History of Telling Time

By kkunz
  • 3500 BCE

    Ancient Babylonians

    First to use the 24-hour clock
  • 3000 BCE

    Early Egypians

    First to use a 12-hour clock system that divided dawn and dusk.
  • 753 BCE

    Early Romans

    Used a 12-hour clock that divided day and night.
  • Oct 30, 1400

    15th Century

    People started using the term "o'clock."
  • Oct 30, 1500

    16th Century

    People started using the abbreviations a.m. and p.m.
  • 17th Century

    There began to be a need to tell time more accurately.
  • 19th Century

    Many countries in the world had started using the 24-hour clock system.
  • Present Day

    The 24-hour clock system is used by the military and in travel, computers, digital clocks and watches, factories, industries, businesses, shipping, etc.