History of the World B.C.

  • 235

    The 3rd Century Crisis

    Agressive Barbarians, ruled by rival armies, civil war, economic depression, and plague of smallpox. This is important because it was the beginning of the decline of rome
  • 305

    The Augustus' willfully step down

    The Augustus' Diocletian and Maximian willfully step down and the Caesars, Constantias and Galerius take power and appoint new Caesars. This is important because it shows that they were actually following the rules of the Tetrarchy
  • 306

    What about Constatine.

    The army wants Constatias son Constatine to become the new Augustus. This is important because it started a civil war
  • 306

    Constatias Dies

    Constantias of sickness one year after becoming Augustus. This is important because it doomed the Tetrarchy.
  • 306

    Galerius promotes Severus

    Galerius the Augustus of the East wants tot promote the Caesar of the west Severus to become Augustus. This is important because they actually were following the rules of the Tetrarchy
  • 312

    Battle of Milivan Bridge

    The battle over power of Rome between Constatine and Maxentius, constatine won after massacering Maxentius' trrops and Maxentius drowned. This is important because Conststatine started the coversion to Christiaity in Rome
  • 313

    Edict of Millian

    It Legalizes Christianity in Rome. This is important because it was the end of Roman paganism and the start of Roman Christianity
  • 321

    Chandragupta Creates Maurya Dynasty

    Chandragupta Creates Maurya Dynasty
    He creates a well run beaurcratic empire. Chandragupta was important because he was the first to issue Beaurcracity, secret police, and use females for special bodyguards.
  • 323

    Alexander the Great Dies

    Alexander goes out partying and gets a high fever, he eventually dies but his last words where "Leave my empire to the Strongest" but it was divided into three parts Greece, Persia, and Egypt. This important becasue it was the end of the great empire
  • 324

    Constatine moves the Capital

    Constantine moves the Capital from Rome to Byzantium, later renamed Constanstnople. Important because it signaled the huge change that was happening within the Empire
  • 325

    Council of Nicaea

    It was a Christian council created by Emporer Constatine to determine the creed of christian beliefs between Argaism and Trinity,
    It is important because they determined the date of easter and contructed a creed of christian beliefs.
  • 332

    Alexander the Great Conquers Egypt

    Alexander the Great Conquers Egypt
    Alexander and the greeks invade and successfully conquer Egypt. This is important because it brought coinage to Egypt
  • 336

    Alexander the Great

    Alexander became Ruler at age 20, after his fathers death. This is important because he conquered Persia and Babylon expanding it to the biggest empire of the time.
  • 336

    Phillip II Is killed

    Phillip was Killed when he was stabbed in the back by his lover/body gaurd Pausanius at his daughters wedding. This important because it left the empire to Alexander who would later make it one of the most powerdul empires in history,
  • 410

    Alaric Destroys Rome

    Alaric led gothic forces into rome and Destroyed it, burrning buildings ripping off statues heads. Important because it shows that romes military power has lost all strenth
  • 460

    Democracy spreads in Greece

    Under Pericles democracy starts to sprad through greece. This is imprtant because he switched a monarchy to a democracy which it is still going today.
  • 467

    Clovis converts

    Clovis becomes a christian most likely because of his christian wife. Important because it creates a powerful alliance and shapes the the future for Frankish Kingdoms
  • 475

    Romulus Augustulus

    Romulusu was disposed of at age of sicxteen and was the ruler western Europe right before Odocar became King of Italy. This is important because he was the laster ruler of the Western Roman Empire
  • 476

    Odoacer: King of Italy

    Odoacer becomes the first King of Italy after defeating Rome and taing Italy. This is important because it was the end of the roman empire and the creation of the kingdom of Italy.
  • 476

    The dark ages begin

    The dark ages was the time period after the fall of rome that lasted till the Italian Renessance. important becuase learninf stopped, life spans were not as long, and it was filled with vilolence and diease
  • 500

    Cyrus the Great frees the Jews

    Cyrus the Great frees the Jews
    Cyrus the great frees the jews, this is important because it caused the Disporsa, the spreading of the jewish people across the world
  • 532

    Nika Riots

    Blues and Greens began arguing during chariot races and then revolted against Emporer Justinian. This is important because it shows that Rome was losing control of the people and Empire
  • 537

    Hagia Sophia Is Rebuilt

    Rebuilt by Emporer Justinian after it was burned down in the Nika Riots. It was built in a different style then other Roman buildings. This is important because it shows the chnage in culture in rome, changing culture means changing the Empire
  • 563

    Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha) was born

    Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha) was born
    Siddharha was born in Lumbini, into a royal family in the republic of Shakyas (present day Nepal) This is important because he will later become Buddha and found Buddhism
  • Sep 16, 625

    Nebuchadnezzer builds the Walls of Babylon

    Nebuchadnezzer builds the Walls of Babylon
    This is important because it kept babylon from getting conquered for a long time and was one of ancient wonders of the world
  • Oct 29, 700

    Sparta and Athens are built

    This is the building of two major cities in the time period. Important because they are two major citites where wars and other events take place
  • Dec 9, 732

    Battle of tours

    The Franks and the Umayyad Caliphate fight in Tours france, resulting in a Frank Victory. This is important because it preserved Christianity in Europe
  • Oct 27, 750

    Greece's development starts

    Greece began to expand and develop, the cretaed cities and temples for their gods and godesses. This is important because it is the start of a new civilization that still exists today
  • Sep 16, 1020

    Israelites found Judism

    Israelites found Judism
    This is important because it was the first major monotheistic religion.
  • Dec 16, 1054

    Lay Investiture Controvery

    Kings feel like they should be able to hire bishops but popes say only they can. Important because it started controvery within the HRE between the church and the kings
  • Dec 17, 1085

    Pope Gregory dies in Exile

    King Henry and pope Gregory fight over who has the right to higher bishops. They fight and Gregory threatens to to excommunicate Henry, so henry "aplologizes" then rallys an army forcing Gregory into exile where he dies. This is important because it starts rallying kings against popes on the fight for power
  • Oct 31, 1250

    Trojan war Begins

    The war between troy and greece when helen was stolen from the king in Sparta. This is important because it shows the conlict between the two empires
  • Sep 19, 1400

    Hittites Create Iron-Working

    Hittites Create Iron-Working
    It introduced iron works into the world, which in turn led to tools, weapons, wars and conquering of people
  • Oct 24, 1400

    Mioan Civilization Dissapears

    The Minoans who lived on the island of Crete myseriously dissapeard theories are by volcanic erruption, tsunami, or invaders. This is important because it srill is unknown what exactly happened to the Minoan people and is still one of todays greatest mystery
  • Apr 6, 1453

    Fall of Constantinople

    The Capital of Constanstinople was taken by the the Ottoman empire, and they captured all inhabinets. This is important because the captial is taken and is known as the end of Rome as a country
  • Buddhism is a Founded

    Siddhartha Guatuama founds Buddhism, a philosophical based relgion with no gods or idols. Important because founds one of the most common nonthesistic relgion that still exists present day.
  • The Pax Romona Begins

    This is the the period in which Rome Switched from a Republic to a Dictatorship. This is important because it was the greatest time in the roman history that had safe traveling, wealth, academic achevement and culturul advances.
  • Jesus was Crucified

    Jesus was crucified on a cross to appeae Jewish Zealots. This is important because it caused christianity and judaism to split into two seperate religions
  • Caesar the Ruler

    Caesar defies Pompeys orders and brings his army back to rome and put his soilders on senate so he can make himself Dictator. He makes "Barbarians" roman citezens andcreates jobs for poor people. This is important because it was the offical end to the Republic of rome and the beginning of the Dictaorship
  • Jewish rebellion

    The jewish people rebelled against the Roman polytheistic religon. This is important because it led to jeruslism to be destroyed and the Jews to be enslved and killed
  • The Roman Coliseum is built

    The Coliseum is built for entertainment and keeps people in line. This is important because it distracted romans from the idea of rebelling.
  • The Samaritians created cuniform

    The Samaritians created cuniform
    This is important because it was the earliest and first written language in world history.
  • The perisan war

    The war between perisa and greece in whihc greece won. This is important because it showed the conflicts between civilizations and the power of greece
  • Romans settle in Italy

    The latin decendents settle in Italy creating the city of Rome. This is important because this was the beginning of the formation of a major empire
  • Phillip II taked power

    The Macedonian Leader Phillip takes power and eventually conquers all of Greece. Important because he was the first Macedonian to extend the emipre into greece.
  • The Salting of Carthrage

    The Romans salted Carthrage as an act of war. It made the land infertial. This is important because it completely wiped Carthrage off the map.
  • Theodoric Conquers Italy

    Theodoric conquers italy gaining him the tittle of the great. Important because he restores peace, and creates a law system within Italy
  • Clovis Coverts the Franks

    Clovis creates a kindom by uniting all the frankish tribes. This is important because he coverts the franks to christians.
  • Asoka becomes Emporer

    Asoka becomes Emporer
    Asoka is importatant because he was the First emperor to push Buddhism to all of India. He wanted to convert after seeing the horrors of War, making India peaceful and prosperous
  • Delian League is founded.

    The superpower team made up of Athens and Sparta, where athens still dominated. Important because it shows that two civilization trying to work together even though their rivals
  • Diocletian comes to power

    Son of the former slave , became imperial gaurd "avenges" murder of emporer become power. Starts the Tetrachy splitting the empire in half and appointing a ruler and jr ruler to each half.
  • Seige of Adrianople

    The Goths invade the Roman empire. Important because it shows that the Empire is losing its strenth and power
  • Franks Rise to power

    The franks rise to power and unit with the catholic church. This is important because it leads to the creation of a new empire
  • Clovis creates an Alliance

    Clovis needed someone to legitimize his rule so he alligned with the cathloic church who needed a strong military ally. This is important because it is a Political allience not a Religous
  • Holy Roman Empire is created

    It is not holy, roman, or even an empire. It is important because it makes the catholic church the most powerful political power in Europe.