http://www.sonofthesouth.net/leefoundation/LettersWinfiedScott.htmGeneral Robert E. Lee surrenders his commission as General of the U.S army shortly after the battle of fort Sumter. Lee was offered a position as the commanding general of the Union army. However, he declined this offer and returned to his home in Virginia.
  • Virginia Secedes

    Virginia Secedes
    http://www.vahistorical.org/sva2003/confederates.htmOn May 23rd of 1861, Virginia secedes and becomes a free state. Following the secession of many other states Virginia decided that they would also need to seceed in order to be free. A convention was held as to whether or not Virginia should become a free state. The conference was needed because there were conflicting ideas on what the nation should do. As we know in the end they ended up seceeding.
  • 1st Battle of Bull Run

    1st Battle of Bull Run
    http://http://library.thinkquest.org/3055/netscape/battles/bullrun.htmlThe first Battle of Bull Run took place on July 21st 1861. Was one of the most important naval battles of the civil war. During this battle, the Union blockaded Confederate cities Richmond and Norfolk from international trade.
  • Battle of the monitor and the Merrimac

    Battle of the monitor and the Merrimac
    http://www.sonofthesouth.net/leefoundation/monitor-merrimac.htmThe battle of the monitor and the merimac took place on March 8th of 1862. The battle was involving the navy and was when the USS Monitor and the CSS Virginia both met up with one another. Battle took place in Virginia on Hampton roads.
  • Battle of Shiloh

    Battle of Shiloh
    http://www.nps.gov/hps/abpp/battles/tn003.htmThe battle of Shiloh took place on April 6th, 1862. The battle took place on the Western Front and was a highly important battle for the civil war. The battle was between the Union forces as well as the confederate forces.
  • McClellan returns to Washington after Peninsula campaign

    McClellan returns to Washington after Peninsula campaign
    http://www.history.com/topics/peninsula-campaignThe peninsula campaign was a major Union offensive against the Confederate capital of Richmond led by Major General George B. McClellan in the spring and summer of 1862. He returned back to Washington after the campaign to prepare for furture battles.
  • 2nd battle of Bull Run

    2nd battle of Bull Run
    http://www.nps.gov/hps/abpp/battles/va026.htmJohn Pope launched a series of attacks on the army of General Stonewall Jackson. There were numerous amounts of casualties on both sides. Pope continued attacks despite struggles during the battle.
  • Battle of Antietam

    Battle of Antietam
    http://www.civilwar.org/battlefields/antietam.htmlWas a battle between General Robert E. Lee's forces and General George McClellan. The battle was fought in Maryland and was yet another important battle during the civil war time. The union claimed victory but the battle was essentially a draw.
  • Battle of Fredricksburg

    Battle of Fredricksburg
    http://www.civilwar.org/battlefields/fredericksburg.htmlThe battle of Fredricksburg started December 11th and lasted until December 15th 1862. The battle started when national troops started to make bridges across the Rappahannock river. Was a major river crossing battle during the civil war.
  • Emancipation Proclamation takes effect

    Emancipation Proclamation takes effect
    http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/aia/part4/4h1549.htmlThe emancipation proclamation took place in January first 1863. The emancipation proclamation was what ended slavery in the rebelling states of the South. It was a key and essential part to the civil war era, as it officially declared all slaves to be free.
  • Battle of Chancellorsville

    Battle of Chancellorsville
    http://www.civilwar.org/battlefields/chancellorsville.htmlThe battle of Chacellorsville began on April 30th and lasted till May 6th of 1863. Chancellorsville was where General Hooker set up his army's base. Shortly after fighting began between Hooker's army and the army of Robert E. Lee.
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Battle of Gettysburg
    http://americancivilwar.com/getty.htmlIn July of 1863, General Robert E. Lee's Army of Northern Virginia of 75,000 men and the 97,000 man Union Army of the Potomac, under George G. Meade, concentrated together at Gettysburg and fought the Battle of Gettysburg. This battle had the largest number of casualties and was also considered a turning point in the war.
  • Surrender of Vicksburg

    Surrender of Vicksburg
    http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/surrender-of-vicksburgThe surrender at Vicksburg took place on July 4th, 1863. Vicksburg was a small town which was located along the Mississippi and it was controlled by the Confederate army so that no Union ships could pass through.
  • Battle at Fort Wagner

    Battle at Fort Wagner
    http://www.historyofwar.org/articles/battles_fort_wagner.htmlThe battle at Fort Wagner took place at Charleston Harbor in South Carolina. Was another attack between the union and the confederates.
  • Lincoln Delivers Gettysburg Address

    Lincoln Delivers Gettysburg Address
    http://myloc.gov/exhibitions/gettysburgaddress/Pages/default.aspxThe Gettysburg address took place on November 19th of 1863. Lincoln delivered this address in Gettysburg Pennsylvania and was meant as a dedication for the soldiers who died in the battle of Gettysburg. The speech talked about the equality to all along with the significance of the battle. The battle of Gettysburg was a was a bloody battle that to this day holds significant value and historical meaning.
  • Grant Displays fighting style at Cold Harbor

    Grant Displays fighting style at Cold Harbor
    http://http://www.nps.gov/hps/abpp/battles/va062.htmCold harbor was a fight between the confederates and the union. Here at this battle Grant displayed his fighting style during the bloody fighting of this battle.
  • Atlanta Burns to the ground

    Atlanta Burns to the ground
    http://http://www.sonofthesouth.net/union-generals/sherman/memoirs/general-sherman-burning-atlanta.htmDuring the civil war time period Atlanta was a very important city. The city was important as a commercial area along with its established rail road. On September 7th of 1864 the people of Atlanta were ordered to evacuate the city as it was going to be burned to the ground. The burning of Atlanta was a victory for the Union army as it was them who burned the city to the ground.
  • Sherman set out for the Sea

    Sherman set out for the Sea
    http://www.sonofthesouth.net/leefoundation/shermans-march-to-the-sea.htmOn December eleventh 1864, Sherman sets out for the sea. This was following the fall of Atlanta and Sherman decided to move his troops to the sea.
  • Richmond (Confederate Capital) Falls

    Richmond (Confederate Capital) Falls
    http://www.civilwar.org/education/history/warfare-and-logistics/warfare/richmond.htmlOn April third 1865, Richmond the confederate capital falls. Richmond had been attempted to be captured in past failed attempts, however later in attempts the capital fell.
  • Sherman reaches Savannah

    Sherman reaches Savannah
    http://www.sonofthesouth.net/leefoundation/civil-war/1864/december/sherman-reaches-savannah.htmOn December 10th 1864, General William Sherman along with his army marched forty miles through Virginia until they reached Savannah Georgia.