History of the Tistahw Government (School Project)

  • Establishment of Tistahw

    Establishment of Tistahw
    An independent group from Earth colonized the planet B-12 (planet 5.12 light years away) for its abundance of mineral wealth in platinum. Through interplanetary trade, the colony became wealthy.
  • Period: to

    The Rule of Prosperity

    Through selling platinum, a few families became extremely wealthy from trade within the Milky Way. These individuals began to control the government with their wealth and thus an oligarchy was established for the country of Tistahw. Wealth still flowed into the country, and the period came to be known as The Rule of Prosperity.
  • Period: to

    Rule of Thieves

    Corruption in the government from the oligarchy caused people in the lower classes to have to pay tribute to the prominent families. These tributes further expanded the families' wealth and power in the government. This period became known as the Rule of Thieves.
  • The Citizens' Pressure

    After a hundred years under the rule of burdensome tributes to the wealthy families, the citizens began to fight against the policies enacted in the oligarchy. They pressured for a representative to speak for the people in government. Fearful of revolution, the wealthy reluctantly agreed. However, the representative had almost no power in government, so it was a little pointless.
  • The Democratic Revolution of Tistahw

    The Democratic Revolution of Tistahw
    After a few more years under the oligarchy with little to no power through their representative, citizens of Tistahw began to plan an insurrection. The Democratic Revolution occurred as the citizens were able to overthrow the forces put forth by the oligarchy. The wealthy families were removed from government power and the citizens began planning their new government.
  • Rule by the People

    After the revolution, the people decided to establish a government similar to Earth's United States.They decided that like they had done in the oligarchy, they would elect representatives to govern their country. A democratic republic style of government was developed with an elected president as the executive of the nation, a bicameral legislature called the Legislative Assembly, and a federal court system to ensure the constitution was followed.